
Oct 12, 2004

We have just been informed that several people were told by the staff at Borderlands that they could not even get in line to see me, unless they purchased INCUBUS DREAMS, at the store. And further more, they told people that that was our rule. No. In fact, I have refused store after store if they tell me ahead of time that they will force people to buy a book at their store before they can get anything else signed.
Jon and I are appalled. I have no words to express how upset I am about this. Please e-mail the fan club and let us know if this was indeed what everyone was told at the Borderlands signing. If it was, then we’ll figure out how to deal with it. Let us know when stores do things like this. We need to know, or we won’t find out, because the store didn’t say anything to me, to Jon, or our publicist, Craig. He knows how I feel about this particuliar policy. We would never make you buy books when you already have them, and of course you have books, or why would be in line. I am so sorry to everyone that fell afoul of this. Write and let us know if it was everybody, or if a few people got the wrong employee at the store. Let us know.
Gotta go, we’re due in Huntington Beach at the Barnes and Noble.