The Killing Dance

“The first hit man came after me at home, which should be against the rules. Then there was a second, and a third. Eventually, I found out that the word on the street was that Anita Blake, preternatural expert and vampire killer extraordinaire, was worth half a million dollars. Dead, not alive. So what’s a girl to do but turn to the men in her life for help? Which in my case, means an alpha werewolf and a master vampire. With professional killers on your trail, it’s not a bad idea to have as much protection as possible, human or otherwise.

But I’m beginning to wonder if two monsters are better than one…”

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“The first hit man came after me at home, which should be against the rules. Then there was a second, and a third..."

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One thought on “The Killing Dance”

  1. Hello my name is Stephanie,
    I was just wondering if there was anyway that I can get the original cover for this book…the cover I first seen for this particular book was picture 12 in the alternate book cover line up. I am a huge fan of all the original book covers, I think the intriguingly sensual nature of the images matched 100% with what lies within, an I really loved that about them. It made me kind of sad to see the beautiful covers that I loved replaced with very sharp tools.

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