Blog for the day
Doing this one in word again, so Jonathon can put it up later. Blogger has been eating too many of my posts of late. Is anyone else having this much trouble with it? Or is it just some special torment for me?
Did six pages yesterday, but still the goal for the day is five, only five. I did the eight early in the day actually, then had to stop not because I was tired but because I wasn?t sure how to handle the next part. We?re finally going to get some serious clues to the mystery and I just wasn?t sure how to do it. All roads lead to the same desitnation, but getting there I had about three different choices. Which way to go? I can?t give you any more details than that, we?re over half way and this would be a serious spoiler. So sorry, but I have to be vauge. Sometine later in the evening I finally solidified what we?d be doing. Who?s going into a cell, and under what suspcion. I will tell you that Merry presauded the Queen to let her bring in the human police with a Crime Scene Unit, it?s CSU out in my neck of the woods, not CSI. The police are having a few problems with the fact that any evidence they give to Merry and her guards won?t be used for trial. There aren?t really any trials in fairie. No, the evidence will be used as a reason to torture then execute someone. The Medical Examiner, and the techs aren?t really comfortable with that. I mean if you find a print and the person might end up on death row you don?t want a print to have just four matches, you want to err on the side of caution and make it ten. If it?s torture and the chopping block, the forensic people are seriously wanting all the prints to be ten pointers, or better. If you knew that a print you gathered could get someone executed that same night, wouldn?t you want the match to be perfect. I know I would.
Plumbers are here again, not the same plumber that made the mistake that flooded the basement. He was nice and admitted it was his fault, but I?d just as soon avoid another mess. New plumber here to romove a stack in the basement that was going bad. We?re removing the bathroom down in the basement, and turning it into a cedar closet. First off the bathroom down there never worked exactly right. Second, who in God?s green earth needs five full baths? Unless you?ve got that big a family, and thankfully, we don?t. But we do have a lot of clothes we wear for tour and for special occassions, but not everyday, and they are eating our closet space up. But I just heard him tell Sherry, our CDO, Chief of Domestic Operations, that in two hours the water and the plumbing will be off. Fun. And if you can?t hear the sarcasm in that last word you aren?t listening hard enough.