A Ginger Cat for Christmas

Dec 25, 2019

This is Magnus, and he’s the wrong cat. We adopted him this summer, but we meant to adopt a different cat. We wanted another black cat to go with the reigning dark empress of our home, Grizelda, Grizzy. I’ve never seen my husband so taken with any pet we’ve ever had. Grizzy has chosen him as her “hooman” and she has us all wrapped her dainty black paw. She was at least six years old when we adopted her and she has totally won us over to adopting older cats. They come litter box trained, they aren’t the wrecking crew that kittens can be, and they’re just mellower energy. We are big fans of adopting an older cat, because that is the cat you’re getting, with kittens you have to wait two to three years to see what the true personality is going to be. So, we wanted a cat that was at least two years old, and six to eight on the high end, though for the right cat we were willing to go for ten, since Grizzy could be that old. We thought two older cats would have matching energy levels. We preferred black, because cat or dog, it’s one of the last animals to be adopted. An older black cat, or dog is almost doomed at a shelter. If we could find a cat that had FIV, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus , then that would be the full sweep of hard to place cat.

We had our list and our reasons for it, so we set out to adopt a second cat. We went back to the wonderful rescue that we got Grizzy from, St. Louis Pet Rescue, Stlpetrescue. But a weird thing kept happening, all the cats we were attracted to were young ones. They looked like grown cats and were about the size of our dainty Grizzy, but they weren’t. Seven months, eight, nine, always under a year, so we kept saying, no. Also, most of them were not black. We tried, and there was one very handsome black cat, with long curls, named, Sabbath. Black Sabbath, I mean how could we not love the name? He was a gorgeous cat and he knew it, very confident when we interacted with him in one of the small rooms. He had Grizzy’s confidence when she first walked into our home. Grizelda and Sabbath, nicely witchy and two black cats! My inner twelve-year-old who had wanted a black cat more than anything, was thrilled.

Sabbath bit us, not hard, not to bleed, but it hurt. He’d be rubbing up against us and purring, and then nip. We’d be petting and he’d love it, and he’d nip. The foster mom couldn’t understand it, he’d never done anything like that before. He was only seven months old so he might mellow, but he wasn’t going to mellow at our house. We passed on the handsome rogue.

She had one other cat with her that was male, two years old, sweet and laid back. His name was Sweetpea, and we’d walked right by him in his cage, when we spotted Sabbath. Sweetpea had been everything the other cat wasn’t, quiet, nervous, and not coping well with the chaos of the adoption event. We hadn’t given him a second look. He was a yellow tabby cat, but not dark gold, more pale, dilute tabby I think it’s called, so even for a tabby he didn’t stand out. His gold eyes blended with his face unlike the brilliant contrast of Sabbath’s yellow set in black. His foster even said, “He’s not very pretty,” as she got him out of the cage. But the moment the light him, his stripes showed more, and I instantly disagreed. And he was almost twice the size of the first cat, so double Grizzy’s size. He was a big, Tom cat. We took him back to the same small room where we’d just had the first cat. Sweetpea did not stroll around the room scent marking and owning the space. He sat in our laps, and I mean he sat from my thighs to my husband’s, like I said he was a big cat. He huddled there, startling anytime one of the dogs barked out in the adoption event. He shivered and was so scared. He just seemed to be saying, take me home, take me somewhere safe and quiet, get me out of here. We actually went home and discussed it, before saying, yes, because he was the wrong cat except for his age, he was nothing on our list, but in the end we said, yes.

We changed his name to Magnus Maximus, and within a few days he knew Magnus was his name. He was better with our two dogs than Grizzy, cuddling up with them in big piles. But it wasn’t a perfect fit between him and Grizzy, even though we did everything the rescue sites say to do about keeping them separate and a slow introduction. He was as social a cat as she was anti-social. She loves her humans, but she’d be our only pet if she could manage it. The fights that most cats do to establish territory inside a new place were scary because of his size. He just overwhelmed her. Even when she started it, she was just out of her weight class. We thought seriously about not keeping him, but we loved him. We started cycling them through parts of the house, Grizzy is still the only one allowed in my husband’s office. We still have to use the squirt bottles from time to time, but Magnus has worked hard for Grizzy to let him lay close to him, and she’s even let him groom her head a few times, until she bitch slaps him. He’s been very patient with her, and they can sniff noses without her growling. She even sniffed his tail the other day and when he swished it in her face she put her paw on his butt, like she does my husband when she’s grooming his hair and he moves too much, a tiny prick of claws that says, clearly stop moving. Magnus let her do it, just like my husband does, she really is our dark, bossy empress.

Did I mention that the trip to get Magnus checked by our vet came with a surprise? Vet said Magnus wasn’t two, he was between eight months and a year, so just a really big kitten. His size had made the rescue up his age, and when you have twenty fosters in the same house, who could blame anyone for the mistake? The vet said, he’d easily reach twenty pounds when he matured, so not what we bargained for, but by then, he was ours. There were doubts after that, see above, but we’re so glad we worked through it all and didn’t give up because once a cat goes back into rescue it can be harder to place them a second time, people wonder why they got returned, and usually blame the animal, when it’s usually just normal pet things that people give up on.

I woke up this Christmas morning with Magnus curled next to me purring like a motor under my arm. He sleeps most nights in the bedroom with us. Grizzy shares the bed usually on the other side of my husband away from Magnus, but for her, well, she likes Magnus in a cranky, non social cat way. She’s the house panther to his social lion. I keep threatening that we’ll get another lion for him to play with if she doesn’t start playing more with him, but she gives me that look, the one that says, I’m being ridiculous. I suppose I am, cats do not change unless they wish to, and Grizzy is very cat.

When I was six I wanted a white kitten, by age twelve I wanted a black one, but over the years the cats that have come the closest to being mine have all been ginger cats. One, my grandmother relented on and it fell ill and died before I could even get it a collar. The second belonged to a neighbor and I was still deathly allergic to cats, and we had parrots in our tiny apartment. That Ginger cat was a mighty hunter leaving bunnies and birds and other bits on my doorstep all spring and summer to try and bribe his way into the house. He’d have made short work of our parrots. I grew allergic to them, too, and so in the divorce my first husband got the parrot and I got the dogs. Twenty years of allergy shots and I can have cats! So Grizzy for my inner twelve-year-old, and the ginger cats can stop stalking me, because I have one of my own, at last. Magnus Maximus, Max, Magnus the Magnificent, Mags, Mag wheel, our house lion, our Magnus.

This is his first Christmas as a house cat. He was a stray last winter, a kitten in the snow, picked up in March of 2019 by a kill shelter. He was a big, adult looking Tom cat not flashy, scared and didn’t show well in his cage, if Stlpetrescue hadn’t pulled him in that same month and put him in foster care, he’d have been euthanized and that’s one of the reasons they rescued him, because his time was running out. I’m so thankful that they saved him. Thanks to Barb who fostered both our cats, and thanks to Sabbath for blowing his “coffee date” date with us, so we’d look behind the scared, quiet cat in the other cage and find the friendly, chatty, cat he has grown to be. I finally have a ginger cat for Christmas, now if I can just add that white cat for my inner six-year-old … husband says, no. Grizzy says, never! Dogs don’t care. Our daughter says, yes, please! Magnus says, a playmate, bring it on!

15 thoughts on “A Ginger Cat for Christmas”

  1. We had to put our Calico cat to sleep two years ago, on the day of the Santa Claus parade, November 2017. I was devastated, I’d had the cat longer than I had been with my husband. In August 2018, we bought our first house and backed into a ravine. Turns out that there was a feral cat colony and cats roamed everywhere. A tortoiseshell cat started hanging around our house a lot and I started feeding him. He let me pet him and soon started coming right into the house. He ended up sleeping on my chest whenever I would let him. Apparently he was getting fed by quite a few houses but would only let me approach him. Now, he follows me around the neighborhood, like a dog, chases off all other cats from our house, and demands attention all the time. We didn’t know we were ready for another cat but Zia did. We didn’t choose him, he chose us.

  2. Ha, I kept saying no but my wife wanted a lap cat. We stopped at 5 cats and 2 standard poodles.

    1. Aw, I have tears in my eyes. I went without cats for too long. Last year I was finally in a position to get a cat and I too wanted to find a less adoptable one. I found Chewy, an older, gray, blind cat whose foster just couldn’t find a home for. Foster arranged transport to me and the day before Chewy was to arrive, she asked me if I’d take another blind cat, Charlie. Charlie was only ten months old but solid black in addition to being blind. So I took both, of course! They are both super sweet and chilled out, but neither would cuddle. I really wanted a cat that I could carry around but I didn’t want to get another cat that might disrupt my two blind guys. Well, one night, after a late grocery store run, I saw what I thought to myself was a weird, cat-shaped piece of trash. Something made me turn around to have a second look, just in case. It turned out to be a teeny solid black kitten. She was about give weeks old, asleep on the curb. So I grabbed her and took her home and put out “found” notices and took her to the vet and planned to take her to a rescue if no one claimed her. But my husband decided she should have a name and my four year old decided that name should be The Horse Eats Grass and I said I would like to name her Lucretia. The next day my kid said it HAD to be Lucretia The Horse Eats Grass. And once you name a cat you have to keep them. So we did. She’s turned out to be quite cuddly and she lets me carry her around like a baby, on her back. The funniest thing, though, is that the other two cats have learned that they can snuggle from her. And they love her! Charlie plays with her (and Theg has taught Charlie to attack the Christmas tree) and Chewy grooms and snuggles with her. I’ve always believed you get the cats you are meant to have.

  3. Wonderful!! I adopted a kitten from Animal control 4 years ago. I took my Border Collie and Shihtzu in to help me pick. I had seen a different kitten on the website that I wanted to meet. She did NOT like the dogs at all. The whole time, there was this tabby kitten meowing and purring, and putting his paw through the cage, begging for attention. We corralled the other back into her cage and pulled this little guy out. He laid in my hand, hissed once, at the border collie then stayed, purring. I brought him home. He is now about 18 lbs and a big Suk. We just got another kitten a month ago, they run circles around each other. She will use him as a punching bag one minute, the next, he is her pillow. The dog doesn’t bother with either of them.

  4. We had a very similar experience last weekend! We went looking for a black cat, or even black kitten, but there were NONE in the humane society. But they did have a large orange tabby tom who was felv positive and is just the sweetest 15 lb cat i could ask for! He’s a year and 6 months, but acts like a kitten! Nips for attention if we don’t give rubs- I’ve learned to hiss at him when he does it- he immediately stops and leaves me be, so he’s learning! Yay for adopting!

  5. The ginger kitties wanted you to become a member of the Orange Kitty Brigade. An I am so glad that you have and he is so gorgeous and your black kitty is a great family panther to have around. An owning solid white kitties is so fun. My 1st cat that I ever had was solid white except for a faint black streak on her forehead her whole name was Katie Kangroo she was literally my best friend growing up until she passed due to unfortunate incident. But maybe your husband will reconsider and allow a beautiful white tiger to join your other tiger and panther pack. Love reading your books and I hope you and yours had a fantastic Christmas.

  6. Awwwww! I loved reading this. My black cat, Kuro Eclipse, wasn’t a shelter rescue, but instead one of a litter of two strays on the property of someone that worked in my building. He posted an ad on a bulletin board to get them re-homed and my playful, mischievous, hyper, loving very chatty, CRAZY furbaby came home. I had two female dogs at the time, a sweet yorkipoo (rescue) Frankie and miniature schnauzer (got as apet store puppy – story for another time) Precious Princess. Precious has always wanted to be the only pet- tolerates, but doesnt like other animals and loves humans. Frankie and Kuro gelled from the beginning and rough-housed and snuggled together in one bed often. Sadly, Frankie had health issues (liver and kidney problems) and she was only with us a couple years before she passed (side note- the vet said she was older than the rescue had told me)- but it was a happy couple years! I’m glad the mighty Magnus Maximus has found a forever home. It’s been almost two years and I’m thinking of getting another dog -favor to a friend with four westies (two parents and two pups left from a litter of 6) and wants to place the last one with family/friends. Happy Holidays!

  7. Oh my goodness! That was beautiful! Ooooohhh I really needed that! Thank you for sharing that with everyone. I hope you have an amazing New Year. Much love ❤️

  8. About 10 years ago a 28lb giant orange tabby came to live with me. Nori was a senior cat that belonged to my husband, and I could swear you just described him to a T. He was extremely skittish, he used to scare himself while he was hunting paper (yes he stole mail then stalked it). He was and still is the inspiration for a cat toy. After years of careful feeding, our micro-lion eventually got into shape (20lbs) testing toys. I had him for 4 amazing joy filled years and miss him every day. Wishing you much luck and happiness with the micro-lion and house panther!

  9. I so get that! We have a buff colored tabby cat. I got him about 5 months after my previous cat died. He was three at hte time, he’s 13 now. He was picked up by a kill shelter as an emaciated stray. The place we got him from, Oasis Pet Rescue, had taken him from the shelter and got him healthy. We got him the first day he was on show. I was drawn to him. He can be a grump, and had to have all his teeth taken out this year, but he’s my cat and I love him. I never thought I would have a buff colored cat, but I wouldn’t change that!

  10. At the moment, I am owned by the dark twins ( black cats), Joey and Jolie, the ginger girl, Ruby, the Tortie-tabby, Millie, and the baby tabby, Katie. Or collectively, the solids and stripes. We are a blended household. I brought the solids, and my brother had rescued the stripes. It is fun in my lap when the 4 lap kids are getting settled since everycat wants either my right ( dominant) arm or my lap as his or her personal spot. Katie sits on the arm or back of the couch and gives a superior looking smirk over the posturing.
    So – Max and Grizz can learn to be in the same room peacefully, it just takes time.

  11. Bessy, my black cat, showed up on our porch one day looking in the door and staref right at me. I told my husband ” Look, we’ve been adopted. ” It took me 2 weeks to get her to trust me enough to get in the carrier. I brought her in and let her out. Now she owns us.

  12. I had adopted two stray black cats. One of the cats was either taken, or something got him. My uncle has three cats. He has a black/white cat, a ginger cat, and a tortoise cat.

  13. Loved the story. I to have a orange tabby is name is Bubba, we rescued him from a family member that had nearly 20 cats. Bubba was scared and skinny when we got him and very anti social. Now he is a force to be reckoned with. When he wants attention he gets it. We love him and wouldn’t part with him, he is a member of the family.

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