A Dog always Breaks your Heart, at least once

Jul 18, 2015

I’m sitting in the sunshine on our patio listening to our water garden sing down the stones, with our pug, Sasquatch in my lap. He’s been my office dog since he was twelve weeks old. He’s fourteen years old now, and will be fifteen this summer. He’s the oldest dog I’ve ever owned from puppy to now. We had a rescue, Jimmy, that we got at age ten, and he made it seven more years, but we never saw him when his paws were soft, and he was all uncertain of the world. Jimmy was decidedly himself when we rescued him on his last day from a kill shelter. Sasquatch was all puppy uncertainty as we let him sniff his mother good-bye and took him with us in the car.    Sas helping us on game night. 
He is an old dog now, our oldendogger. I can’t imagine waking up without him in the house, but I know it’s coming. Even now his heart beats frantically against my hand, the rhythm of it is unsteady and unfamiliar. I know his heart beat almost as much as I know my husband’s, and this is not it. We took him with us to lunch and sat outside at a table with him. The four of us took turns holding him so the others could eat. Yes, he got scraps and probably got more chicken than he normally does at a meal, but that’s okay, roast chicken and a little bit of chips won’t hurt him. He’s always been a good dog, easy going, letting us use his paws to do the YMCA song by the Village People when he was a puppy. Yes, I’m that kind of dog person. If you don’t do silly things with your dogs then we are not the same kind of dog people and you may want to skip the rest of this essay, because much sentimentality may ensue.  
I wrote the above on a day when we thought Sasquatch would pass on his own, in his own time, but it turned out to be an upper respiratory infection and antibiotics helped him get better. Every day after that has been a gift, but today is the last day. Today will be Sas’s last day. He’s stopped eating, even his favorite treats cannot tempt him. Any of you that have ever owned a pug know that a pug that will not eat is a very sick pug indeed. Pugs will eat until their stomachs explode, no joke, but Sas is only taking water, lots of water. He continues to lose weight, and for the first time ever he has a wasp waist, stylish if you’re a Weirimer, but pugs are meant to be square, not round, not fat, but blocky and solid. When I pick him up now he is too light, I can feel his bones and tendons under my hands, against my arms. He is wasting away and we cannot save him.

  Our puggy boy.
We knew something was wrong, but finally got tests back a few weeks ago that is was cancer. If he’d been a younger dog we would have risked the surgery to remove his spleen and take a bigger sample of his liver, but the chances of him surviving the anthestia was very low, so we chose to treat the symptoms, but not actively treat the cancer. He’d already been losing some control of his bowels, but there are doggy diapers, not sure how he felt about his curly pug tail sticking out of the ridiculous things, but he took it like he takes most things, patiently, good naturedly, trusting that his humans know what they’re doing. I hope we do. I know we try to be worthy of the level of trust he places in us. 
His back legs have been giving him trouble for awhile, but now they are going out from under him. He doesn’t so much lay down as collapse. He woke my husband, Jon, and I up about every hour from 1:00 AM this morning. Jon got up twice, and so did I. The first time I came back to bed I put Sasquatch up on the bed, which I knew was a bad idea, but I wanted him to sleep in the bed one more time, he loves it so. By the time I could no longer sleep about 5:30 he was deeply asleep on the corner of the bed. We had two of our younger dogs with us, too. Mordor and Keiko, both Japanese chins, good naturedly went out every time we took Sas out, but this time they were solidly asleep, too, so I left them with Jon and went downstairs to start tea, breakfast, the day.
Unless the veterinarian tells us some miracle later today, I know this will be Sas’s last day, because I called and made the appointment when I got up with him about 4:00 or 5:00 this morning. His vet isn’t on duty today, but she won’t be in until Friday, and it’s Thursday, we can’t make him suffer for another day just for a different doctor to help us, it wouldn’t be fair to him.  
Jon texted me about thirty minutes later that Sas had thrown up. He’s been doing that for a few days now. By the time I came upstairs with new paper towels he’d also lost control of his bowels on the bed. Why wasn’t he in a doggy diaper? Because I knew this was his last time to sleep on the bed with us and somehow I just wanted him to be as comfortable as possible, and the diapers are for our benefit, not his, so I didn’t put it on him. I started cleaning up the blanket and Sas, Jon took Keiko and Mordor downstairs, and then came back up to help strip the bed. The bed clothes are in the washer now. Sas is asleep at my feet in my office with me, which is one of his favoritest places in the world. He’s always loved coming to work and has spent many a dawn and late night at my side while I wrote. I’ve already carried him to his favorite dog bed in the family room, and put him in his favorite bed here, but he’s chosen to lay on the floor which he almost never does. I even put a dog bed under my desk so he could use it, but he chose the floor at my feet. Keiko is in the bed, because chins are just as comfort loving as pugs. Mordor stayed in the kitchen with Jon which is unusual, because both the chins love to come to the office. Heck, the two big dogs are learning to love it, too, and there are days when I have all five dogs curled around me as I write. The two big dogs are with Genevieve and Spike in another bedroom. We all discussed it, and there’s no need for all of us to have this kind of disrupted night, but more than that we still don’t have a bed big enough for four adults and five dogs, and last night was about Sasquatch. He needed his corner of the bed, and just the little dogs, because sometimes the new bigger dogs are just too physical for him now.  

  Sas helping me write in better days.
Pugs are very stoic dogs, they don’t show pain much, so we have no way to be certain how much pain Sas is in, but he’s started staring into space in that way that some animals have when something hurts as if the pain is something they can see off in the distance, or maybe they see the end of the pain, I don’t know. This morning we carried him downstairs every time, because the stairs are beyond him now. For his last morning in the office with me I carried him up the stairs which I hadn’t had to do since he was a very little puppy and couldn’t quite manage them safely on his own. Now, as our oldendogger, he can’t manage them safely again. 
Our daughter, Trinity, is home from college, so she’ll get a chance to say, good-bye. She got to dog sit Sasquatch this long weekend past while the four of us went on a retreat. It gave her some serious quality time with Sas. The other four dogs went to the puppy spa, but we wanted Sas to be at home with familiar things and people.  
I’ll sit on the couch with him later today in his favorite spot which is a combination of mom’s lap and the corner of the couch near the arm. He’s on his third couch for this lifetime and he always chooses the same spot no matter if it’s the original green couch, or the red couch, or the new gray one. They all have arms and a spot where he can tuck himself in, so he does, with, or without a lap to snuggle into, though Trin informed me that he found her lap a suitable substitute, so maybe it’s not mom’s lap, but just whoever sits in his spot. Maybe to Sasquatch it’s never been him sharing my spot on the couch, but him sharing his spot with me, or whichever of his people was sitting in his spot. 
Tomorrow his spot on the couch will be empty, his favorite dog beds filled by the other dogs, no eager pug face waiting for treats, cuddles, pets, and to curl up beside me. We will be a pugless household, for me that will be a first in almost thirty years. I don’t know how I will bear it. 

New meds helped Sasquatch to recover himself for a few weeks after I wrote this blog. He never had another night where he threw up, or lost control of himself. He started eating again, though only soft food, and only certain foods. He liked cooked green peas mixed with his meat, not sure why, but we fed it to him, because that’s what you do. But now, we are back to him refusing all food, even cooked peas and chicken. For the first time he’s not even drinking water, so that’s it. We might find another round of miracle meds to help him limp on a few more days, but to what purpose? There comes a point with a beloved pet where you have to ask yourself, am I doing this for them, or for me?  

  One of the last pictures I took of our boy.
I’ll carry Sas over to the office one last time, because he can’t get over here by himself anymore. It’s not just stairs now, but even walking across the floor is hard for him. We’ll all say good-bye today, and this evening we’ll take him into the vet and it will done. I’m trying to be very unemotional about it all, but what I wrote earlier is very true. We will be a pugless household by tomorrow and even with four healthy, wonderful dogs remaining to give doggy kisses, beg for belly rubs, play with their favorite toys, fill the dogs beds, go for walks, its not the same. For all of you that have found “your breed”, you know what I mean. YOUR BREED, should always be in capital letters, because it is a profound bond not just to a particular dog, but to all the dogs everywhere that look like your dog. Genevieve and Spike are members of the Church of Dog, but they are new to our denomination of Pugdom. They brought two wonderful mutts into our lives, but neither of them has found “their” breed for certain. Jon, Trinity, and I have been pug owners for a lifetime, literally in Trinity’s case, and tomorrow we will not be. Japanese chins are a close second for us, but we always saw us with chins and pugs, never without our snoring, snuffling, wrinkly faced, rolling-gaited, curly-tailed, pugs. It somehow makes losing Sas feel even more awful, because there is not another pug to come home to, once we say, good-bye to our fuzzy pug boy.
The End: All five of us went with Sasquatch on the last trip to the vet. When the time came, I held him in my arms, made sure my skin was close to his nose so he would have my scent, and know for certain that I was there. He went very quickly, so fast the vet was surprised. She double checked his vitals, but he was gone, so ready to go that he didn’t even wait for all the anesthetic to be administered. She used it all, just in case, but Sas wasn’t there. He was already somewhere else, where nothing hurt, and he could be reborn to a time when he was younger, healthy, happy, his cast iron stomach back and puggish appetite back so he could be the shape a pug is meant to be which is barrel shaped. Multum in parvo, much in little, a big dog in a small package, true of every pug I’ve ever known and certainly true of our Sasquatch.    

144 thoughts on “A Dog always Breaks your Heart, at least once”

  1. Oh, Laurell, I’m so sorry.

    We lost our Bazinga the Wonder Dog about six weeks ago now. Unfortunately, unlike your Sas, she was only a few days past her 3rd birthday, but she had hip dysplasia, which developed arthritis, and the pain meds caused an ulcer.

    Bazinga was a big girl, a Dogue de Bordeaux (most ppl remember them as Turner and Hootch dogs, the Tom Hanks movie from the 80s)

    It’s hard. It’s so terribly hard. Like you, we were faced with doing what was best for *her*. All the way to the vet’s office, I kept mumbling, “I don’t want to. I don’t want to.” But, she had been so good to us, we needed to be good for her.

    I hope she was waiting to greet your Sas, and show him around. Bazinga was a good, sweet girl, and the idea of her playing with a pug like your boy makes me smile, while I tear up.

    Hopefully it’s ok, but I’m going to put the link from when we said good bye to our girl here, so you can see her for yourself.


  2. Sending good thoughts to your family. It is hard to lose a family member, and to me pets are part of the family. He did have a long life with you and a good one. Now he can run in Summerland 🙂 Blessings to you all.

  3. So very sorry for your loss. The loss of a pet – any part of your family – always takes a piece of your heart. {hugs}

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. The passing of a pet is a difficult thing but I am proud of you for staying with him till the end. I’ve done that with the last two I had to help from this world and I felt like they appreciated both me being there and letting them go when it was their time. My heart cries for him even though I did not know him.

  5. I thought for a long time about what, if anything, to write you to. In all honesty nothing anyone can say will make this better. I am so sorry for your loss and your pain. I keep crying as I’m trying to type, over a dog I’ve never met. But it’s because I’ve been there twice now with My Breed, the amazing and rambunctious Dachshund. I know how much it hurts. You are an amazing person for being able to love wet noses, adore snoring balls of fur and crave the warmth of a tiny lump in your lap whenever you sit on the couch. I hope you will one day consider letting another little squat Pug into your life. Because you are right, once you find Your Breed, your house will be missing something. And I can think of no more caring of a pet parent than you.

  6. I am so sorry Laurell about loosing Sas. I have an Old Girl that I have since she was a pup,and she is turning 13 this fall.I too have done all the silly things with Satine..dancing to music,talking for her when she looks at me a certain way…she has been by my side through good times and bad,but I can tell shes getting along in years,she can’t jump in the tub for baths (or for extra water!) like she use to…her eyes are starting to cloud over,and she has trouble hearing now. I know the day is coming soon where I will have to make that hard decision for her,and with her attitude I am sure she will let me know when she has had enough,and I will keep your words about your sweet boy in my heart about love,loss,and dogs breaking our heart at least once,when I let her go.

  7. Condolences and hugs to all. I had to make that decision for my Lilo Rose Sept of 2013. I was there with her Sept 30 as she took her last breath. Her ashes are on my mantle beside those of My Sylvie kitty. Sylvie was 19.5 yrs old, I was her person for all but the first year. She moved with me from CA to GA to ME back to CA to IL to TX to PA. When I was readying the house for another military move she let go this mortal coil in her sleep. She new a move was coming and that it meant a car ride. I have a feeling that Sas will come around on occasion. I know at least one of the cats I have had has come and slept with me one night.

  8. Oh, Laurell, I’m so very sorry for your loss. It’s always a small death to our souls when we have a beloved pet pass, like they’ve taken that part of us with them.

  9. As one of your ardent fans and a long-time pug owner and lover, words cannot express my sorrow at your loss. Although all dog owners/lovers have the loss it just seems that pug lovers have a greater bond . May your sorrow ease as your beloved friend waits for you at The Rainbow Bridge.

  10. I am so very sorry for your loss, I also have found MY BREED the french bulldog a close cousin of the pug. I wish you grace to ease your pain.

  11. im so sorry for your loss…I lost my 14 year old Lhasa Teagan 2 weeks ago. I delivered her and she was with me her entire life. Yes, I’m your kind of dog person, lol. There is a video game called Dragon Age that had a character named Bann Tegan, different spelling, same pronounciation. Every time I played that, she raise her head when they said that name. So yes, she became Bann Teagan… It hurts so bad to lose them…but I hope eventually I can remember the good times without weeping.

  12. I am so sorry. There are never enough words that can fill the hole left when our babies leave us. I am glad he had all of you with him and moved to his next adventure with love. We are so blessed to have these beautiful souls to show us what love is. I wish you much love and many prayers.

  13. Dear Laurell
    I am so sorry for your loss. I have 3 pugs and a pug jack/russell cross. Losing any of your pets is never easy, my oldest is 11 and he had a friend who passed before she reached 4 (also with cancer) never realised she was ill until it got really bad, as she played tug of war with us and our little rescued cross who was a puppy at the time until nearly the end. In fact on the Sunday before she passed on the Tuesday, she chased Max around the house with a chewed up flower pot. As she was so young, we tried cancer treatment, which unfortunately affected her white blood cells and she got an infection her little heart couldn’t take and passed at the vet, where they were treating her over night, trying to over come the infection. To say I was gutted does not truly explain how I feel that I was not there to hold her at the end. I feel guilty that she never had family to be with her, like all the other of my dogs, cats and other pets that I have had over the years have always had.
    You are so right about finding your breed, although I love all animals, the pug has won a special place in my heart.
    I wish you and your family happiness and hope that one day you may have another wrinkled face to cuddle with.

  14. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I’ve been through this with two Australian Shepherds, and have a 14 year old Aussie now, so I know the pain, too well. These dogs love us so unconditionally, that we cannot help but love them back. I know that you know, from other losses, that time will wear the pain down to a bearable level, but for now, accept the sympathy of those who understand, and try to remember that while you live, Sasquatch will never truly be gone.

  15. Hugs and best wishes to you and all of your poly family at this hard time.

    Those choices never get any easier no matter what. For me I know Jake, Shadow, Wiley & Speedy are all thankful for me making that choice in the end. I know that they & Sasquatch are all feeling better and back to enjoying life as they knew it not as it became at the end.

    Remember the good times and cherish those memories. When the time is right you will find the one befitting of your family for more pugdom and enjoyment.

  16. Just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your family’s loss. I have similar stories with my little buddies, but I am sure I don’t write as well as you. The feelings are so open and raw when they go; the silence is deafening. Everyone in your family (including the four-legged ones) are sad. They will try to make you feel better. Sometimes, you just have to find a new family member to tke up the silent space. Not to take up Sas’s space, but to give everyone and a new one someone to take care of. I sincerely hope you all will love your memories and heal as best you can. And thank you for your lovely stories!

  17. Sorry for your loss Laurell I know exactly how you feel. I just lost my baby girl about 2 months ago, she was a minuter sheltie that had my heart from the time we got her at 7 weeks old till she passed away from cancer at 12 years old. We have 6 other dogs but she was the center of my heart besides my wife and I miss her, but I know one day I will see her again at the rainbow bridge and I will have my baby girl back again, but until that day comes I just keep her in my heart. Once again sorry for your loss but like me you will see him again at the rainbow bridge.

  18. Hi Laurell,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and this wonderful tribute to Sas. As I sit her tears streaming reading about your wonderful pugboy and how you said goodbye, my little poodle terrier mix Daisy (aka Doodle) came downstairs and gave me puppy kisses. She is my first dog that is mine. The first time I have ever been a mommy and though she is only 7 I have already seen her slow down and lose a bit of the edge of her puppiness. I have said a few times that I cannot imagine what our house would feel like without her sweet little puppyface. I love waking up with her curled next to me and I completely understand you wanting Sas to sleep next to you one last time. The bond we have with our furry family members is an incredible intangible thing and I am so blessed that you shared Sas with us. I have been reading your works since high school and I know how important your dogs are to you and your family. Wishing you all love and comfort in this difficult time.

  19. I’m sorry. Losing a family member is hard and while he may have been a 4 legged member he was family and he also a coworker, companion and emotional support. Maybe he needs to be reincarnated as Nathaniel’s Puppy so eh can live on and inspire. Come on you know Nathaniel would love to have a puppy.

  20. I’m truely sorry for your loss. There is a saying in german that pugs are enchanted humans. Very true in some ways.

  21. My sweet Emma was my most recent four legged companion who left my life last fall. She was an English Bulldog, and like Pugs, a member of a fun loving yet stoic and tough breed. A friend shared this poem with me:

    It came to me that every time I lose a dog, they take a
    piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes
    into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live
    long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and
    I will become as generous and loving as they are.
    ~ Unknown

    May the happy memories of Sas bring a smile to your face and fill your heart with love.

    Love and Light,

  22. Oh bless you I know how it feels to lose a beloved dog. My BREED is Bullmastiffs who looke like huge Pugs. I must admit after reading this blog I like you, as a person so much better, even though as an author I have enjoyed all you books x

  23. I’m sorry to hear that Sas had passed on. I’m not a dog person,cats are my thing but view know how hard it v is v to say goodbye. One of my cats had kittens a few weeks back and due to complications they all died this week. Managed to dace mum as she was ill too. I’ve got two old girls who are close to the end, I’ve had them since they were 5 weeks old and they ate now 15 years old. Not the oldest I’ve had but still a good age for a cat. I like to think they visit us from time to time from spirit land. I’m sure Sas is keeping a watchful eye on you even if you can’t see him x

  24. So sorry for your loss. Though they are covered in fur and walk on four legs, pets are just as much our babies as the children we bring into this world.

  25. So sorry for the loss of your pack member, and so glad the rest of your pack is there to help each other heal from the profound loss.

  26. So sorry for your loss, I cried with and for you and I loved on my puppy just a little bit more and gave him an extra treat for Sas.

  27. I have had to help into eternal summer 2 precious family members, “katy” a choc. Lab and “tucker” a cocker spanial. I still miss them, miss Tucker’s annoying bark at everything, and Katy hogging the king size beds. We have adopted 2 more family members, Sidney and Bella, ( born on Holloween last year, Full name Belladonna” Bella, sweet bella, Sidney is a sweetheart as well. Both Border Colliles, Sidney is short hair and Bella long hair. They fill our hearts with joy, Their love helps ease the loss of Katy and Tucker, Note I did not say gets rid of, for we ( my husband and I) miss them terribly. Only time I have seen him cry, He cried with me when he took t hem to the vet, would not let me go with him. Wanted my last memories to be them in the house, playing sleeping, barking, I hear a cocker bark and I look up with the ridiculas hope Tucker is back. I know I will see them again. I will miss them till then. I know your grief. and cry with you. Katy has been gone for 5 years, Tucker not even one. ( 6 months) I still cry. I see a choc. lab and I cry a little cuz not her. I know they are with my mom ( who spoiled dogs riduclasly, even while she scolded us for slipping treats under the table, And I am sure she is slipping them treats as often as she can. cuddling and playing with them.) Good night sweet sir, wake up new and renewed, no pain, with all your puppies joy and vigor for ever.

  28. I’m so sorry for your loss. Yes a dog always does break your heart but life wouldn’t be worth living without one in your life. Like Sas our last Brittany also was so sick and ready to go it didn’t take much medication. She seemed almost relieved and embraced death. We took time to grieve and now have a happy bouncing Brittany puppy. I hope there is a pug puppy in your future. Hugs.

  29. Oh no! I am literally sobbing right now ans my husband is very concerned. I am so sad for you and your family. I had a pug years ago who was my baby before I had babies. His name was Petey and I loved that pup like no other animal I’ve ever had. In 1998, he was two years old and I had found out the day before that I was pregnant with my first child. I brought both my pups (he had a Beagle sister named Cluless) to the vet for routine checkup and shots. Petey event first and when I took him down from the table, he stumbled and promptly threw up. He was having a reaction to the shot he received. The doctor quickly gave him an antidote shot and to be on the safe side wanted to keep him overnight to observe him. Saying goodbye to that wrinkly face was tough. Holding my beagle up so she could give him kisses was worse. I thought I’d be spending one night without my boy, but alas…Petey passed away that night. Clueless and I spent the next three weeks together, inconsolable on the couch. I had lost pets before and it was sad, but this…..this showed me the meaning of being broken hearted. I am with you in the pugs are definitely MY BREED, but have since been unable to let another pure Puggie into my life, both for fear of losing another Puggie love and possibly not being able to love it like I loved Petey.

    Again, I am so sorry for your loss, my heart hurts for you. I am sending a big warm hug to you, because what else is there that can be done when you lose a little piece of your heart. Xoxo

    A fan forever…Kimm

  30. I am so sorry about your sick baby it is so hard to loose one I am sure most of the people here have had similar times in their family. My little ones were Cats but it doesn’t matter , it still a family member It is so hard to have to make that terrible decision..I had to do it twice and never want to do it again…..My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family…

  31. I am sorry you had to say goodbye to your little guy, i thank you for sharing that little piece of your journey with us.

  32. Laurell, I’m so sorry for the loss you and your family are going through right now. Yes, Pets do break your heart at least once in your lifetime. I myself have had mine broken more then once, and yes, I keep going back for more, because there is nothing like the sloppy kisses, the adoring looks, or all the personalities that go along with them. They say time heals a broken heart, but it doesn’t stop you from thinking of them, and wishing for just one more day. My thoughts are with you and your family in this sad time in your lives.

  33. Reading this made my eyes prick with unshed tears. I, myself am by far and large a cat person. That said, I have found my breed as far as dogs are concerned and it is Australian Shepards. At the moment my home does not offer the space needed for my beloved breed so I admire them in other places. My heart goes out to you and your family. Letting go of a beloved furry family member for their own benefit and not to be selfish and keep that pain at bay for a little longer is singularly one of the most difficult parts of pet-ownership to face. They are your children. They are there in every aspect of your life from the moment you bring them home. The difference is: These children love you with the trust and devotion a toddler does. These little furry children never grow up. They never move out. They never develop “lives of their own”. YOU and your family ARE their lives and one they are always enthusiastically happy to be a part of it all. I offer my sincerest condolences and I know that your little four legged love found his way over the rainbow bridge; probably with your scent fresh on his nose and the memories of all that love leading him safely to the other side. In honor of your Sas I wil liht a candle, and hope with all my heart that in thi pain you also find solace, hilarity in memory, peace, and most of all? Love. Sometimes love hurts, but it also strengthens. Brightest blessings to you all, and to Sasquatch: now your wings are free. Fly free.

  34. What you say is so true. Our dog breed are Shelties. Our first one Raggs we lost to cancer in his sinus. He was 14. I took him for his last ride and was by his side. Our second Shelty, Buddy was 9 years and started doing what Sad was. No appetite, etc. It wasn’t until we said one morning that we couldn’t put him through this anymore and we took him in. Buddy went quickly too. We found out after he was cremated that he had liver cancer. My mother passed away about 4 months before and I figure He’s with Mom getting hid butt scratched. Our new puupy is a Miniature Australian Shepherd and she is wonderful but a different personality. Hope all your wonderful memories help in this time of loss.

  35. Even though you know that losing them will be the price that you pay for loving them, it is still worth it, although that’s probably hard to see right now. We lost our old girl at 14 1/2 and our old boy at 15 1/2, good ages for Labs. But we still miss them, years later. Hopefully you can take comfort from the fact that you gave him everything a dog could need or want, including a peaceful passing. *Offers a hug.*

  36. i just want to say that i am so sorry for the loss of your beloved puppy. my heart breaks for you and your family. the love you feel for him was very obvious in every word you wrote and brought tears to my eyes. im sure he loved you just as much as you loved him.

  37. Laurell, I am so sorry for your loss! I know your pain. I am about to go through it for a second time with my dog, Tiny. First time was with my 20 year-old cat, Dusty. But his was sudden and Tiny’s has been longer. He is a mix–Beagle and Dachshund. He used to run up and down steps and now has problems even walking. I will miss him so much when he goes because he has always been “my” dog. I hope the love of your family–2-legged and fur-babies–help you through your loss. I know that none can replace Sas, but maybe someday a little rescue pug will roll into your life. {{{{HUGS}}}}

  38. Watching a family member get ready to cross the rainbow bridge is as hard as going on after they have crossed. Many blessings to you all for giving Sasquatch a joyous life and end.

  39. Growing up we had Beagles and Dobermans. I have found my personal BREEDS to be Snuggle Bull (Pit/AmStaff) and German- Shephardish Mutt. I lived only one year of my 41 on this earth without a pupadoo in my home and it was hell. The pain of losing each of my dogs was so deep and terrible, truly heartbreaking. But nothing compared to the emptiness of my home without the unconditional love of my furred familiar. Sas has joined Poopie, Sarge, PeeDee, Rocky, Missy and my beloved Merlin across the Rainbow and will be there waiting for us with snuggles and slobbers. HUGS to all and Blessed Be.

  40. I am so sorry for your loss. I had a pit and he had cancer in his mouth. He was 14. Like you we gave him the best last days of his life. He liver 8 months after he was diagnosed. Like you I knew when I had to say goodbye. I held him in my arms and he to when without and fuss very peaceful. God bless you and your family. Says has gone over the rainbow bridge and I know my love Max was there to greet him. I also have a pug her name is Bella and she is 13 and don’t want the day to come when I have to let her go. Rest in Peace sweet Sas. Run free and without pain.

  41. I’m so sorry Laurell, for your loss. My love to you and the family on the loss of your beloved dog.
    Thankyou for writing this. It has brought back to me so clearly the last pain/love filled days of losing any of my dogs. and although I have tears falling down my cheeks, my heart is still full of my love for them. Thankyou for reminding me.

  42. My condolences.. Yesterday was 1 year since we had to put down our golden retriever down because of tumor.. He also stopped eating, surgery didn’t help and medicine too… We waited until we saw in his eyes that he decided to give up.. More sad was that our son for whom we got this puppy as a first birthday present was at a camp and didn’t get chance to say goodbye. Pets become huge part of your life especially after 13-14 years… In some ways even better than humans. Your pug had a good life to the end. Let that comfort you too.

  43. My heart goes out to you! We just buried our beloved black cat, Bailey, today. When you wrote “YOUR BREED”, I knew exactly what you were talking about! My breed is auffenpinschers. We lost our beloved auffenpinscher, Mowgli, 4 yrs ago. I’m just now at a place where I’m ready to have another join our family. Tonight as we say goodbye to our Bailey, we will offer up words for your Sas as well. Maybe they’ll meet up on the road to the Great Beyond.

  44. My heart to yours, Ma’am. My “breed” are/is miniature schnauzers. And I too have what I call my old man. I carried him home in one hand, and will probably have to carry him to his final rest that way too. He’s going on 17 this summer, and I get a feeling of dread when I look at him. Call me a coward if you must, but it would shatter something in me to come home and find that he’d passed on. I’m terrified of it. So I love Tuffy when he wants it, feed him soft food because his mouth is sensitive, and love him until he decides to move on.

  45. Sending good thoughts, prayers and energy your way! I remember burying my dog after we had to put him down; it was cancer like your Sas. I still cry to this day. It gets easier; we all know this, but that doesn’t make the pain or memories any less real. Cuddle hard tonight, and give yourself a little self-care.

  46. I understand exactly what you mean. Our breed is SHIH-TZU. A small bit of light left me and went with my Oreo and that little aching void is a now a pleasurable pain reminding me of the joy of loss. Creation has a price, as all good things must. Friendships, human or otherwise, are creations that bond you and expand you beyond yourself. Their price…the pain when they must physically end but, their benefit is eternal.

    My sincere condolences,


  47. So sorry for your loss. Our animals are children. The loss is just as great! Sending positive energy and happy thoughts to you and your family. RIP Sasquatch!

  48. So sorry for your loss x I have not the words to convey my sympathy for you and all your family xx

  49. Aww Laurel so sorry for your loss and that you went though that. It seems to be the saddest part about having fur babies. My parents and I recently went through this with a 17 year old cat of ours. I would pick him up and he was so light and I could feel his bones, it scared me. I had to be away at school when he passed, still caused me to cry my eyes out for over a day. Hugs and warm wishes sent to you and yours hun.

  50. Laurell, your story has tears running down my cheeks. I had to put my beautiful Meg to rest after having her for 15yrs. You are right, coming home to a house without a pug is so terribly hard. She was deaf for the past 2yrs, but somehow she knew when I was pulling into the driveway. She would bark such a happy, joyfulness that I was home. She would sit next to me where ever I was…sleeping, reading, watching tv. Even though I have 2 other beautiful girls to keep me company, my house is quiet when I come home, as neither of them bark…It has been only 3 1/2months…and I still miss her beautiful face every day. We have a German Shorthaired Pointer, and a Boston Terrier, but I still long for a pug.
    I am so sorry for your loss.

  51. Laurel/Jon,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Loosing your dog is like loosing a piece of your heart. My BREED has been German Shepherds since I was married 30+ yrs ago. As a large breed dog, most do not live beyond 12 – 13 yrs. I was lucky that 4 of the 7, I have had made it to 12. And I know each of them will be waiting for me at the rainbow bridge with my husband, when my time comes. I pray that God will send you his peace and help to ease your pain.

  52. I’m so very sorry for your family’s loss of SAS. I cried my way though the post. I’m also a pug mamma of two pugs Rayne would be the olden pug and thunder is the young one so I can understand what you are going though . My heart truly breaks for your family .

  53. I’m so sorry. I lost my Lilly this past Sunday after 16 amazing years. She came into my life by accident, literally, she was hit by a car in my neighborhood and my boyfriend and I took her to the vet. From that moment she was mine and that’s how I found my breed. I remember knocking on my neighbor’s door and telling him I had his dog and wanted to keep her. I was terrified he would want her back but thankfully he let me have her.
    She was my baby, best friend, constant companion and always there for me.
    I picked her ashes up today and brought her home for the last time. The empty bed, her favorite spot on the floor, may be filled by my other dog but my heart knows they are empty.
    So, so sorry for your loss.

  54. So sorry for your loss. We just went through the exact same thing with our loving Great Dane Diesel. Tears flow and the heart breaks, just a little. Big hugs for you and your family.

    1. So sorry for your loss. Could not read this without a handful of tissues. I lost my baby April 1st 2014 after almost 13 years with him. He was a big part of our lives as your baby was. I hope you find comfort with your family at this time 2 legged and four.

  55. Goddess bless the 4 footed and 2 footed in your household. May She lessen the pain but increase the love.

    For those who haven’t found YOUR BREED yet I suggest going to the library for “Why We Love The Dogs We Do” by Stanley Coren. It has a really great quiz which matches personalities. Loved it.

    1. My breed is Rottweiler & my baby passed of cancer last year. He died at home, the day before his vet appt to be put to sleep, sparing me the pain of that. His journey was quick 10 days from diagnosis to death yet it was heartbreaking for me. I cannot imagine your family’s pain. God Bless you all.

  56. I never met your Sasquatch. I never petted him, walked him, fed him, or cared for him but over your many posts I feel that I got to know him. Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us and I grieve for you and your family who obviously loved this dog and made his life here happy. My condolences and happy trails Sasquatch

  57. I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard to let your baby go. But your strength encourages me for the hard decision I will have to make to put down my daughter’s beloved mutt when the time comes. He isn’t as old as Sas, but is our oldendogger and has heartworms. I will think of you as I hold him as he breaths his last.

    May you bask in the warmth of your memories of your loved one as he basked in your love.

  58. So sorry for your loss but thank you for sharing. We are at the beginning stage of the end for our almost 13 year old English bulldog. We are trying to wrap our heads around it. He was our first baby. We had human kids after him. He is peeing in our bed and elsewhere. Sometimes not eating and he does that spacey thing that I think is canine dementia. He still has pretty good days much of the time still so we are not at the end yet. I wonder how we will know when it is the right time.

  59. Laurell, so sorry to hear that Sas crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but at least hes out of pain now. You got 14 good years, I have giant breeds, so my Mastiff is only 3.5 yrs old and is already middle-aged. As a trainer, Ive become mostly immune to oversentimentality when it comes to animals. I keep a naturalist perspective instead. But my Neo, Apollo, will be gone from my world within the next couple of years, and I will definitely be feeling that loss deeply. My condolences for your family.

  60. I am so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine what you all must be going through. He was your furry child, part of the family. I have had my Max, a maltese, since he was 7 weeks old. He will be 10 this coming October. Though he is still kind of young, crazy, fun loving dog, the thought of loosing him has been creeping into my mind lately, cause he is getting older. I would be a mess, i would need to take bereavement days at work, because i would not be able to function.

  61. I am truly sorry for the loss of your beloved Sasquatch. Blessings to you and your whole family <3

  62. What you say about your breed is so true. I had a boxer growing up. She mothered all the kids on our street and half the adults too. She protected us and taught us how to play. When she went I lost about 10hours of my life. I have no memory of coming home from the vet and telling my parents what I had had to do. The next thing I remember after leaving for the vets with my dog is coming too the next morning in my car in the drivveway with an empty tank. It was full when I left for the vet!! I don’t know where I went or what I did but it took me fromabout 6:00 PM to about 10:00 AM the next day. I feel for you and wish you well.You will NEVER replace this dog. You may Hopefully find one that you like and bond with as well as you dod with Sas but you will never replace her. She is unique in your life and always will be. All my condolences to you and the rest of your family.

  63. So sorry…I had my own pug die in my arms as I was about to take him to the vet. Losing any pet is difficult and even more so when you need to make the decision to ease their pain. Hugs to you, Jon and Trin and may the wonderful memories you have of Sas keep her always close…

  64. So sorry for your loss. We lost our 15yr old Miniature Schnauzer last year & our Beagles still look for him when I come home. Our Fur Babies are the ones who listen no matter what is said, will stay way past when everybody else has gone to bed and make the worst day better with kisses and tail wags. remembering the good times thru the tears helps some.

    1. I, too, am a pug person. My Dahlia was 23 hours old when she chose me. I visited her at the breeder’s every chance I got and the day I brought her home she looked at me as if to say “well FINALLY!”. To say she is spoiled would be an understatement. I share a bond with Dally that even my husband doesn’t try to compete with. LOL. At the moment, Dally is asleep at my feet on one side, and BamBam (My gentleman pug) is asleep on the other, and the soft sound of snoring comforts me as I read this page. Laurell, my heart breaks for you tonight, and I send you comforting energy as you get through the next while without Sas. Dally is expecting puppies next month, and if you are anywhere near Athens Georgia, you are invited to visit and receive an entire basket of puppy love.

      Bob, thank you for your comment as well… pugs do offer a strong bond that I’d never felt with any other breed.

  65. The Rainbow Bridge

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.

  66. I am a member of the Church of Cat, and last September, we made the decision to let our kitten of 23 years, whom I had had since her birth, who outlived her children, go. I feel your pain. We have been catless for almost a year, but a couple of weeks ago, a beautiful cat arrived in our backyard and is their still. Perhaps she has chosen us.

  67. Well this made me cry, our dog broke our hear too a month ago. They don’t mean too, but I also know what you mean about Your Breed. At least he was in your life and you his.

  68. Laurell and family,

    Tears fall in a gentle waterfall
    Because every love let go to the times beyond
    sow the seeds of memories
    which are nurtured through the salt of tears

    May the memories of Sasquatch flourish, and may they ease your way through the pain of your family’s loss of the gentle gift of puppy love extended through the years.

  69. I read your sad little blog with tissues in hand. I can’t imagine your sorrow at losing your little man. My two chihuahuas are my children now that my human children are grown. But my third companion is old, nearly 16, and slow and blind and deaf. He’ll decide to leave soon I think but on a good day, he still tries to put some pep in his step, and he still enjoys a good meal. The house won’t be the same when my Spike (yes, Spike!) decides to leave.
    My condolences to you and your family, both human and furry.

  70. So sorry for your loss. It’s such a hard decision to make, even though you know it’s the right one . Send comfort vibes to you and all the family.

  71. I’m so sorry for your loss. I too am a pug lover. My little girl is named Ruby, I can’t imagine your pain. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  72. It’s been a year and some since I had to take my father’s Rottweiler to the vet for the last time. And every time I visit, there is a emptiness that is physical. You were his people, and you did right by him. You will miss him and that is as it should be.

  73. I am so sorry for your loss. I too am a pug lover, my little girl is Ruby. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  74. Laurell, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of Sasquatch. While my family has never had dogs, we’ve been pet owners (cats) for decades. We’ve lost a few- and it’s always heartbreaking. They’re little pieces of fluffy/furry love that are there to give comfort and joy, so it’s awful when you have to make the choice to end their pain. But it would be worse to let them live in pain with a diminished quality of life. I’m glad you have your family to surround you with love and memories of your pug. Sending love & prayers for peace and comfort in your time of grief.

  75. I lost both my 10 year old boxers a few months ago. One in january, a stoic fighter of Insulinoma and then after she passed, 4 months later my male with neurological issues that juse poped up. They had been with me since they had puppy breath and teeny paws. My girl I had since she was 4 weeks. My Nani walked in the house wobbly and I thought she was having a Hypo and she was gone in 10 minutes. My boy, on his last day, all 90 lbs could not stand. They had been with me almost since there birth (met my girl when she was days old. It is so hard still every day, the loss off family.

  76. I am so sorry for the loss of your dog. Pets are so special and hit places of our heart that nothing else can. I completely understand the pain of that loss. I can say a lot of comforting words,but I know that right now nothing feels comfortable, but I am very sorry that you have a dog shaped hole in your heart right now.

  77. Life wouldn’t be complete without our pups. They are more than just loving companions, they are family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Sas was one very lucky pup to have such great humans. Love really does make the world go ’round and if everyone could love each other like our pups…well, seems to me it would solve a whole lot of problems in this world. Y’all take care of each other and give your fur-babies some extra love from the Reeves Family.

  78. I bought a pug stuffed animal from Hyvee planning to someday go to one of your readings or signings so I could give it to you. It reminds me is Sasquash. I’m so happy he was a part of your family. I know you loved him! So sorry for your devastating loss!

  79. I am so sorry hon I just put my 13 year old collie down because he was to sick and old it shattered my heart to lose him

  80. Sorry to hear about your puggle. Mine are both sitting under the computer one is scratching she has bad skin allergeries and the other one is trying to lick her all the time. I can’t imagine not having them they are bloody naughty yet they can be your best friends. Mine are still young, Ivy the fatty fawn one is 4.5yr & Jack the black one is 4 and they drive me insane unless they are sleeping. Remember all the good time

  81. There are no words that really comfort, we just went through the same thing with our Shayla, she was an Akita/Shepard mix but the most gentle dog you ever saw. She got an open sore on her hind leg which took forever to heal and by the time she got better it only lasted for a few months. She just stopped going out and would not eat, we even tried to take her out around the yard with assistance. Nothing sadder than a once active dog that won’t move, finally she stopped eating. We realized her quality of life was gone and not letting go was just making her feel worse but she never ever looked like it, she was very stoic. All the care givers at the Vet office we had loved her and some of them cried with us when she passed. You are never prepared for something like this, you just keep moving forward and in time feel better, I am grateful for all the good things she brought to our lives, she kept my wife sane when I deployed and gave my daughter a sort of sister to grow up with, she gave us much more than she ever took. Sending love and hugs to all your family.

  82. I am so very sorry you’ve lost your buddy. I agree with you. Everytime a friend leaves, they take a piece of your heart with them. We are going through EXACTLY what you did, right now. We have a very old, half St Bernard. She’s 15 which we’ve been told is way old for that type of dog. Got her when she was just ready to leave her Mother. She’s been a huge help to me and didn’t really even have to train her. I have physical issues. When I was in my garden and got stuck and couldn’t get up, I could always rely on her to get up and come over and allow me to use her as a kind of crutch, to get up. She’s been an amazing friend to the family. We have to lift her to get her up now, her hips and back legs don’t work well. The bathroom issues are being taken care of about the same as your little Sas’es were. We know there are no more weeks left, it’s down to days. And she’s going to for sure, break our hearts when she goes, so I do know personally every word you said was true. Anja isn’t “our breed”, we’ve had several different kinds. Loved them all, broken hearted when they left. When the time is right, get another pug. Your Sas would not want you pugless

  83. I’m so sorry for your loss. I recently lost my staffy to cancer a couple of weeks ago, and miss her terribly. Been in floods of tears reading your good bye to your beautiful boy. It struck a chord in my heart made me remember my beautiful girl. Your right though regardless how many dogs you have and I only had the 2 the house feels empty without them I still miss her claws clicking against the wooden floors, I miss being happy to come home to her and her big grunty cuddles no other dog sounds the same as a staffy. But like you we can take solace in the fact they are happy once again. Thank you for sharing your experience it was very brave and although I’m in tears now, it’s good too think about her cuz the good times make me smile so thank you.

  84. I finished your story, with tears in my eyes, as I stared at my two pug babies asleep on my office floor. At 34, I have been a pug owner for 22 years, and each lose broke my heart. From evil neighbors that drive too fast, to cancer that sneaks into their system to poison their love of food, to heart problems that steal their energy. I have been blessed to be able to face each lose in my own home. Words can not express how sorry I am that your family had to make this decision. A decision that cuts to the heart as painfully as weather or not the plug should be pulled on our human peoples. Our puggie peoples deserve the same respect and caring that those bi-pedal loved ones get. You are a strong woman to face this moment of pain. From personal experience, I have always found that a new pug added to my life helps to ease the tears. My new babies have never replaced the one I lost, but they had managed to heal a part of the whole left behind. They are the reason I can smile, though little reminders can still bring me to my knees. And as a person with Multiple Sclerosis, they help to keep the stress in my life to a minimum and force me to get out of bed, on those days that feel like ignoring the world would be a good idea. I am glad that you at least have other dogs around, and so sorry that you have lost one of your four-legged peoples.

  85. My heart is breaking for you all. I’m glad though, that Sas isn’t hurting anymore. I’ve said goodbye to a few furry family members over the years. It never gets easier. My thoughts are with you all.

  86. I’m so sorry for you Laurel. I am a Corgi person, and my current companion Argus-the-Wonder-Dog is 17 years and 9 months old. I dread not only saying goodbye, but my biggest fear is that my desire to keep him with me might mean that I don’t let him go when I should. I hope I can be as brave as you are. Farewell Sas, we’ve loved reading about you.

  87. Laurell I am so sorry 4 u & ur families loss. We lost a 3 of our “kids”, 2 dogs & a Turkish cat) inside of a yr & it was devestating so much so that we still haven’t gotten anymore pets in 2 years, we needed time to grieve. We still miss Katy, Benny, & Tommy but they r forever in our hearts. Look up the rainbow bridge in Google & it is a really nice poem/essay that may comfort you (it did me). Again, condolences & love on those wonderful Chins!!

  88. My sympathies and lots of hugs. It wasn’t a dog that broke my heart but a horse. It was a 32 year love affair that ended far too soon in March. Much like with your boy, there was not feeling well and picky eating and then no eating at all. Final diagnosis out of everything said renal failure and I knew where the line was that I would not cross. His ashes are in my living room, where he would have loved to have been in a tin that makes me laugh. We are all better off for knowing and loving an animal in ways that loving another human just can’t not replace.

  89. Not a dry eye as I read about your loss… My most sincere and heartfelt blessings to you and your entire family… I always say *paw prints in your heart*… Sas will always be with you… Never forget that, they come into our lives and capture our hearts and mind… But they are always there someway…
    Blessed Be

  90. Hugs so glad that you could all be there to say good bye even just catching the small snippets of your life you share i knew he had been a big part or your life when my hubby told me and just wanted to share hugs with you all.

  91. I came to your page today to find the reading order for your books. What greeted me instead was a sad, heart wrenching blog, that made me sad and happy all at the same time.
    I am so very sorry for your loss. I also belong to the Pugdom and have been blessed to be loved by two Pugs in my adult life. The first gave me the same experience you’ve had to go through and so I know all too well the pain you are feeling. Pugs are a special breed. They were bred to love and bring happiness to those around them. And it sounds like Sas was one of the best at his job. You were a lucky woman to have the love of a great Pug.

  92. I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose a furchild. I recently had to put down my girl we rescued as a puppy. She was a mutt not a pug. She lived to 18 years when I had to made the decision. Her liver stopped working. So, remember all the love your baby provided to you in those times you miss him.

  93. So sorry for your loss, we have recently lost to fur babies in a year and its like ripping stitches out with no pain meds raw and powerful. I always say when they are here they give us a piece of their soul, when they leave they take a piece of ours with them.

  94. I like to say that everyone has their “legendary dog”. The dog in their lives to whom all other dogs are measured against and found wanting. Mine was a black lab named Shardik. Years later just thinking of him can bring tears to my eyes. I’m sure some day I’ll have another dog who is a part of my family as he was, but I can’t imagine that dog can be such as Shardik.

  95. I’m sorry for your loss. I know how you feel, though mine was a cat. I lost him after nine years, had him from the age of 7 until 16. He was lost to Kidney disease and was my first ‘pet’, he was my best friend so I never consider him a pet. My family and I then lost my dad’s cat back in 12. She died of kidney disease, but hers was quicker due to the fact that she only had one working kidney to begin with.

    They do leave their marks on us. But, I also feel that they watch over us and when the time is right, they will point us where we need to be or who we need. I now have two others that I’m certain my cat pointed me to, but he’ll always be there. And I know that Sasquatch is in a better place and will still be watching over you.

  96. All love no matter how big or small should be enjoyed, and cherished. And it’s loss mourned. I hope the love he left keeps filling your hearts, always.

  97. So very sorry for your loss, Laurell, Jon and Trinity. I’m glad that you all got to spend time with Sas before he passed, and that you all have each other, and Spike and Gen, to share the sorrow. You’ll run with him in the Summerlands again someday. Big hugs!

  98. My heart goes out to you. I had to put our chow retriever down because of her age and cancer and it broke my heart. We now have two rescue pugs and when the time comes for them I don’t know what I’ll do – they are my drooling, snoring, snorting lil buddies

  99. On St. Patrick’s Day this year, our beloved Mocha took his last breath. The day before my son, who is five and spent his whole life with Mocha, laid down as he always did beside Mocha to get kisses. I knew the end was coming when Mocha would no longer kiss him, I got out the camera and snapped their last picture together cuddling. It had been almost a week with me trying to get him to eat and finally he refused even water and would not move. Just before my mom came home from work he looked up at me as if to say goodbye and laid his head back down. Not even ten minutes later my mother came home touched him, called his name and told me he was gone. I understand how you feel and hope that you’ve found peace even with missing Sas now. I hope that your family well.

  100. May you see Sas in the Summerlands! My heart aches for your lossand I couldn’t stop tears from flowing down my cheeks. I have been where you are more than a few timesand I, too, also held my fur children as they passed. My sincerest sympathies to you and your household.

  101. My Drake is 14. He is a chihuahua/terrier mix and he is the dog. We have 6 more but he’s the one. Also had him from a puppy. I cried so hard for what you went through. ::HUGS:: Thank you for sharing a little of your Sas with us.

  102. Sasquatch will be waiting for you when your time has come, The Rainbow Bridge isn’t just for animals but for those who loved them and were loved in returned. I’m sorry your friend’s time came but he went in your arms, smelling your scent knowing only that home was where he was. Blessings for his final journey and for your family both 2 and 4 legged while you learn to live without Sasquatch..

  103. So sorry for the loss of your FurBaby, Sas! I have a Porky & a Chihuahua that are my FurBaby & shadows. Thank you for sharing your life with us! Our prayers are with you all! Love, Light, God Bless & Love You Bunches!!!

  104. I’m so sorry for your loss. He’s over the bridge waiting for you. He’s pain free, and doesn’t know a bad day anymore. I know how much it hurts to lose one. It’s been almost two years since we lost our last German Shepard, Kinder. She was a Christmass present for my dad, though she came to claim and love us all. After my half Shepard passed over; whom I had from the moment she was born until she hung on to say goodbye until I returned from overseas; Kinder was never the same dog. She had lost her best friend/mother. She fought hard till the end not wanting to leave us without another Shepard to keep us. We’ve been dog less since; I haven’t had the strength to get another dog yet (I had lost my Husky through my divorce). I still hear empty echos and look for those ears and tail. It never gets easier but I hope your loss is soothed by those still in your house. And who knows, Sas may send you a dog when you least expect it.

  105. So sorry for your loss. I have held babies while the vet helped them on their journey to the Rainbow Bridge. My Poodle, Charlie, is an oldendog too. He will be 17 the end of August. He wears a weenie wrap because he has trouble with incontinence. Sasquatch is running free at the Rainbow Bridge like he was that puppy again waiting for the time when you join him.

  106. My heart breaks for you and yours. Sasquatch had a great life and was clearly well loved. I hope you find comfort in your memories and the knowledge there’s no more pain for your pug.

  107. Sending comforting prayers. Even though it is true that knowing your pug isn’t hurting anymore, these painful goodbyes steal the comfort from simple truths. Sad day indeed.

  108. I am so sorry for your loss, my breed is Toy Poodle I lost my Dylan just before last Christmas he was 19. I have been very blessed in that my last 2 dogs have both been 19 when they left the family. I know what you mean about making the choice I had to make it for the last 2 of mine Dylan and the one before him Misty, are you just medicating them for you because you don’t want them to go? I have Paddy still with me and he is 10 still running and playing like a pup, but still 10. I hate it when people who have lost a dog say they are not having another dog as its to painful when they pass. What does that say about this animal that has given you unconditional love for years where they not worth a little pain and grief. I think that if you have more then one dog in the family it does make it a little easier as the house is not so empty and you don’t feel so lost but that doesn’t mean it hurts any less or that you don’t miss them. that is just my opinion, my thoughts are with you and your family.

  109. I’m sorry for your loss. Pets occupy a special place in our lives, and losing one is always hard.

  110. I am so sorry for your loss. The timing is odd because I have to make that phone call to the vet this week. My baby is 14 and suffering. Even through your grief, you have no idea the strength you’ve given me, now and through these years past. I survived a severe domestic violence situation and managed to get my 3 kids out as well. We were to be executed on Memorial Day, the last day of school 9 years ago. It may sound trite, but Anita and all of her dysfunctional extended family were with me all the way. When I could escape into her world, it made me stronger and gave me hope. While well worn, I still have my Anita collection. I just wanted to thank you for loaning me courage when I most needed it. My prayers and sympathy to you and yours.
    Blessed be,

    1. Heidi, you are an amazing woman and I am so thankful to hear you survived such a horrible attack; now you have to be strong again and I’m sorry for it. Peace be with you!

  111. Thank you for this, I lost my Penny Pie to Breast and Lung Cancer on July 20th when we knew it was time to make choices that were hard on the heart but for her comfort.

    If ever a dog embodied a proud Southern Lady, it was Penny. I will miss both her gentleness and her toughness.

  112. I am sorry; I’ve lost a cat to old age and illness and it broke my heart. I don’t have the room or time that a dog needs or I’d have brought home a doggie to love already. But I think, after reading this, perhaps part of the reason I’m putting it off, even though right now my reasons are very valid, is because I’ve dealt with enough loss this past year and change and I just can’t see standing up to face any more, willingly, any time soon.

    But I also know one day I will have more space and more time to devote to a dog and I will follow through and get one. As another of my favorite authors put it in a book “Be brave enough to break your own heart”-Jacqueline Carey

  113. I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and may God (or Goddess) continue to comfort you and your family in your time of need. Our loved ones will watch over us and wait for our arrival, when we will be together again. God bless you all.

  114. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. There are no words for when you loose a member of the family, my cocoa passed in my 2005 he was the dog I grew up with literally he was my responsibility and partner in crime since first grade. I will pray for his family he left behind.

  115. I’m so sorry I know how it is to lose your best friend. What a hole in your heart and your life each pet you have is completely different. There are no words to help make you feel better a million hugs. Hopefully we will all be together again one day.

  116. I too know how you feel and so am sending good wishes to you and your house. Thank you for rescuing.

  117. I have had to put down many of my dear animal friends, it is so hard that they spend so little time on this planet. I cherish all the memories. Cats, Thai, Zeus, Caesar. Dogs, Willie, Jake, Kaiser. I loved them all.

  118. My heart breaks for you. I cried and cried while reading this, knowing the pain and heartache loosing one of our loved ones brings. I hope you can find a peace in knowing he had a wonderful life. I’m not religious, but I hope there is somewhere for our four footed family members to go. <3

  119. I have been a big fan of both the Anita Blake and Merry Gentry series. While I am not a “dog” person I know how it is to fall in love with the Maine Coon breed of cats, sometimes known as the dogs of the cat world. What I’m trying to clumsily say, is that I have fallen for a number of Maine Coons and their loveliness was worth every bit of pain I felt at their passing. I am truly sorry for your loss.

  120. Words don’t help, so just know i’m sending mental hugs and love. . have had pets 25 yrs on my own, and it never freaking gets easy. . run swift Sas!

  121. I just lost my 15.5 year old chihuahua today who was always my best friend and cherished companion. Lola brought sunshine to my days and now that she is gone I can barely brave the heartache. This first night I ache with the loneliness of her not being at the foot of my bed. And she was always, always by my side.
    I am sorry to hear of your loss as well. We also have other dogs but Lola was my special girl.
    The vet was so kind to say that she knows we will see each other again and all I can do is pray that is so.
    Wishing you love and light .

  122. I know the great loss you have experienced. There are no words adiquite enough to give such confort at a time like this. It’s been twice now, for me. I have had two marvelous companions in my life and I never expected to have a second one. My first “breed” was a St. Bernard. He was a member of our family and went everywhere with me, including flying to California for one year stints twice. He liked camping out with us as well. I had him from one year old to his final days around 12 years old. My second “breed” was a Golden Retriever ~ a true blessing for a second time around. He was my life! I had him from the time he was 5 months old till last September 2, 2014, almost a year ago. He was 13 years old. My grief went on forever it seemed. I still miss him terribly, but with joyful memories more so than tears these days. I can’t possibly even hope to have a 3rd companion that means so much to me, but I will try again. soon. I CAN tell you it will be a Golden Retriever though. Absolutely the best dog in the world, in my opinion. The pain of loss is great, but what they give you in return is so worth it when it’s time to let go. I miss my boy so much. Every now and then I read the notes I took of his little antics and it puts a smile on my face ~ every time. May you be bless with peace at this time of loss.

  123. I am so sorry to hear about loosing your little guy. I know that is never an easy decision to make and working in a vet clinic I get to be there as support for pet parents during these times and it is never easy. I hope that you all get some peace in knowing that he is no longer suffering and always remember all of the best times he had.

  124. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved plug. I understand how heartbreaking the loss of a pet can be. I hope you find comfort in the wonderful memories you have if Sas and,when the time is right, I hope you will find another little pig to bring into your family. I have found my breed in Border Collies. Before they came into my life I liked dogs, but I only had cats, which I also love. We lost the female, Flossie, one day after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had developed acute kidney failure, which quickly worsened. There wasn’t anything the vet could really do to help asks we did not want her to suffer, like you with Sas. So we took her to the vet and took our time saying goodbye. Then, or vet administered the sedative ands cried with us as he gave her the final injection. You know an animal is special when the veterinarian cries at their passing.

    We had another two years with the male, Laddie. He was an extraordinary creature. This February, somehow, he developed pancreatitis, even though he wasn’t the type to eat things he shouldn’t. He became ill on a Saturday,so we got him to the vet. They have us medication and sent us home. He was drinking water, but he wouldn’t touch food, so we has to being him back to stay at the hospital for more intensive treatment. He never made a sound to show that he was in pain and he would go outside with the vet to try to do his business even if he didn’t really want to. Wednesday night, the 2 vets on duty spent over 90 minutes with him before leaving and he gave no indication that anything was wrong. When they checked on him before leaving, he was lying peacefully in his crate. I had outpatient surgery the next morning, but was planning to see Laddie on my way home. I called the vet while I was in recovery only to find out that Laddie had gone sometime between when the bets left the previous night and when they can in the next morning.

    I miss having at least one Border Collie in the house to get me at my bedside when I wake in the morning, or to marvel at because of some brilliant feat they have quickly accomplished. I certainly understand how you feel at not having one of YOUR BREED in your home after having them around for many years. I am definitely searching for one or two new Border Collies, but finding the right ones will take time.

  125. So sorry for your loss. Dogs hold the harp strings to our hearts. They love unconditionally & always remember. I smile when I think of my big guy Bandit, he also had cancer. They said he had 6 – 9 mos, but it was weeks and I lay in the vets floor and held him to the end. I got one last lick and gave him a kiss. I miss so I have my little girl Cassiopeia. A 4lb YORKSHIRE TERRIER. She’s 13 this month & toothless. But feisty. I too dread the day when she’s no longer here for me. But know they’ll be waiting for us on the other side.

  126. my thoughts and prayers are with you. I know what you’re going through. I had to put down my 2 sweet cats: Baby & Tigger. They were 16 yrs. old when they died. There is a website that has helped me a lot called Rainbow Bridge. it’s for people who have experienced a loss of a pet. https://rainbowsbridge.com/.

  127. I’m so sorry that you had to say good-bye to Sas, but so very happy that you had that extra time with him. I’ve loved and lost and am loving again…and will lose again. And then I’ll do it all over again, because a house is not a home without at least one dog…and preferably at least 3, for me.

    To Sasquatch, and to the love he inspired and the comfort he gave so selflessly. May your days across the Rainbow Bridge be carefree and happy ones. May you return to your Mama, if the Universe so decrees.

  128. We just lost our piggies boy, only 7 years old, the pain is heart wrenching, my daughter is also named Trinity..

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