Birthday Pictures

Feb 21, 2009

Thanks for the Happy Birthday Wishes everyone! It was a truly happy birthday. Below find some pictures of my birthday presents.


Jonathon bought me All Weather tires and slightly smaller wheels for the baby. Now I can drive all year ’round. Well, as soon as we put them on the Foose. The necklace is also from my sweetie.

The dress is not new, but me being able to where it is very new. We had to do some emergency clothes trying on the day of my birthday. We had to find what dress and business clothes still fit us, and what did not. This dress I had kept because at one point it had been my favorite little black dress, but I’d regulated it to that part of the closet where you keep wedding dresses and such, not dreaming I’d ever wear it again. I have not been able to fit into this dress for over ten years. It was a very nice present to myself to be able to wear it again. It’s a 7/8 and let me say that it cheered me a lot to get back into it.  Let’s hear it for Jenny Craig, yoga, Pilates, and weight lifting.