December Audio Book Winner

Congratulations to Deanna Russell from Tucson, AZ. She won the December Audio Book Contest. The question that month was “How do you feel that Anita Blake has evolved over the years?”  Deanna said that Anita has gotten stronger in that she now has an open mind and heart. It’s no longer about her against the bad guys. She has friends and allies to help her. While she may have wanted the white picket fence dream with Richard, she realized it wasn’t for her. Instead, she has a home full of love and support that in Guilty Pleasures she never would have accepted.”

Even though this was the last audio book contest, Laurell would like to once again thank you all for the support that she has received from you over the years.

May 2013 bring nothing but good tidings for you all!

Keeping my New Year’s Resolutions

The First Day of 2013:

Today I meditated and performed a ritual to welcome in the first day of the year. This goes with my goal of doing more rituals for my faith in the coming year. I meditate almost daily, but actual ritual is less frequent.
I worked on Affliction which is the next Anita Blake novel. I’m in the end game of the book, but I’m having to throw out part of my outline and redo plot points from here on out. The major mystery has remained the same, but the clues and how-to catch the bad guys have been impacted by the book to date. I’m an organic writer which means the book grows and changes. The writing goals are always part of my new year thinking.
Then the rest of the family was finally up and we had breakfast together. That’s another goal, to do more family stuff and enjoy the real people in my life more this year. That includes friends, as well, as family.
Jon and I went to the gym and worked out. That hits the exercise goals that we’ve set for the year. I’m proud of us for going on New Year’s Day, I think it’s a first?
I think I’m out of daylight for reading part of a book that I did not write today, but I’ll try tomorrow.
I did make a start on planning my next tattoo which I’m wanting to get this year. I’ve been working on the idea for about two years and finally think I’ve found an artist to help me design it.
There are other goals for the year, but I’ll stop here so that I can go to bed with Jon, and cuddle on this the first full night of 2013.

The Second Day of 2013:

Jon and I went to the gun range. We put rounds through my two new hand guns that have been languishing in their boxes since my wonderful husband bought them for me. One of my goals for this year was to go to the range more.
I went to the gym again today, and along with the weight lifting, squats, etc . . . ran! I’m running more and better every time. I did not appreciate it before I injured myself and couldn’t run. Now, every time down that track is a gift.
My sister, Chica, had her foot surgery today, and that gets her closer to the goal of being completely healed this year. No more accidents!
I have not hit my writing goal for the day on Affliction. I’ve written, but I haven’t hit the point in the chapter I wanted to be at before I went to bed.
There is no time to read for pleasure today. I’ve given up on that until tomorrow. I’ll try again then. That whole reading for pleasure is a New Year’s resolution that usually dies a quick death. I’m determined this year to do better than last, but as I type this I can’t choose reading someone else’s book over working on my own, especially with a deadline fast approaching. Since I’ve spent most of the last decade on deadline maybe that’s why I stopped reading for pleasure. Hmm . . . it does seem to be a pattern. *laughs*

Happy Yule and Merry Christmas to all!

I woke early This Christmas/Yule morning eager to write. I kissed my husband, Jon, awake and then let him curl back under the covers and sleep. Trinity had spent Christmas Eve with her father, so she wasn’t due to be dropped off until around noon. My sister, Chica, and her partner were still asleep in her room. Even the dogs had decided to sleep in, Mordor rolling an eye at me, and going back to sleep, which lets you know how early it was, truly a moment when nothing was stirring, not even a mouse, well, and a writer.

I did what I do every morning and entered sacred space with candles to mark the quarters, the directions of North, East, South, and West. I also light a candle for Spirit, which not everyone does, but the candles for God and Goddess are always lit. I gave thanks for this beautiful morning and time to myself to think, reflect, and create.

I worked on Affliction which is the next Anita Blake novel, but first I worked on a brand new story idea. I’d written down a few sentences of it days ago when the idea first waved it’s hands at me, so to speak. To my surprise it was the first thing that came to me this morning. I guess, it shouldn’t surprise me too much since it is a Christmas story. I believe it’s my first ever Christmas/Yule story, and if things continue a pace the story is shaping up to be safe for all ages. So many of you have asked for more stories of mine that can be safely shared with younger readers that apparently my subconscious has been working on it. We’ll see if I can actual behave myself for pages, though honestly the beginnings of stories are fragile things and just because you start a story is no guarantee that you will finish it. I think every writer has more beginnings than complete works, it’s the nature of ideas to come on strong, but not necessarily have staying power. This one feels promising, because the idea is fresh and exciting having just come to life this morning. (I don’t count a few lines of an idea, they can wait a decade to become a story, or never be more than an idea.)

After I’d written as far I could see in the new story I wrote on Affliction. I had to drop back and add a bridge chapter which is exactly what it sounds like it is, a chapter that bridges from the action at the end of one chapter and the action at the beginning of another. Sometimes in my eagerness to get to a scene I get ahead of explanation needed, or even character introductions so that you get people talking that are brand new with no background at all, or characters that new readers wouldn’t know just dropped in, so you have to back up and explain a little. The two brand new characters that I’d introduced have been in my mind so long that I just forgot that they’ve never actually made it on stage before. I’ve had that happen a time, or two, usually with minor characters, or minor major characters, that I keep putting in the series and they keep getting cut before the book goes to publication. We’ll see if the characters make it to the final round this book.

Breakfast pancakes, bacon, and cinnamon rolls thanks to Chica and her partner. Trinity had joined us by then with her present booty from her father’s side of things. Jon had found one more present for her, “A Muppet Christmas Carol,” her favorite holiday movie which somehow we had on video, but not on DVD, since we no longer have a VCR that was a problem. Jon braved the mall yesterday so we could watch her favorite movie together this morning. We’ve already watched two of our favorite movies leading up to Christmas; Red, and Die Hard. Ho, ho, ho, now I have a machine gun! *laughs*

Chica and her partner are about to be out for family obligations, but Trinity, Jon, and I are getting to do what we most want today.Trinity has chosen to play her new SIMS game on computer. Jon wants to read and play video games. We’re taking turns choosing favorite holiday music to be our background noise. Currently listening to Excelsis – A Dark Noel a wonderful Goth Christmas album. It’s the first album Jon recommended to me that I went out and purchased. 🙂 This was my pick. We started with the Clancy Brothers Christmas Album which is one of Jon’s other favorites. He’s always had one of the most eclectic music tastes of anyone I’ve ever met.

Oh, I almost forgot my choice for the day is to write and read. I admit that I may overindulge on sweets for a change. I also reserve the right to do treadmill depending on how the writing goes, if the muse and I are making pages I’ll likely just write.

Once Chica and her partner return we may go back to choosing another favorite Christmas movie to watch, but welcome to the holiday as celebrated by a happy bunch of introverts. I hope you are able to do what you most want to do this day. Bright blessings between my family and yours and a very Happy Yule and a very Merry Christmas to all!

Best & Most Reasonable Article about Gun Rights & How to Prevent Another Tragedy I Could Find

This is the best blog I could find about a reasoned approach to the horrible aftermath of the Sandy Hook tragedy. Thank you to Larry Correia for giving his permission for his blog to be posted here. I write about guns & violence, but I am by no means an expert, Larry is, & here is his logical post backed by real research, not emotionalism.

Happy Winter Solstice and no, the World Did Not End!

First, Happy non-apocalypse! It is already past dawn in Australia, New Zealand, China, India, Madagascar, and . . . the sun will rise all over the world just as it’s supposed to and we will all go to work or school, or sleep in if we’re off work and school for the holidays. I’m sorry if anyone out there didn’t do their homework, write that critical report, finish that work assignment, or pay those bills believing that the world was really ending so why do all that boring stuff. The world did not end, so you are screwed. *hugs* Better luck next time.

I am now going to quote my favorite bit of dialogue from the television show, “Buffy, the Vampire Slayer” – “Before I met you I didn’t need to know the plural of apocalypse.”

Happy Winter Solstice, everyone! The light is reborn today, and the darkness is less. From this day forward the light wins a little bit more each day. That is the message of this time of year, that there is hope and life and warmth, and no matter how dark or cold the night that the light will return and life will continue.

Bright Blessings!

Do I write my books Long Hand?

I wrote 6 pages on Affliction today. Got up to get fresh tea & had a brand new idea. Made note of it in my iPhone, because I had close at hand, if you don’t write ideas you forget them. No, really, you do. You forget them faster & more completely if you think, “This is such a great idea, I’ll never forget it.” You are now doomed to forget this idea instantly, unless you write it down.

So, I made a note & went about my day. Then later on couch resting since I’m still fighting a cold, I decided to buy my holiday ring tone from iTunes. (For those who will ask, “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch) I also remembered the note I’d made earlier. I read it over liked it & brought it up on my iPad which was handy.

I now have a page of a brand new short story. All because I wrote down the idea as it came, so I wouldn’t forget & because I admit that modern technology makes it amazingly easy to share ideas over different devices. I’m actually doing most of my notes & ideas on my iPhone, or sticky notes, & starting a lot of stories & even books on the iPad. Main computer is a PC & is for main books, or once it gets over a certain page count & I know this book is actually taking off.

I’ll finish Affliction first, but I have this short story & a novelette started on my iPad. So for those who ask, if I wrote long hand, um, no, technology rocks my muse & me.

Nov. Audio Book Winner

We would like to congratulate Cindy Gentry from Racine, Wisconsin. Her name was randomly drawn out as our Nov. Audio Book winner. We sent Cindy a Burnt Offering audio book.

Our Nov question was “What quality of Merry’s would you most like to have yourself?” Cindy said that she admired Merry’s strength and determination. That was a quality that a lot of you had chosen.

Again, Congratulations, Cindy.

Why I Threw Out Everything I Wrote Yesterday

So many of you wrote in and feared for the lovers in Anita’s life. They are in peril. This promises to be a very hard book, but two days ago it wasn’t that kind of trauma for Anita and me. She did her duty. She stayed at her post. She made the hard call in the midst of death and violence. She was a good cop, a good soldier, a good . . . she did her duty. She did not panic. It ended up with her in the hospital and it cost her the life of someone she valued. It also cost the lives of good men and women who stood shoulder to shoulder against the great bad thing. There are losses that aren’t about romantic love. There are losses that are about a different kind of love. The people that will go into the bad place with you and not panic, but stay at your side shooting, fighting, risking it all for the goal, the objective, the mission, but there will always be moments that come down to just surviving. The men and women who stay with you through something like that – you love them. They love you. It’s not romantic love, but it is a bond that will make you answer a phone a decade later and say, “What do you need? What can I do?”
It’s also the kind of emotion that will make you not answer the phone ever. It is a level of pain and trauma that makes you want to forget. You don’t want to relive it. You don’t want to look at it, or talk about it. You want to move on; forget. sometimes in that effort to push it away you will destroy everything in your life to avoid the pain of it, the truth of it.
I have had the privilege of knowing men and women who have served their country, worn the badge, and come away with the real deal. I have dated, and been friends with men that are still haunted. I know when they share their stories with me in any way that it’s a privilege to be trusted with those moments of truth. a lot of them are told with laughter, but every once in awhile their eyes grow haunted and the pain comes too close to hide.
Anita had one of those moments and I spent the next twenty-four hours trying to ignore the pain. I was willing to blow up my imaginary world and throw all the hard work that Micah and Jean-Claude had done to bring together the preternatural community so that we could have a crisis and Anita and I wouldn’t have to deal with what was really bothering us. We were willing to ruin our relationship with Micah. Willing to ruin our relationship with other lovers. Anita and I tried to sink ourselves into sex. Nothing worked yesterday. Some of it was good pages, but really I was blowing up my world, destroying books and books of relationship building. It was my husband, Jon, who told me not to do some of it, that it made no sense. I was angry with him, though we didn’t fight, because I knew something was wrong with me and how I was reacting.
This morning when I woke up I understood what I’d been doing. I also knew what I needed to write today. I have to look at what happened in the shoot out. I have to let Anita feel the pain of what she had to do, and what it cost her and others. I was willing to blow up my world, Jean-Claude’s world, Micah’s, sacrifice Damian, hurt Nathaniel, or try to just skip to sex and comfort. I fought with myself all day and at midnight I called it, because I didn’t know what the hell was going on. I just knew it I wasn’t thinking right.
This morning it was so clear, even logical. I’ve spent twenty years writing Anita. I’ve interviewed people about what it feels like to take a life in the course of their duty. I have been blessed and trusted with the stories, without them this series would have been so much weaker. I wouldn’t have understood, and there are things that I will not understand because this is fiction for me. I’m not there. I’m not going through the real doors. I’m not having to look down the barrel of real guns and make choices that will be irrevocable. In real life there is no rewrite, more’s the pity.
Today Anita has to wake up in the hospital with that moment of confusion of “where am I, what happened,” and then the memory will return. She’ll remember the moment. The gun, sighting down the barrel, pulling the trigger and watching him drop. She would make the same choice, but that doesn’t mean she won’t be haunted by it. You can be right. You can be brave. It is some comfort, but in the end the people still died, and you couldn’t save them all, and sometimes killing the killer is just one more trauma.
There are losses that make you weep, that drive you from sleep to pace the darkened house, because sleep is full of dreams, nightmares, or sometimes it’s just too quiet and alone with our thoughts isn’t that great. I should have remembered that yesterday, but it took me time to work it out – to remember.
I’m just lucky that what I do is fiction. That I didn’t ruin my actual relationship with the man I love, and I have a chance to rewrite the fictional mistake. That I didn’t blow up the political structure of our country for real, but just on paper and I had a smart man to tell me, “This isn’t logical.” Thanks, my husband. Lucky for me, and for Anita, there is a do-over today. It won’t be pleasant, in fact it will be emotionally pretty horrible, but when she’s faced it, worked some of it through, then she will still have the loves of her life, the men she depends on, and the careful political structure that Jean-Claude and Micah have worked so hard to make will still be working. I am dreading writing this, but I feel strangely peaceful about it, too. This is what comes next and the days when Anita would destroy her love life, her friendships, to avoid the pain of what she’s had to do in her job are past. I’ve had better therapy than that, and so has she.
As I write today I will think of my friends who have done, and are doing, this for real. To the men and women who put on a uniform and do their duty, thank you for your service.

Carving words out of flesh

The moon hangs in the sky glowing like white-gold. I can see it as I write this, and I see the beauty of it, I do. I’ve found a new band that I’m loving, Imagine Dragons. I’ve got their album up full volume roaring around me. All three dogs are scattered through the office asleep even with the happy thud of music. I was never allowed indoor pets as a child, and having the dogs fulfills a wish I’ve had since I was very small.

I’m in the middle of a great scene with Anita about to wade into a fight between the police and the undead. We have zombies! Except for the jeopardy to my imaginary friends it’s a great scene, the kind I used to love, but I’m hitting one of those moments that just happens when you’re writing a big book. I don’t know if it’s the size, so that you begin to despair at every finishing the journey, or something else. I just know it always hits somewhere between 300-500 pages when I realize that 500 won’t see me done. Yay, for you guys, more to read, but I still gotta write it and my deadline does not change. So, on one hand I’m having a great time fighting zombies on paper and seeing new facets of my characters as they rise to the occasion, but on the other hand the amount of pages stretching before me . . . it’s a little daunting. But between this sentence and last our Japanese chins woke up and invited me to play and it’s impossible to be unhappy after playing on the floor with two adorable dogs that happen to be yours. Sasquatch, our pug, watched from his bed confident I would pet him after the rough housing was over. His expectations were fulfilled, lazy ol’ pug.

I am resolved to finish this scene tonight. I’m not sure why but I feel if I get past it that some magical page barrier will be past. This feeling is usually right and once past a certain point the book gains steam and flows. I’m really looking forward to that part of the writing process. Right now, I’m stuck in the part of writing where it feels like I’m carving the words out of my own flesh. It hurts, it leaves a mark, and you begin to worry about scars, but I’ve learned that if I just keep carving eventually the right symbol is painted on my skin and the muse and I are one again. Until that time I have the moon, music, the dogs, and myself. Sometimes the solitariness of my job is not my favorite part, especially when the dark is populated with demons from old issues, but then one of the ways I exorcise my demons is by writing them out in fiction. And no, before someone asks, I have never really had to fight zombies. Sorry, fiction.

October Winner of Audio Book Contest

Congratulations to Beth Wolff of San Antonio, TX. She was our random drawing winner for October. We sent her a Bullet Audio Book as her prize.

We had asked “Besides Anita’s Kick-assness, which quality of Anita’s would you most like to have for yourself?” Beth said she would like to have Anita’s inner faith and strength. The quality that most of you chose was Anita’s loyalty to those she loves, but there were soooo many different answers this time. We still have November and December for our year long contest. So watch for the next email from us for your chance to win in November.