A Tropical Blog

Jan 28, 2015


Things I have learned by being this long in the tropics:

That it is possible to tan through SPF 100 sunscreen and if you don’t reapply regularly, it’s possible to burn through it.

Getting wet in the ocean means you either need a different kind of sunscreen, or to reapply every time you get out of the water. Trust me on this, sunburns ruin all the outdoor fun, and some of the indoor fun, too.

Lizards bigger than our Pug and Japanese Chins are abundant. The dogs are not okay with this.

There seem to be more insects here. They like the taste of my flesh and laugh at bug repellent. Apparently, I taste better than Spike, Genevieve, or Jon, if the number of insect bites is a way to keep score.

The broad-brimmed floppy hats that I’ve always thought were ridiculous and only looked elegant on 1940s-1950s era movie stars really work at keeping the sun out of your eyes. It’s especially effective at my desk when I write. I do not look elegant in the hat, but I am solidly in the “everybody who isn’t a movie star looks silly in them” camp.

Everyone loves bacon, even fish, even if it’s second-hand bacon via sea sickness. Jon discovered this on our snorkeling trip.

Not even the dogs like a long walk in a hundred percent humidity.

Floating Keiko

Sand is everywhere; there is no escaping it.

The sea really can be teal, turquoise, and shades of blue that I’d only seen in calendar shots of exotic places.

Dolphins are a terrible and intriguing distraction for all of us.

Osprey, even more so; our local birds decided to eat their breakfast outside my office window most mornings.

That pelicans hit the water so hard the fish are stunned from the impact before they are scooped up in that big bill.

That peregrines really are one of the most widespread birds of prey in the world. Totally didn’t expect to see one here, but it was loving on the seagulls in that serial killer sort of way.

That seagulls are the sparrows of the ocean to me, they all look vaguely alike and I’m not sure what I’m looking at.

That I’d rather snorkel and dive with the fish in open ocean than go spear fishing for them.

That I still love kayaking on the ocean.

Jon and Sasquatch

Kayaking in mangroves is amazing. Genevieve called it tricky.

That sea hares get purple ink all over you when you pick them up, and the ink smells like sweet flowers.

There is nothing sexy about getting in, or out, of a wetsuit.

That snorkeling/diving really is like swimming in the world’s biggest, most beautiful aquarium ever.

That spying a sea turtle, even if it’s just a head poking up and taking a breath, makes me happy.

Viruses don’t care if you’re in a tropical paradise, they’re still out to get you.

That even here in this beautiful place with all four of us plus the dogs, we can still be homesick.

That traveling with the dogs here can be an adventure.

Dawn comes in soft & pastel, but sundown explodes in technicolor fire, as if the day grows up and gets hot and heavy by nightfall.

If you’re with the right person, walking hand in hand on a tropical beach is as romantic as it’s supposed to be.


23 thoughts on “A Tropical Blog”

  1. I love hearing about all of this. LoL Your insights, as always, funny and dead accurate! Seriously check out the Onguard+ and the lavender oil, on my site. OG+ is for destroying colds viruses and if bacterial as a natural antibiotic. The lavneder is for burns. Put 10 drops in a spray bottle with distilled water shake and saquirt it takes thesting out and keeps you from peeling.

    1. Loved seeing the beautiful tropical pictures especially after the big snow storm. Your four legged babies are so cute.

  2. Fascinating and wonderful!
    And, wow, so neat: “Dawn comes in soft & pastel, but sundown explodes in technicolor fire, as if the day grows up and gets hot and heavy by nightfall.”

  3. Gorgeous. I live in Hawaii and yup, that’s all true here too lol. But usually the good makes up for the annoying. The paler women here walk around with parasols and umbrellas. Very chic. Lol.

  4. Your exactly right on All counts…I moved to Southern Florida a few years ago. I am amazed and thankful to my goddess everyday that I wake up in this paradise….

  5. That sounds amazing! Glad u had a blast.I’m going to Mexico in a few months. Hey Laurell, How come u don’t post pics of Spike and Genevieve?

      1. Well obviously it should be respected. I didn’t know she said that before. Hence why I was asking the question. Thanks. 🙂

  6. I think you found “out of the country” for Peter’s first hunt. Would that make it a business expense? Hahaha

  7. Thanks for sharing the photos and I loved all your comments about the trip. Your sharing yourself with us is really special. And I will never take it for granted.

  8. Oh deeeeep siiiigh!! Thank you for sharing! I have missed photos of you, the dogs and Jon. How long have you guys been visiting the tropics? So glad you all are so happy.

  9. WE do I forsee the line “There is nothing sexy about getting in, or out, of a wetsuit” being in an Anita Blake story in the future. That is so something she would say!

  10. Glad you were able to make a pups included vacation… it sucks when your pets miss out on the fun. I went on a cruise in November and decided that while it was totally worth it to leave the 30 degree weather for the tropics, it totally blowed to come back to snow on the ground the day after. Best thing besides the music was the views… sunrise and sunset never looked better than on a ship at sea for me. I was glad I had the opportunity to go, even if my pets couldn’t.

  11. Oh wish I was there with you. Never been to “Tropical Anywhere” in my life. Always stayed in the states. What you described sounds lovely. Better than the “iffy” weather Colorado is experiencing right now 🙂 Can’t wait to read your next book. Hugs to the family.

  12. What a wondrous world you paint with your words, thank you so much for sharing. Bright Blessings to you all!

  13. Try “Skin So Soft dry oil spray original ” from Avon. Not supposed to be a repellant but it’s
    The Best insect repellant ever, it worked for me in India and I’m a biting bug magnet. Told all my friends and they use nothing else now.

  14. re. bug repellent. Have you tried vanilla straight from the bean? If you rub it on your pulse points it not only smells good, but repells sandflies, mosquitos and most biting flies. Also avoid Bananas and the color white. These actually atract the bugs you want to avoid.

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