A blog with no name
I was going to answer some of the questions from the board tonight, but it will have to wait until another day. I am done. As in stick a fork in me honey, done. The dragon not only won today, but it stole my armor, sword, and horse, and is having a garage sale of used knight parts.
We spent over two hours in the emergency room yesterday. Jon’s foot isn’t broken; they don’t think. But we’ll probably be getting another x-ray tomorrow now that the swelling has gone down. Don’t ask us how he hurt the foot, because we don’t know. He’s following in his mother’s footsteps. I guess his family just has weak feet. Infantry men, they are not. He’s clumping around the house in one of those strap-on boot things. He’s using the cane that we got when he first blew his knee out sixish years ago. I promised him then if he’d do his physical therapy and get better I’d take him to England and we’d climb the Tor in Glastonbury together. He did his part, and we climbed the Tor as a family. He’s got a medallion of Glastonbury on his cane. While we were waiting for him to see a doctor, he asked, “Well, what do I get for this one?”
We haven’t come up with a mountain, or a hill, we want to climb that badly, yet. But the foot is getting better. He was actually pretty spry today. I’m going to throw snow boots and a coat over my jammies and take the dogs out. Jon will not be on yard duty for the duration. Maybe I’ll throw some sweats on over the jammies. It’s cold here. G’night folks. I’m hoping for a better day tomorrow.