Avengers, writing, Anne of Green Gables, and The Expendables for Mother’s Day!

May 14, 2012

Avengers for Mother’s Day!

Avengers totally rocked! An adventure movie where the action rocked, but so did the characterization, the dialogue, the humor and the poignant moments. Favorite bit of dialogue, “Puny, god.”
Loved what they did with Black Widow played by Scarlett Johansson. Her fight scenes were every bit as good as any of the others, and that meant they were amazing. I don’t know if they had a better fight coordinator, or if Ms. Johansson had hit the gym, or they had a better fight double, but whatever they did this Black Widow was everything she should have been and more. It was so much better than her first appearance in Iron Man 2.
Only thing I missed was a gratuitous shot of Chris Hemsworth shirtless. But as Jon pointed out, no one had a gratuitous flesh shot, which was nice, even wonderful, it was all about the story, but still . . . loved that one scene in Thor. *grin*
Just in case someone hasn’t seen it, I’ll avoid spoilers, but there are a lot of great moments in the Avengers. It is definitely one to see on the big screen.
Now watching The Expendables with Jon, Trinity, and Chica, my sister. We saw the previews for The Expendables II and Chica had never seen the first one, so we’re watching the first movie to prep for the second. Besides, it’s Mother’s Day and I love this movie.
Trinity got me the complete Anne of Green Gables movie set for her gift, and was so excited that she’d gotten me exactly what I asked for that she couldn’t wait for me to watch it, so we watched it yesterday.
This morning I woke early my muse loud in my head. I did pages before breakfast letting everyone else sleep in, then the planned breakfast was had for brunch. Chica fixed Cinnamon Apple French Toast, which is a Cooking Light recipe. It’s become one of my new favorite breakfasts.
The idea that I wrote on today wasn’t the Merry book. An idea hit a few days back, that’s actually probably been trying to break through for a few weeks. One sign of that is that the Merry book has been going slower and slower. Usually when I have what I call an interrupting idea, or a pushy idea, I know what idea it is, what characters, some clue, but not this time. So when I uncaged my muse I had no idea what we’d be working on. Why did I interrupt the Merry book, because I’ve learned that if an idea is pushy enough it will actually act like a creative log jam. It can bring all work to a grinding halt. It’s best to give the idea at least a day. The problem comes when the first day of pages is ten, or more, then I know I’m in trouble. That’s how I got the books Micah, and Flirt. One interrupted a Merry book, and the other actually pushed ahead in the cue of a different Anita book. The short piece, “Can he Bake a Cherry Pie,” did that when it was ready to be written, too. I’d had the idea on my sticky wall of ideas for a few years, but when the story was ready to write it jumped ahead in line. Some stories, and books, just demand your attention. Sometimes you can bull through it, but I find that it works best to work with your ideas and your muse, not against them. I now have two chapters and some of a third of a completely different book. We’ll see if it writes as fast as the other three pushy ideas did. I love it when the writing flows like the proverbial water from the cleft rock.
I gave myself a day about a month ago and in one day had thirty pages of a totally different book. I put it away and went back to the Merry book, because the thirty pages took the edge off and cleared the log jam. This idea, not yet. Whatever magic point needs to be written, I haven’t found it yet. I’m beginning to worry that they’re all book ideas. I’ve had two books fighting for first place in line before, and I managed it, but three? I’ve never tried to juggle three before. It would be hard to make progress towards deadlines if my attention was that divided.
I was going to do more pages after the movies, but I’m thinking early bed sounds really good. I think that four hours of sleep last night is catching up with me.
So a lovely Mother’s Day winding to a close here. I hope that all the mothers out there had a great day full of things that made them happy, I know I did.