Another day, another blog

Nov 01, 2006

My goal is to do a new blog every day. I won’t make that, most likely, but heck, you guys got two blogs last night. We’ll see how it goes. I wrote mostly long hand today. I have been having fits with this plot climax. Finally, today I meditated and took this particular problem into meditation with me. I couldn’t clear my head enough to meditate, so I finally said, okay, then look at what’s bothering you. Why couldn’t I get this scene done? I think I know. I have pages in my notebook to transcribe to computer tomorrow. I hope that that will get me over the hump. I think I know what’s happening in the finale. I think I know, but I also know that something will surprise me. Some character, or plot point, or event will come out of left field and take my breath away, or reduce me to tears. Sometimes it’s tears of frustration, sometimes it’s tears of a different kind. There are so many characters on stage for the final show down that that alone will be a challenge to me as a writer. Jon and I saw more covers this week for the comic book. Soooo cool. The new Anita cover, and the Edward cover, are entirely too cool. The other cover I’ll let you wait to see, and see how many of you spot who it is right away. Those who are new to the books entirely, and have just been introduced to the comic book, well, if you guys are reading this blog, welcome. Sorry, if much of what I write assumes a certain intimacy with my world and my characters. To write the blog any other way would be like trying to explain who all my friends and family are every time I mention them. Sorry if it’s confusing. I hope not too confusing. Again, welcome aboard, hope you enjoy the ride.