Cake, or death?
Better today. Got the comic stuff done bright and early. Am rereading the new Anita book, because I’ve been away from it too long to just pick back up where I left off. In fact, today when Jon asked me what page number to print off to, I couldn’t remember. He then asked, "Well, where did you leave everything? What was happening?" I looked at him blankly. I simply couldn’t remember if I’d gotten past the weretiger scene, or not. I think I had, but I had to look to be sure. I am past that scene. I had to leave Anita, Edward, and the rest of the police about to do a SWAT entry to a house. I’ve been making notes on research I’ll be needing for later, as I reread. What kind of research? What does the drive form the airport to the police station look like. Heck, what does the police station look like. There are other more detailed questions, but it’s mostly questions because the book isn’t set in St. Louis. Jon and I enjoyed our research in North Carolina, for the most part, except for that one hotel room, but I’m not a good traveler. I guess I could treat the travel like some writers do, as a chance to see new places and experience new things . . . naw, not me. It’s all just work. Though my new goal is to learn to play better, and enjoy myself more. We’ll see if a life time of habits can be tweaked a bit. I know I need more fun in my life, or I’m going to loose my freaking mind. So, fun, or death? Hmm. It’s like that Eddie Izzard routine, "Cake, or death?" Everybody wants cake.
I’m off to the main part of the house. Jon has my new ipod ready for me to choose a play list, and start downloading, or uploading, or whatever the heck kind of loading it is. Do I put Audioslave back on? I was fast forwarding through it most of the time. Do I add Soundgarden? Do I add more Diary of Dreams? Do I put on more Tori Amos? What will work for this book, and for me? Too many choices. Did I mention in the blog earlier that the computer that we did a lot of our shared work on, died? It’s been an interesting week for technology for us. In that Chinese curse kind of way; you know, may you live in interesting times. If my life were anymore interesting than it is, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.