A SHIVER OF LIGHT Book Tour Events

May 10, 2014


Monday, June 2—Los Angeles

7:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
Bella Terra
7881 Edinger Ave.
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Laurell will answer questions from the audience and after will greet readers and take photos. Signed copies of A Shiver of Light will be available for purchase at the event. To pre-order a signed copy of the book and receive a priority wristband for the meet and greet line, call 714-897-8781. For more information visit: the event page.

All who purchase a book will receive a raffle ticket and be entered to win a goody bag filled with Laurell K. Hamilton/Merry Gentry merchandise!

Tuesday, June 3—Portland

7:00 PM
Powell’s Books at Cedar Hills Crossing
3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd.
Beaverton, OR 97005

Laurell will answer questions from the audience and after will greet readers and take photos. Signed copies of A Shiver of Light will be available for purchase at the event. More information will be available on the Powell’s website soon.

All who purchase a book will receive a raffle ticket and be entered to win a goody bag filled with Laurell K. Hamilton/Merry Gentry merchandise!

Wednesday, June 4—Seattle

7:00 PM
University Bookstore
4326 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

Laurell will answer questions from the audience and after will greet readers and take photos. Signed copies of A Shiver of Light will be available for purchase at the event. For more information, visit: the event page.

All who purchase a book will receive a raffle ticket and be entered to win a goody bag filled with Laurell K. Hamilton/Merry Gentry merchandise!

Friday, June 6—Chicago

7:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
55 Old Orchard Center
Skokie, IL 60077

Laurell will answer questions from the audience and after will greet readers and take photos. Signed copies of A Shiver of Light will be available for purchase at the event. For more information, visit: the event page.

All who purchase a book will receive a raffle ticket and be entered to win a goody bag filled with Laurell K. Hamilton/Merry Gentry merchandise!

Sunday, June 8—Chicago

Chicago Tribune Printers Row Lit Fest
2:30 PM
Harold Washington Memorial Library
400 S. State Street
Chicago, IL 60605

Laurell will appear in conversation with Courtney Crowder of The Chicago Tribune. A signing will immediately follow the program. For more information, visit:
the event page.

All who purchase a book will receive a raffle ticket and be entered to win a goody bag filled with Laurell K. Hamilton/Merry Gentry merchandise!

Monday, June 9—St. Louis

“An Evening with Laurell K. Hamilton”
7:00 – 9:00 PM
2720 Cherokee Performing Arts Center
(Books sold by Left Bank Books)
2720 Cherokee St.
St. Louis, Missouri 63118

Visit http://shiveroflight.brownpapertickets.com to purchase tickets to this event. A $31 ticket includes one signed copy of A Shiver of Light. This is a ticketed event. A $36 ticket admits two, includes one signed copy of A Shiver of Light, and $5 will be redeemable towards the purchase of another Laurell K. Hamilton book. Laurell will answer questions from the audience and after will greet readers and take photos.

All who purchase a book will receive a raffle ticket and be entered to win a goody bag filled with Laurell K. Hamilton/Merry Gentry merchandise!

Booktalk Nation Live Chat

We have great news for anyone that can’t make it to one of Laurell’s tour events. You can join her for a live chat on May 19th at 7:00 pm ET/4:00pm PT. No matter where you are, you can sign up and join as Laurell talks about her new book, A Shiver of Light. Interviewing Laurell will be author Chloe Neill. There will be time for your questions at the end, and you can even order a personalized, signed book. It’s like a live book signing except you don’t have to leave home to join and it supports independent bookstores. Details can be found at Booktalk Nation. Signing up is required, but this event is free!

62 thoughts on “A SHIVER OF LIGHT Book Tour Events”

    1. I would also love an even a little closer to either (I live in MA). Would travel where I could!

    2. I would LOVE to see Laurell come to ANY part of New England, I am in NH but would definitely travel anywhere in New England to see her! I would even buy a hard copy, I always use my Kindle now, to have her sign.

  1. “I love Laurell K. Hamilton!”
    …and I’m not afraid to shout it from the rooftops 😉

  2. Would love if you could come to Eau Claire, Wisconsin our at least to the Twin Cities so I would be able to get an autograph.

    1. I second that. Come to the Bay Area. There are tons of fans here dying to meet you. (see what I did there:)

  3. ROADTRIP!! Can’t wait!!! Hey Jon, will Laurell be signing any books besides “Shiver”?

  4. Would love to see her come to Columbus, OH. Please let us know if she plans anything in Ohio!!

  5. If Richard can shapeshift with 4 marks, then why can’t Anita? I’d like to see adventures caused by her ability to shapeshift, i.e. she and Richard getting involved as a couple, and she and Olaf getting together, such as his kidnapping her and causing her to have amnesia so that she thinks they are a couple of lions. Let Micah and Nathaniel be their own couple without her, Jean-Claude and Asher their own couple and then she and Richard can be a couple also. Its time for them to have a real chance together isn’t it?

    1. Richard’s loathing of his beast is the reason he and Anita are not together, that and he sees Anita as more of a beast than himself. Anita wanted their relationship to work for years and he just couldn’t get his head out of his A** sufficiently to let it happen. Besides that Micah and Nathaniel probably wouldn’t be a couple without Anita and Jean-Claude and Asher would usually need another woman to complete their pairing. The foundation is the reality of multiples in couples, not just 2.

      1. I know Richard has been an a-hole in quite a few of the books and he’s living in a dream world where he wants her all to himself. But maybe if the two of them had actually had a chance at a real relationship in the beginning, things would be different. It is stated throughout the story that having the marks draws you to the vampire and then JC is also an incubus and draws people in. In the last, or next-to-last book, where they go see Micah’s dad in the hospital, it is made pretty clear that Micah and Nathaniel are a couple. Micah jumps up when Nathaniel gets on the plane and he is all the time holding Nathaniel’s hand, more than Anita’s. She’s gone so much that there is usually just the two of them. I can see being the case although it was disappointing. I just would like to see Anita shifting into her animals so that she can take a more active role in the world of wereanimals. I’ve been sitting here all day writing a story all for myself. Yeah, you can laugh if you want. But at least the story is going my way, lol

        1. I think the reason anita can’t shift is the fact she was marked before she was infected with lycanthropy. Richard on the other hand could shift before the marks came into play

          1. That had occurred to me, but recall that when she and several others were on Jean-Claude’s bed during the book where she was pregnant, that she started to shift but never finished because she was fighting it. Richard offered to shift her but she said no because she saw the look on Micah’s face, plus because she thought Richard didn’t really want her to shift. The book never said she couldn’t shift at that time, just that she was fighting it. She suffered a lot of different wereanimal bites and scratches but never showed any signs of actually being infected until Gregory fell into her. Then she had all the symptoms of infection with the fever and such. Maybe some miracle will happen and then she will be able to shift. I think Laurell has gotten tired of this series though I hope not.

          2. I can’t remember the book. I thought the beasts were injuring her from the inside, and wad in so much pain she wished she could shift. I could be wrong though.

  6. I really love your books and if sometimes you can get to Fayetteville, NC I would love to see and hear about your writing, Please don’t stop the books, they are fantastic.

  7. Hey Laurell & team, why not come on down to Oz, we love you down here. I started with the Merry series then ended up buying all the Anita series as well, my friends love the series too. Even if you couldn’t make it to South Oz where I live, I would travel interstate to see you

  8. Would like to know if you will be visiting virginia beach VA any time. My sister in law has got me hooked on your books and she is a HUGE fan of yours as I am also. I know she would love to meet you. We are waiting the Olaf book.

  9. I wish a million wishes that a trip to Texas would happen! I live in the Houston area and would faint of excitement if you made it out this way!!!!!

  10. You should totally come to Texas!!!! I’d love that sooo much!!! Particularly the Austin area would be amazing! I love you LKH XD !!!

    1. I would love it if you came to Texas! I live in Corpus Christi, but I would make the three hour drive to Austin if you came down.

  11. Oh why nothing in the Philadelphia area?? 🙁 I’d so love to meet her! I’ll have to content myself with the online Live Chat. My absolute favorite author!!

  12. Are those the only dates? It’s a book tour isn’t it? Those are just 6 stops in 5 cities, which for an author with such a huge following; it surprises the hell out of me. Please excuse me if I am out of place, but why are there not more stops? The closest thing to the south east is St. Louis, which is still over 900 miles from where I am in Florida. Why not places like Savanah, Ga, St. Augustine, FL, places that give your south east followers an actual chance to meet you? I can only speak for the south east because that’s where I’m from, but you’re also forgetting your fans in New England, and Alaska……. If there are more dates coming then I apologize, but if there aren’t then my question stands firm….. you’re missing out and forgetting about so many fans, and it’s sad on both accounts.

  13. Laurell I know I’m not the only Las Vegas, Nv. person to want you to come here. Would love to see you. I know you were here quite a few years ago and I didn’t go and now I’m kicking myself. Please try to find time in your schedule for us!!! Can’t wait to read the new Merry Gentry book. It’s been so long since we’ve heard from Merry. You write the best faerie books!!!

  14. Please come visit some stores on the east coast. I would love to meet you in person. I would also love to have a signed book one from Anita & one from Merry series. You are a truely gifted writer & my absolutely favorite author. God Bless you and your entire family. Thank you for allowing us to get to know you & your family. It means a lot to your fans!

  15. when I enjoy a series I reread it again & again, I have read every Merry book at least 5 times so far, I am so looking forward to the “shiver of light”. The Anita series I bought only recently & have already read every book 3 times, I love strong women characters in books

  16. Why not come to Houston too if going to be in Texas? I know one book store that would love to host! They just hosted Jim Butcher.

  17. So wish your book tour would bring you to Pennsylvania! It would be so wonderful to be able to meet you! I love your books! They let my mind escape when reality is just too much to deal with. I just received the latest Merry Gentry book today and can’t wait to read it. I have missed Merry and her world. As for Anita she is just so fan-flippin-tabulous lol!! I have enjoyed both series so very much! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you do! May you and yours be blessed by God and the Goddess :))

  18. Was at the Huntington Beach event – Thank You I had a wonderful time. I hope you got to see the ocean…. BUT if you go to NY, I would be please to have my hair stylist/makeup daughter prep you (for free) before the signing. She does print, fashion show, TV, Video, etc. Check her out at: http://www.monetmoon.com Monet is very experience with curly hair (since her mom is curly).

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