A Kiss of Shadows

“My name is Meredith Gentry, but of course it’s not my real name. I dare not even whisper my true name after dark for fear that one hushed word will travel over the night winds to the soft ear of my aunt, the Queen of the Air and Darkness. She wants me dead. I don’t even know why.”

Meredith Gentry, Princess of the high court of Faerie, is posing as a human in Los Angeles, living as a P.I. specializing in supernatural crime. But now the Queen’s assassin has been dispatched to fetch her back–whether she likes it or not.

Suddenly Meredith finds herself a pawn in her dreaded aunt’s plans. The job that awaits her: enjoy the constant company of the most beautiful immortal men in the world. The reward: the crown–and the opportunity to continue to live. The penalty for failure: death.

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Read the Kiss of Shadows Excerpt

“My name is Meredith Gentry, but of course it’s not my real name. I dare not even whisper my true name after dark for fear that one hushed word will travel over the night winds to the soft ear of my aunt, the Queen of the Air and Darkness. She wants me dead. I don’t even know why.”

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6 thoughts on “A Kiss of Shadows”

  1. Miért maradt abba a sorozat? nem lett befejezve nincs vége, ennek semmi értelme, megvan az összes kötet,, és nem lehet tudni, hogy mi történt, értelmetlen ,hogy lehet egy sorozatot abba hagyni úgy, hogy nincs vége.???????????????

  2. I just have to say, your books have gotten me through so much. I remember the first time I dived into merrys world in 2008. I fell in love and never looked back. I am always recommending you to everyone I talk to. I have never heard anyone having any issues with your writing. Everyone tells me they love you! I just wanted to make sure you knew that you do touch peoples lives with your books. It was also the first place I learned about polyamory and realized that was what I wanted in life.

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