Yesterday was our anniversary, and I took the day off, even from blogging. Last year, Jon and went to New York and saw Spamalot on Broadway. We had a romantic walk through night time New York. The only downside being the fabulous, but cruel shoes I was wearing. When Jon realized the pain I had endured for our stroll, he made it up to me. Well worth it.
We thought about doing something big this year. Everything from a return to New York and Broadway, to a long weekend vacation somewhere we enjoyed. But, when the time got closer we both realized we wanted most of all to simply be home, alone. We get precious little alone time. Especially, if it needs to be uninterrupted by phone, e-mail, or any other business. That just doesn’t happen. Almost never. So, we took most of the day off. We did, I must admit answer some e-mails. We’ve made plans to see friends and catch a movie tomorrow. But today, we did very little and it was nice.
We caught up on all the things we all say we’ll catch up on ‘when we have time’. We watched DVDs that we’d bought but not gotten a chance to open. THE LAST DETECTIVE with Peter Davidson. We both give it two thumbs up. We also caught the first episode or so of TORCHWOOD, by damn near accident. Enjoyed that, too. Fun, likable characters, if rather improbable in places. We finished off the Forth disc of ROME the television series. Horrible history. I mean really fast and loose with it, but again strong characters. If not all likable then compelling. You just have to not pick at the history. If you can’t not pick, then don’t watch. It would simply make you unhappy. But, if the characters catch you, as they did us, then I think you’ll enjoy it. Though, warning, it’s not always upbeat. They may play loose with history, but it is Roman history. It’s not a happy-ever-after kind of thing.
We had lunch at our favorite Thai restaurant. We went to rock store and bought some pretties. I’ve loved mineral specimens since I was a child.
We puttered, basically. Jon got a chance to play some of the new Halo while I did an errand on my own. And strangely, Jon enjoyed the game, and I enjoyed being alone. Alone, anywhere, is actually so rare that I can’t remember the last time I got to do it. Weird. Alone, when there’s no one about to hit the intercom, or a phone call. Of course, since I had my cell phone, it could have rung off and then, presto, no more being alone. Not really. It’s getting harder and harder to be truly alone these days, don’t you find?
I thought, at first, we’d made a mistake not doing the big dinner, which we’ve done in the past, or the big trip, ditto, or the small trip, again done that, or at least cards and flowers. But, frankly, the drawer full of cards is getting a might full. I mean what do you do with them after you’ve gone, wow, cool? We got to stay home and spend time as a couple, which is what the whole married thing is about.
Driving home from the errand at night, I got caught in traffic, and far from being bored or impatient, I people watched. It’s a habit most writers fall into. Like actors we collect bits of people, mannerisms. But we do something that not all actors do. We tell stories about what we see. I saw a lot of people out on dates, holding hands, doggie bags in tow. I saw families out. People waiting in the autumn evening for their table to open up. Window shopping going on. I envied none of them. I was utterly content to be going home, and spend time with my husband. The only person that almost never makes me want breathing room. I seem to breath easier when he’s with me, actually. There was nowhere I wanted to be, nothing I wanted to do, more than go home and be a couple with Jonathon. It’s a very nice way to feel seven years into a relationship, six of them legal.
I’ll leave you on an even cuter note. Trinity, our daughter, bought us flowers a day ahead of schedule as she’s with her dad this weekend. She used her own money to buy us two red roses in a vase. She filled out the card herself. I mean, how sweet is that. Once the kiddo bought us flowers there was no way for her to come home on Monday and see bigger flowers from either of us. We’ve had our flowers, and that she thought of it, is special enough for a dozen bouquets.