A good, productive day

Nov 02, 2006

By 3:30 this afternoon I had done thirty minutes on the treadmill (some of it actually running, not just walking with attitude), finished twelve pages of THE HARLEQUIN (the climatic fight scene is well under way, yea!), and was in the shower. The shower I’d promised myself this morning if I got the writing and the exercise done. Jon likes his showers in the morning before the day begins, I’m a clean up at the end of the day person. I’ll make an exception depending on the schedule, but end of the day also ups your chance of a long soaky bath. One of my favorite things. No time for that today though, and no patience. The kiddo to be taken care of, dinner to be done, and we are picking up our friend, Richard (no, not that Richard), at the airport. He’s back from Italy for awhile. Anyway, the dogs are letting us know that they also need to eat. Lots to do before we pick Richard up. Anyway, a good, productive day. I listened to the new Evanescence album on the treadmill and continued with headphones and music to the afternoon session of writing. Strangely, I never seem to be able to listen to Evanescence at the beginning of an Anita book, but there’s something about the end of one that the music just fits. Good they brought out the second album, at long last.