Blog, at last
I tried to write a blog today, but it ended up being seven pages long. So, it’ll be my piece for the fan club newsletter, instead of a blog. It’s been a very odd week. I’ll blog about the weirdness after I’ve had time to think about it all, for now I’ll just tell you what I’ve been doing work-wise.
I finished Sharon Shinn’s new manuscript that will be critiqued at tonight’s writer’s group meeting. Yes, one of the pluses to the writing group is getting to read stuff way early.
I’m still making progress on Merry #7. Still untitled. I had to spend some time this morning going back through early books to make sure how much background I’ve given on the men. I was particularly interested in Kitto. Part of the problem is that I’ll often write something very detailed, then tone it down, or cut it completely from a book. But I remember, that I wrote it. I just don’t always remember if it made it in the book, or got edited out. So, I have to go back and find out. Oh, but more fun, Kitto starts out the series as being 4″ even, but by last book he’s 4″ 11′. He’s grown almost a foot. So, did he grow, and I let him keep the height, or do I go back to his original height? They’re both in print, which makes them both fair game to keep. I have trouble remembering height. I think because it’s not that big a deal to me.
Monday, I have to hit the BLOOD NOIR edits hard. But first draft pages are so much more fun, then editing. I have so much work on my plate that I can procrastinate by writing other things that are under contract and due. Interesting. But it is a type of procrastination. So, Monday, it stops, and I edit. Merry will have to wait a little while longer.