A few days away
We’re back from our mini-vacation. Four days in Florida. Jonathon and I realized we had only a few days before the next book would need to be started, or real life would interfere. So away we went.
It was colder in Florida than it was here in St. Louis while we were gone. We were very glad we’d dressed in layers to get us to the airport, because we wore all those layers while in Florida. The biggest selling item of clothes there was sweatshirts, because everyone else had bought only shorts. We saw some very cold looking tourists. One day was rainy and cold. That cold autumnal rain that just seems to chill you to the bone. Jonathon and I felt quite cheated. We’d gone away to get warm and relax by the surf. Instead, we bundled up and watched the waves through the windows, because most of the time it was too cold to want to linger by the water. We did a lot of walking though, and that was good. Using the pedometers we discovered that I have to do more steps to keep up with Jonathon’s longer stride. But then why should he be different from most of the people on the planet. For my size I have a very long, commanding stride, because I’ve spent most of my life with people who had longer legs, and bigger natural strides. I don’t even notice it anymore. But the technology does not lie.
We’ve decided that sometime in the next two years we must scout around for a truly tropical place to do our long weekends away. Some place where it will be warm no matter when we go. The cold made it harder to lounge outside and read a book. No, impossible. We didn’t lounge much of anywhere but in the room. We did eat at some great restaurants. We did sleep in late. We did have room service. We did get to spend some grown-up time that was way over-due. But we did miss the warm weather.
Forgive the one or two words that the spell checker and I are arguing over. You can either have a new blog today, or a perfectly spelled one. Not both. Sorry about that, but if we’re to make lunch on time so I can get back and make more pages on the next Anita book (which I have started) I must stay on track time wise.