Blue Moon

“Richard was an alpha werewolf. It was his only serious flaw. We’d broken up after I’d seen him eat somebody.”

Still, you never forget your ex-fiancé. And when Richard calls Anita Blake at three in the morning, she knows it won’t be good news. It seems Richard had gotten himself thrown in jail on a rape charge. But Anita knows that though he is a monster, Richard’s no rapist. And it’s up to her to prove his innocence—before the blue moon creates even bigger problems for Richard…”

“Vampire hunter and preternatural expert Anita Blake, must help her ex-fiancé out of a false rape charge. Time is of the essence, however, as Anita’s ex-flame is a werewolf and if he’s not out of jail before the full moon rises he’s in for some big problems.”

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“Richard was an alpha werewolf. It was his only serious flaw. We’d broken up after I’d seen him eat somebody.”

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We are Built upon the Bones of the Dead

May 24 , 2015
All of us are built upon the bones of the dead. The experiences of loss are part of what make us who we are. We talk about survivors, but if the tragedy is large enough, painful enough, traumatic enough, then the person who walks into the room isn’t the same person who walks out of … Continue reading We are Built upon the Bones [...]
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Dead Ice: Zerbrowski 

May 21 , 2015
Here’s the next blog in the series leading up to Dead Ice. I thought I’d leave the leading men behind and go to one of my favorite supporting characters, Zerbrowski.     Question: What is Zerbrowski’s first name?  Answer: Sorry, but he’s keeping that secret a bit longer. He considers it pretty awful [...]
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3 thoughts on “Blue Moon”

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