Cerulean Sins

Cerulean Sins, the eleventh entry in the hugely-popular Anita Blake series, finds everyone’s favorite vampire hunter keeping house and kicking butt.

Anita Blake is trying to get her life back to “normal” after a break-up with her werewolf lover. She has settled into a pattern of domesticity, which means that the new man in her life, the leopard shapeshifter Micah, has no problem sharing her with Jean-Claude, Master Vampire of the City. Things are as peaceful as they ever get for someone who raises the dead, when Jean-Claude receives an unexpected and unwelcome visitor: Musette, the very beautiful, very twisted representative of the European Council of Vampires. Anita soon finds herself caught up in a dangerous game of vampire power politics.

To add to her troubles, she is asked to consult on a series of brutal killings, which seem to be the work of something un-human. The investigation leads her to Cerulean Sins, a vampire-run establishment that deals in erotic videos, videos that cater to very specific tastes. Anita knows one creature of the night who has such interests — Jean-Claude’s visitor. But if Anita brings Musette down, the repercussions could cost her everything she holds dear.

Once a sworn enemy of all monsters, Anita is now the human consort of both Master Vampire Jean Claude and leopard shapeshifter Micah. When a centuries-old vampire hits St. Louis, Anita finds herself needing all the dark forces her passion can muster to save the ones she loves.

Anita Blake returns to find hell hath no fury like a vampire scorned.

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Book Excerpts

Read the Cerulean Sins

Anita knows one creature of the night who has such interests — Jean-Claude’s visitor. But if Anita brings Musette down, the repercussions could cost her everything she holds dear.

Read the Text Excerpt

25 thoughts on “Cerulean Sins”

  1. I have recently discovered your Anita Blake series and am enjoying it a lot. One of the things that I enjoy is your use of foreign terms, but I am puzzled by the term ‘Marmè’. I have not been able to find it in any translation anywhere, so I have to ask, is this a made up word, and why would you? It is one of my pleasures to discover new knowledge through my reading so if something is fake I’m a bit put out.

    1. Why didn’t Kimberly Alexis narrate Cerulean Sins? I’ve come to really love your books and her narration makes them so amazing. I do plan on buying all the physical copies as well but I was thrown off I guess.

      1. I agree! Kimberly Alexis REALLY brings life to the characters! Cynthia Holloway is a good narrator but Kimberly REALLY knows how to put voices to the characters and you can always tell who’s speaking in the story. Such as Jean Claude (he’s actually portrayed as French), not such a “sensual” silky, feminine voice.

        1. It was difficult to listen to this book and the horrible French accent and weird pronunciation of the word were. It’s pronounced wear not we’re. She did fine with the regular narration but there’s quite a few characters who have a French accent so…it was horrible to listen to them speak. Please stick with Kimberly Alexis.

        2. I found Cynthia to be lacking. She couldn’t pronounce words properly and she didn’t separate peoples voices well. Kimberly does such a good job and I’m so disappointed that I don’t even want to continue listening to this book.

    1. I have been searching for the audiobooks from Narcissus in Chains through to Blood Noir and I can’t find them anywhere.

    2. I agree 100%. This narrator is ruining the books. She doesn’t do the proper accents, doesn’t even know how to pronounce the French words correctly. She absolutely cannot depict the smoothe vampire voices. Everyone sounds the same. You cannot let Nathaniel sound the same as the others. She can’t even pronounce werewolf properly. It’s not a we’re wolf for crying out loud. And Dolfe….really? She makes him sounds like a wimp. If a narrator is going to take over a previous narrator’s work, then at least have the honor and decency to hear their work first. This new narrator is insulting to Anita Blake.

      1. The first time I heard the new narrator say werewolf I literally said out loud, “excuse me, what?” Then replayed the part three times to make sure I wasn’t hearing things.

      2. I agree. I miss Kimberly Alexis!
        All the characters sound the same and I am having trouble following the story and who is talking.

  2. I too would like to see audiobooks for your missing books. And if you can keep Kimberly Alexis she is a fantastic narrator. I don’t think the books would be the same without her!

  3. I know there are audiobooks for this novel and the others I can’t seem to find except for Narcissis. Please rerelease them on Audible and other downloadable platforms PLEASE!!!! I can’t sit down and read and I enjoy the audiobooks, I can actually do housework and enjoy a book rather than reading and letting my house turn into a pig pen. That and the narrative gives a whole new spin that makes the story come to life and it’s like reading the story for the first time.., again ?

  4. Please please please release this and your other missing works on audible. I listen to these at work to keep me entertained all night. Love these books…

  5. I’m on board with the other commenters here. While I’ve purchased and read all of Anita’s adventures in their printed format, I’m enjoying revisiting them in audiobook format. They’re perfect for my daily commute and workday but it just isn’t the same with so many missing!

  6. Hi. I lost my Amazon fire tablet for several months and cant figure out what the first 10 books before cerulean sins are called. And I couldn’t remember if I had them. Can you please tell me the names and the order of the whole series? Thanks

    1. The first ten books:
      Guilty Pleasures
      The Laughing Corpse
      Circus of the Damned
      The Lunatic Cafe
      Bloody Bones
      The Killing Dance
      Burnt Offerings
      Blue Moon
      Obsidian Butterfly
      Narcissus in Chains

  7. Kimberley Alexis is a wonderful narrator, I would love to know what would cause you to change to ANYONE ELSE? I have been struggling through these without her to keep my attention. Its so bland.
    Please tell me there was a major reason to change from such a EXCELLANT NARRATOR to one that is subpar? (perhaps not subpar, just not up to the level of Kimberley)

    Thank you

    1. I have to agree with you 100%! I don’t want to call the narrator subpar as a generalization because perhaps for another book series this narrator would be phenomenal and would draw me in immediately, but for Anita Blake she didn’t have the gravity, the range, or just the sheer storytelling ability through her voice alone that Kimberly Alexis had and it really took me out of the experience. Admittedly I struggled with listening to ANY audiobooks before listening to Anita Blake (which was a favorite series when I was in college and I thought the nostalgia alone would drag me into the audiobook realm) and when the narrator was so engaging, and made all the characters truly distinguishable, it made listening so much much more fun. I wish books 11-15 were done by Kimberly Alexis as well to be as engaging.

  8. I’m rereading the first 10 books for, like, oh the 10th time? I find the use of duality (or paradox, if you prefer) fascinating, as it’s used on so many levels, with so much meaning. I have a habit of writing my favorite phrases on the inside covers and blank pages (please, God, don’t let a shrink get hold of these!), and after all this time, they are still my favorite phrases. Love the tough women; Anita is admirable to me for her practicality and ruthlessness vs. her tenderheartedness. Would that more of our female politicians could understand such necessity! Lastly, I lost my partner/caregiver of 13 years quite suddenly this last January, and I didn’t start getting my act back together until I began re-reading the series. Maybe it’s the constant balancing of different types of life and death, or perhaps it’s Anita’s constant faith in a moral and ethical system that any Christian or Wiccan could easily embrace (spoken as a never-Christian and lapsed Wiccan, hmmm). In any event….rock on, Anita (and Laurell). p.s. Do you still have your birds? Are they parrots? Proud mama of 32 yo Grey, 29 yo blind Moluccan Cockatoo who sometimes channels vampires, and an insane not-of-tis-world 19 yo Goffin’s cockatoo. Thank you so much for your books.

  9. I love this series on audible but cerulean sins through the Harlequin need to be re-recorded with Kimberley Alexis. I would repurchase all of them at the drop of a hat. This is one of my comfort blanket series (one I listen to over and over when I am sad or anxious), so the change in narrator was a horrible shock for me.

    1. I was looking to see if any of these comments were recent and hoping that maybe I just couldn’t find the copy recorded by Kimberly Alexis, but apparently there isn’t one. I’ve read these books already but I really love to listen to them & now I think I might just have to reread this one instead of listening to it because of the change in narrator.

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