Affliction is Done!

Mar 16, 2013

I thought I posted this two weeks ago, but apparently not. *laughs* We were both pretty fried for the week after I finished Affliction, but then Jon and I went for a week’s vacation some place warm and tropical. We snorkeled in the open ocean and it was wondrous. We did a lot of fun, relaxing, and spirit renewing things for our week and a day, now I finally post the blog I wrote just after I typed, The End, on Affliction the 22nd novel in the Anita Blake series.

I finished writing Affliction, the newest Anita Blake novel, at twenty minutes till dawn on Sunday/Monday morning. Jon wanted to wait those minutes and watch the sunrise together. Jon doesn’t normally stay up for the 0’dark-thirty finishes and I was still riding an incredible writer’s high, so agreed happily. We found the perfect window in my office, wrapped our arms around each other, and waited. The sky lightened and turned to streamers of pink and purple to the east, with the bare winter trees like black paper cutouts against the light, but Jon said, it wasn’t dawn yet. Though we both agreed that any vampires out and about would need to be worried and headed for cover. In the growing light we saw the Great Horned Owl silhouetted between the darkness and the dawn. It was this huge black outline in one of the trees near my office. You forget how big he is, until you see him like that, big as a large Red-Tailed hawk, hunched and waiting for the light, or maybe settling down for the day? And yes, I’m pretty sure he is the male, because the slightly larger female must be sitting on their eggs if they’re going to have them. They are both very big birds even for Great Horned Owls.
I admit that by the time that the sun rose and the sky was blue, I was tired and ready for bed. I’d finished a twenty hour day of writing with only short breaks for food. I’ve done those marathon sessions before. In fact most Anita novels finish in a great burst of time, energy, and creativity, but for the last several books of any kind including Merry Gentry novels I’d ended drained and half in shock left like an empty shell on the shore, spent, but not this time. This time I am more energized, and less dead, more vampire, less zombie. 🙂 In a few days I feel that I may rise to shapeshifter and feel all warm and fuzzy again, but for now I’m just happy to feel good about the book, the writing, my life, myself, all of it. Really, when all is said and done, what could be better?

25 thoughts on “Affliction is Done!”

  1. What a wonderful way to finish! I’m always impressed with how the creative process works. I’m so happy that this book is done so I can continue traveling in Anita’s world! So glad you got to enjoy Jon’s company and were able to relax. Thank you for allowing me into both your characters and your world! Be Blessed!

  2. Awesome!! Cannot wait to continue reading. Love the series, have for so so long. Wonderful Mrs. Hamilton.

  3. That seems like an amazing way to end a book, and those 24 hour marathons can be hard. I’m curious, how do you make it through them? I’m personally an aspiring writer and often find myself sucked into my writing but that’s an awfully long time. I have to say I am a big fan and I’ve read every book you’ve published. It’s women like you that have followed their heart and written such incredible works that have given me the courage to even try. I think every girl who struggles with everyday life looks at characters like Anita Blake and admire her strength, and ability to survive despite her odds. And all those gorgeous men aren’t so bad either, haha. Mainly I want to say Thank You, for being such an amazing author and such an inspiring person.

  4. Wow,Cheers to life!You both are such a lovely pair.:)also,Thank you! I’m soo excited to see what Anita has to go through now! Long Live Anita Blake! haha

  5. I am so excited to be getting a new book from laurell k Hamilton!! Now I just have to be patient for June!! ARGH. Not a very patient person when waiting for any of her books.

  6. Is it true that the new book will be released in June? I hope it is because it would be the perfect birthday present (mine is June 28th) / recovery reading material. I have a major surgery scheduled for June. Thank you so much for allowing all of your readers into Merry Anita and to a certain extent your life.

  7. Congratulations on completing the book Affliction. I bet that it would be a relief to you and yours that it is done. May the God and Goddess bless you with some relaxation between your muses being talkative. Well Done.

  8. Hi im Krystal Johnson i just wanted to know whata up with the last book u added so many knew people that i got confused i feel like i missed so much but i have read everything u have written and im just upset because this is the first time i didntt absolutely love ur work

  9. I love your books and have been anticipating when Anita goes to meet Micah’s family. I can’t wait to read it. I have already preordered it!

  10. Thank you for sharing your joy with us can’t wait to get back in touch with annita thak you!

  11. “To be at peace in the presence of another, is this not love?” Thomas J.Edwards.
    Which actually reminds me of Edward a bit. I, oddly enough, find him peaceful.

  12. I’m so happy to “hear” it!!! Do you plan to continue Merry Gentry series at some point? I love Anita, but I miss Merry and her men.

  13. I was wondering if you were stillplanning on finishing the Merry Gentry series? I love that series so much and can’t wait for another book.

  14. I am so happy you have finished postive and energized I just wanna know when we can see a merry gentry book lol I have been reading your books for about ten years you are my favorite author no one else compares

  15. It’s wonderful that you’ve finished Affliction but I’m dying to know when the next Merry Gentry book is coming out… I’ve read the ones I own so many times I’ve had to replace them and would LOVE to know what the next step is for Merry and her men… please please please write another one.

  16. Yay for Affliction! I’m super excited to have another Anita Blake novel to read 🙂 you are my all time favorite author and I love every one of your books. My one concern which is on many readers mind is what about merry!? I love the Anita books but even more so, the merry books. In an earlier post you had mentioned that you haven’t given up on merry, it was just hard to find a happy medium. That post was quite awhile ago, which is why I am now asking for an update, PLEASE. I am begging you, before you publish another Anita book, give us a closing book for merry or at least another to nibble on. I think it’s about time for another merry book after all the waiting, I hate to say it… With that said good luck LKH! All your readers are behind you 100% eagerly awaiting and supporting.

  17. I am glad that you were able to celebrate the completion of another Anita Blake novel, and I hope that soon Merry will cooperate with the creation of a new Merry Gentry story. Divine Misdemeanors was a wonderful book and I would love to hear what happens to the family.

  18. Dear Laurell,
    I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your Anita Blake novels, and surely Affliction is one of your best! It brought Anita’s zombie connection back into focus, let us meet Micah’s family with truly interesting developments, deepened Anita’s relationships with Nicky and Edward (and Nathaniel), brought the Wicked Truth back into a real connection with Anita, – and still furthered plot lines involving Jean-Claude, Asher, and the Harlequin.
    Thank you for a such a wonderful, satisfying, and entertaining story!
    Susan Samson

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