Best & Most Reasonable Article about Gun Rights & How to Prevent Another Tragedy I Could Find

Dec 22, 2012

This is the best blog I could find about a reasoned approach to the horrible aftermath of the Sandy Hook tragedy. Thank you to Larry Correia for giving his permission for his blog to be posted here. I write about guns & violence, but I am by no means an expert, Larry is, & here is his logical post backed by real research, not emotionalism.

10 thoughts on “Best & Most Reasonable Article about Gun Rights & How to Prevent Another Tragedy I Could Find”

  1. This is a very enlightening article. Brings up many ideas I hadn’t considered. Thank you for sharing this Laurell. I’m thinking about this from a different perspective than I did earlier…

  2. Thank you for posting this. It is, indeed, the most well thought and reasoned out argument I’ve ever seen on this subject. I have shared this with family and friends and I think it offers a lot of insight. Thanks again!

  3. Thanks for the link.
    As a European I was raised anti-gun. But some time ago I was exposed to some of the explanations this post also exposes and my point of view shifted a bit. I’m still on the fence. But I’ve started to think “this americans… they may actually have a point”.
    On the rare ocasion I’ve voiced my doubts about this I’ve got really bad reactions. It’s like trying to speak to a zealot about gays. There is no way to not end up with a sour taste in your mouth.

    So, this link will be usefull. It’ll give me more information to decide if I agree or disagree with gun laws in the USA, it will give me a link to forward and it’ll give me more tools to explain to other people about why I’m not so sure anymore about our approach to the subject.

  4. I forwarded this article to everyone I know. The media needs to focus on why seriously mentally ill Americans are not reciving treatment or being monitored in an effort to prevent or at least be aware of citizens who are mentally unstable enough to commit insane acts of mass murder and violence againt society. Someone in a violent offenders life is usually aware there is a problem. Individuals are generally identifiable by trained school, government, or persons at their places of employment or recreation. Ignoring treatment and assistance to severely mentally ill people only ensures these horrible events will keep happening. Guns are not the only way to cause physical harm to human beings. It is quite easy to access a multitude of blades or search the internet for directions on how to make a bomb from easily accessed chemicals and other required items. It is a sad situation and many with SMI are unable to control their mental illness without assistance. Where are the news reports on this very serious issue. It’s all so heart breaking.

  5. I grew up in a family that we learned about guns at a very early age. I don’t at this time have a gun in my house as my daughter who is living with me has not ever shown an interest in learning about them. But, as we had a man try to enter my house while she was home alone, and for some strange reason the golden retriever pit mix and golden retriever lab mixed dogs with their teeth bared and the hair standing up on their backs did not seem to deter him. Luckily my screen door is difficult to open, so he was not able to get in the house. I have spoken with my little brother, who is an instructor, and we will be getting my daughter some education on the matter and she will learn safety and how to handle a weapon. By the way, if you have a fenced in front yard with a beware of dog sign, and someone is trying to come into your house and you feel threatened, according to our local police we should have just opened the door and let the retreaver-pitt have at him.

    1. I have used guns with friends, off in the woods or at the shooting range, but i’m not a gun person. My mother bought a gun when she moved out into the country. One day, she was home by herself, when someone walked up to her door and tried to open it. She could see through the window that it was a young man. She grabbed her gun and started yelling at him that she was armed> she got on the phone with the police, and it turned out that this was a harmless mentally ill 20 year old. He was looking for candy. Had she been more aggressive with the gun, he would be dead. a lot of people would have just shot him. The boy had wandered away from home, walked miles to her front door. I just can’t believe that everyone being armed will make everything better. I think it help in some situations, or you might have people shooting when they feel threatened.My junior high science teacher lost it one day and beat up a student. If he’d had a gun, he might have used it. People are not infallible. Not even teachers

  6. Here’s the thing. Guns scare me. I don’t know how to shoot, and my father is a hunter. I am a teacher. I would die to protect my students. But putting a gun in my hand would be bad. I am scared of knives as well. I hate being afraid, but I can’t afford the training it would take to help myself. I am not weak. I am not spinless. I am not anti-gun. It just seems that more guns isn’t a great response to gun attacks. A cop I spoke to said cops get shot with their own weapons after it has been taken away more often than anything else. I don’t want my weapon taken away from me bybigger kids or men. How would you solve this issue??

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