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19 thoughts on “Slay”

  1. Is there anyway to get updates if you’re writing a new book and expected release dates? From Australia. I love this series have for many years.

    1. Yes we love your books and Anita will still face more challenges, who will be her lion, whose baby will she have, got to be at least triplets, ha ha.

  2. Hell, there are so many moving parts in these stories that it’s impossible to keep track of them all… But the absence of one person stood out to me in particular: where did Cynric vanish?? The last time we’ve seen him it was in Crimson Death. Anita was seriously angsty over his age and trauma attached to him, then he discovered his clan magic, but Jean-Claude was conflicted on how to treat him. Nathaniel called Sin his brother, he lived with Anita, he was a very present part of their lives. And then he disapeared completely, like Domino’s death was enough to cut him out of their lives. Sorry, but I don’t buy it. The next two books after Crimson Death where placed far away from Anita’s home, but Rafael, Smolder and Slay happened in Saint Louis and Cynric should be there, even marginally, not totally forgotten

    1. He went off to college to play sports didn’t he? In Crimson Death he was graduating and being scouted by colleges

  3. Thank you for new Anita Blake novels. Can we here more about the wedding planning; where, when, clothing, rings, wedding party etc….. call me sentimental but its a very important night for a King of Vampires and most girls when they get married. I just ordered Slay and Smoulder from Amazon. I was disappointed that some of your novels for this series are only available in hard cover or audio. Please kick Amazon to continue to offer paper back. Some of us are on budgets!

  4. Why does Anita forget to use her necromancy against vampires? She is supposed to be this all powerful necromancer, yet she doesn’t use it, which is disappointing.

    1. I’ve said this exact same thing. It’s not just her necromancy powers but her ability to drain supes of life as well. I know there are others. Usually, it seems like she does it to introduce new powers. Ex: when she called the ghosts in Ireland. In that book, she could’ve used other powers when she-who-made-him touched her. I love that someone else thought the same thing 😉

  5. I’m a long time fan of your books. Especially the Anita Blake. This book was not of your best. It was dragging and there were times I felt you’ve lost your prospective and focus. The storyline was boring in some parts. There wasn’t much actions like you were struggling to come up with the next scene. All the repeat words was just boring.

    After about the 3rd chapter I lost interest and couldn’t bring myself to read anymore so I just skipped to the last chapter. SMFH. Waited so long for next books to have a disappointing let down.

    You’ve gone soft and run out of juice.

    Hope that the next book is the wedding and hopefully it’ll have action pack throughout the book.

    Still your fan.



    1. I disagree! It may not have been quite as action packed but I think the story line was an important part in the progression of the story. She had to deal with her family at some point. I don’t think it was boring either, I enjoy learning more details of the characters. Can’t wait for the next book. I’m getting pretty excited about the wedding too.

  6. Please, please PLEASE write another Merry Gentry book! It has been TEN YEARS since the last one!

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