Bill Clinton has bumped me again
Bill Clinton has done it again. I was scheduled for a television interview, but they canceled, just as the make-up person was starting on my hair. Why did they cancel? Because our former president was in town. And McCain was here, too. And several other political oriented events, just cropped up. Missouri is a swing state and the candidates are taking it very seriously. Makes me glad I don’t commute.
Mr. Clinton bumped me from a book signing in Seattle, Washington last big book tour. They moved me from the store to an auditorium. I signed a book and told them to give it to him with my compliments. He sent a signed book in his turn. All friendly. But now, I’ve been bumped again.
What message is the universe sending? That as a writer of fiction I can’t rate as high as the former leader of the free world? You know, I’m okay with that. Someone who makes, or did make, actual life and death decisions should rate higher than someone who just writes about life and death. But still, it’s interesting that Mr. Clinton and I keep getting cross scheduled.
So, enjoy your events Mr. Clinton. At least, I was home, when it fell through, so I could go to work. I have nine pages done, and now can work on the essays that are very due. One of the other reasons we are not touring for SWALLOWING DARKNESS is this kind of thing. If I get up early and do the make-up bit, and fly in for something to a strange town, and then get bumped by something political, that would be upsetting. And, let’s face it, if a newscaster has to choose between me, and a former, or future president, they are not going to choose me. My ego is secure, but I know my place on the news worthy food chain. The only things that would raise my level higher than the politicians right now are all very bad things. So, I am content to be less newsworthy. But, Mr. Clinton, if it happens a third time, I’m going to begin to think it’s on purpose. Who keeps your schedule and whatever have I done to them?