Anxiety dreams, but not all mine

Oct 16, 2005

I had anxiety dreams last night. Not my anxiety dreams. Anita’s anxiety dreams. I spent much of last night searching for my gun because I was going to have to report to the Federal Marshals, or sometimes it was the F.B.I. And it was like I was worried they’d be mad because I’d misplaced the gun that they’d given me. Though one version of the dream had me not sure I wanted to find my gun. Maybe it was time to do something less dangerous. The dream changed into my own anxiety dreams, about touring, and personal appearances, especially television. Don’t know why but I still find that an anxious thing to do. I kept loosing my make up, and getting surprise telly interviews. One version or another of either my own anxiety dreams, or Anita’s, all night long. Not a peaceful night. I really, really, REALLY, need this book done.
950 pages and still counting. Man.