Affliction Update

Jan 30, 2013

Affliction will be out July 2, 2013! Why isn’t it in June like normal?
I was writing along on Affliction, and it was slow going, which isn’t usual for me at the beginning of a book. The book seemed to be fighting me and I wasn’t sure why, this usually happens when plot, or character, are not conforming to my initial idea and I’m refusing to make the change that the character wants. The book and I continued to duke it out, and I had some all time low daily page counts after page 150, that’s usually the moment that a book gains momentum, unless . . . unless it’s going to be longer than planned. My deadline was coming, I didn’t have time for substantially longer. You see the problem, right? Books are like legs, they need to be as long as necessary to reach the ground, otherwise you have serious problems with walking, running, and just moving forward in general. The more I tried to keep things under control, the harder it got, and the slower I wrote. What I had on the page was good, and I was having fun while writing, but still there was something wrong. Early on I’d told my editor that Edward might be in the book, but as we neared page 300 I assured her that he wasn’t going to be in it, because if he was going to show up that he would have put in an appearance by now. You see it coming, don’t you? Yep, you guessed it, Edward strolled on stage after page 300.
Now, I love Edward. I love writing him. Anita loves to work with him. He is her best friend, after all. Yes, I know that she needs a girl best friend again, since she and Ronnie had a parting of philosophies, but since my best friend, not counting my husband Jon, is male, I guess it makes sense that Anita would gravitate that way, too. Edward’s first scene was perfectly him, and wonderful interaction between him and Anita. It was great! I always love their dialogue. Here’s the problem, any time Edward steps on scene a book is guaranteed to be at least a 100 pages longer than I had planned, and usually between 150-200 pages longer. That’s great for you readers, but I still have to write the pages and meet my deadline. Affliction was plotted out to be a long book anyway, but adding Edward so late in the game, I knew was in trouble.
I called up my wonderful editor, Susan, and told her I wasn’t making my December deadline, it just wasn’t happening, was there anyway to make a later deadline? So, that’s how we ended up with the book moving to July, and my deadline moving to February, because I needed the time to play with all the characters that kept insisting they would be on stage this book.
Not only is Edward a surprise guest star, but Jean-Claude has a much bigger role than I had planned on, and the Wicked Truth are on stage, which I was trying to avoid. I love them, and they are yummy, but when I started nearing 500 pages I thought we had all the familiar characters we were going to introduce in this book, and yet, when I stop typing this I will be finishing their introduction scene for this book. Introducing two minor major characters at nearly page 500? What the hell? I mean, you just don’t introduce people this late in the game if the book is going to stop soon, right? Right? Argh!!!! I love everyone and the book reads well, Jon is really enjoying what he’s gotten to read, as has my editor, but come on all you fictional guys and girls, enough already! I got a deadline to make!
I now realize that one of the things that has slowed my page rate per day is that I’m still fighting the book. I’m still trying to force it into the smaller shape I had planned. I have to stop fighting myself and just let the book be what it’s going to be. My goal for the day is to stop worrying about how many characters are in the book and how late in the game they are stepping on stage and just write. It’s really all I can do, write, and let my imaginary friends have their heads, and like a horse that I’ve been fighting to hold back in a race, I’m hoping that once I give them their heads we’ll pick up speed and fly past that finish line ahead of the pack.

67 thoughts on “Affliction Update”

  1. July 2 is a perfect day to release the book (in my opinion anyhow), What a wonderful birthday present for me!!! Thanks for the wonderful stories!

  2. I am so excited for Affliction!!! Even more so now that there is more time with the best characters on the planet. :))) Thank you for always keeping us in the loop LLH. You rock my socks.


  3. I admire you so much for all the angst you go through to bring us Anita and Co. Thank so much!

  4. Yes, please take the time you need, I’m all for a long book. The last few books Ive read through them soooo quickly. I’m all in for a long story where I can just delve into Anita’s world and immerse myself into it. Thank you!

  5. We appreciate the struggles. Thank you for all our wonderful characters. Especially Micah!

  6. Whenever it comes out, I’m still looking forward to it. I’m generally an ebook buyer, so I’ll have it as soon as it’s available.

    I understand how some characters seem to have a life of their own. Or perhaps more than “seem”, but “DO”.

  7. Wicked Truth!!!! Oh how I’ve missed them, I can’t WAIT to see them again. I know there’s only so much stage-time for everyone, but I’ve really been dying for them to pop up again. I can’t wait to read, I love Edward too, and I know it’s going to be awesome.

  8. I thinkII think it’s great….take the time the characters need…I can’t wait.

  9. I’m so excited! Thank you so much for letting us into your world, my husband got me started on your series and I read ALL of them in about 4 months, so I’ve been waiting for Affliction since May. I will definitely have to buy it on a weekend when I have nothing else to do just so I can read it. Again thank you so much!!

  10. i luv ur imaginary frinds they have become mine over last 3yrs reading all ,anita& meredith books,cant wait for affliction.dont hold back,give the caracters what they want &let them fly!

  11. No matter what, your books always come out amazing . I’m more than happy to wait for a longer book. Awesome!

  12. I’m thrilled to hear that Jean-Claude will be making a large appearance! I’ve missed him. A lot. I’ve gone back to the earlier books just to spend more time with him. I can’t wait!

  13. Anita doesn’t have to have a female best friend, Edward is fantastic (and my favorite character if I might add) and their dynamic is delicious! Some women (like myself and yourself I’m sure) just gravitate towards men more than women, as friends and lovers, and that’s just wonderful.

  14. Belive me when I say i am going crazy waiting for your next book . But I will wait. I love anita an everyone of her men … I wish richard would get his head out of his ass but.. i digress. I will wait an when I get the book ill devoure it in a day an then be waiting for your next book…. Thank you for being amazing. You make my slow days fly by.

  15. Hey! So sorry to hear of the troubles. I’m all in for a lengthy book from u. I just hope it makes a netherworld of sense when you are finally satisfied with it. <3 kiss

  16. At this point in your career, isn’t it OK to free fall into your craft and if you want multiple character, so be it.

  17. Awesome Laurell!! Just go with it! The horse needs to jump the water trap its own way. Love your work !!!!

  18. I have plenty of time. While I am waiting for “Afflicted” I am reading the Sookie Stckhouse novels, which will take quite a while.

  19. I love all your books and I am patiently waiting on the next one. Don’t fight it, just go with the flow. I am extremely excited about the new long book, I will be sure to make myself available for an Anita-fest!!!! Thanks so much for all you do.

  20. I’m just grateful they are all strong enough characters that after all these years, they are still keeping the series strong and alive! TEAM ANITA!

  21. I just wanted to thank you for what you go through everyday to pull these characters and scenes out of yourself and put them on paper for us to read. It’s not always fun and games, I get that. For me, it’s kind of like ripping a piece of my soul out and laying it down for all to see. But it brings such joy to see the play of words on the page, and know that it came from you. So, Thank you, Laurell. Truly

  22. Take all the time you ned. I’d much rather wait and have a fully flushed out book, with your usual greatness in it, than a rushed, cut version of what it can be.

  23. I would wait until the end of whatever seaon just to be able to read it..take your time!!!!

  24. Let it be as long as it want to be, we will love it just the same. Thank you for writing these characters don’t know how I could live without them.

  25. I am very much looking forward to this book! I love all of your writing, but having been following your (not sure that sounds right) posts and blogs as you’ve been writing is both exciting me more and inspiring me. May your fights be on the pages and not with them.

  26. We appreciate all that you do. This just means i get to take a 6 day, 4th of July Holiday. Thank you Laurell for making this Independence Day rock!

  27. I’m sure Affliction will be brilliant like all the other books, can’t wait 🙂

  28. July 2 is a great release day. It just means the anticipation will be all that much more.

  29. I am so excited for this new book.
    I’ve read all of the Anita Blake series, and Meredith Gentry series.
    I have learned a fair bit of knowledge, about love, relationships, and certain tips for in the bedroom.
    Every time a new book comes out, I re-read all previous books, so that the history is fresh.
    Kinda strange I know, but I love reading and can finish the series in about a week and a half.
    I’ve bought every Anita Blake book, but I’ve moved quite a bit in the last year, so alot have been donated to libraries.
    I started the series when I was a sophomore in high school, it was just a series that the local library had, I am enamored by vampires, and werewolves, I love almost any book that contains them.
    It was a shock when you first printed a sex scene, but I had grown to love the characters, and the strife, so I continued reading.
    I am glad that you’re writing a long book for this one, its easier to get lost in a long book.
    Its so very hard to put them down once I start, so I usually read on days where I’m off in the evening, or just plain off the whole day.

    Thanks again, for being a great author, and showing everyone a world that otherwise wouldn’t have been thought of.

    P.S. As much as I love Anita Blake, I would be delighted for another Meredith Gentry book. (:

  30. July 2nd is going to be fine my birthday is a few days later. Happy early birthday to me 🙂 Thank you for everything you go through to write these amazing books.

  31. Can’t wait love the fact that Edward, Jean Claude and Wicked Truth are in the book, my favourites

  32. I love your writing process and appreciate that these things are gonna make the wait worth while anita blake is the first series i got hooked to and im starving for the next book like a crack addict!

  33. I am just happy that you are still persisiting with Anita and her family. I can wait a little longer for the book just knowing that it is on its way.

  34. That’s awesome. A book is never as good when it’s constrained. Will love it even more having to wait longer, and I’ll have more time to work on mine. LOL.

  35. I am going to gently but firmly remind you of something you say on your twitter feed all the Time…’let go of the[book]you had planned and write the book you’ve been given’. You taught me that.t .

  36. Your writing is amazing and I love reading your books. A longer book is well worth waiting for. Thank you for your hard work.

  37. I I am happy to have a different release date, June 4th is the day of my daughters dance recital. I had a hard time last year checking in the dancers while reading Kiss the Dead which was released on last years dress rehearsal.

    I still cannot believe those parents thought getting their kids to the correct dressing rooms was more important than Anita catching the bad guys.

  38. A book that is content with its pages is more important than a month here-or-there in the publishing date. Having said that, I freely admit to being a true fanatic, eating every instance of LKH like the “Strange Candy” that it is, having to frequently and firmly remind myself that she does deserve a life, whereas the two-book-per-year schedule was much more to my preference.

  39. II am an Edward fangirl. He is one of my favorite caracters that he is in thes book. I am so exsited that he uis in this book that i would gladly wait an extra month to get this book.

  40. I Love your books……..have been waiting for this next one and the introduction to michas family will be wonderful take you time just knowing what is coming is worth the wait

  41. Laurell, I check here time and time again just to get a time Frame before each book. I read all of your works of each series prior to the next release to get a firm grip on the new twists and turns you are going to take us. I commend you for letting the characters take the lead. If each book was a blue moon length, I would be in heaven.

  42. Love the books, but you could maybe cut down on pages by not repeating the same thing so much? I know that you may repeat from a previous book as a refresher or to prevent new readers from getting lost. But I’m talking *within* the same book, repeating information. For example, in Kiss the Dead do a search of the number of times you describe Dev’s eyes.. the number of results is very high. I actually found it rather distracting after a while and it slowed things down.

  43. Ok…I’m late in saying this (mostly bc I don’t get to treat myself anymore and just read a good book) I’m actually kinda sad..I wish the book was out already. What little I know about the book I love and I was reaching for my keys and wallet when..sadly I discovered it wasn’t released yet. I love all of your books and you’re a wonderful writer! I can wait a month for your new book 🙂

  44. i firmly believe that you are the greatest author ever..i cant wait to read affliction..i was hoping u would put edward in this one. i missed him in the last one..he has been one of my favorites since obsidion butterfly. i also am excited about the wicked truth being in this one too..they are 2 of my favorites as assessment of the later release date is that it will be well worth the extended wait. i cant wait to see how anita’s life get more interesting. i love her most of all…we go way back…she has helped me thro some interesting situations..-#1 fan-

  45. So for years I’ve been picking up Anita Blake novels, but never in order.
    I finally broke down and have read ALL of them in the last two weeks.
    So I have to say the timing is awesome lol.

    I love your books so much & always have.
    Its a hell of ride reading them all together. I love living in
    your world even for a short while:P

  46. I can’t wait for affliction. Its a good day to come out. I read your books so many times i cant stop reading them. Thankz for the books they are amazing.. 🙂

  47. I have greatly enjoyed all books you’ve published over the years. My best friend was the one to get me head over heels into Anita Blake and I discovered Merry on my own. Any time I know a new Anita is coming out I re-read them all, unfortunately I moved nearly 2 years ago and was unable to bring them home with me and haven’t kept up. I need to somehow get a whole new set of each to read over and over again, but money being tight with a new angel in my life…its hard. I’m a gal that once she finds a series so fantastically enjoyable, I stick to it until the end and after. Yes I still read them even after the series has ended. When my little angel wasn’t around I would basically polish off a book or so a day in the genre you have entrenched yourself in. Libraries could never keep up….nor could books stores or my money for want of more and more books to read.

    I appreciate the hard work and love you have put into each and every book you have ever published for people like myself to thoroughly devour and enjoy. Thank you, so very much.

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