Celebrating being #1 on the New York Times List!

Dec 15, 2014

The newest Anita Blake novel, Jason, is #1 on the New York Times List! Thanks to everyone that bought the book and showed how much they loved Jason the novel, and Jason the character! Thanks to all the booksellers virtual and brick and mortar!

When I sold my first story, my first husband took me out to a fancy dinner. When I sold my first novel, Nightseer, it was my Dungeons and Dragon group that surprised me with a party to celebrate.

When Guilty Pleasures, the first Anita Blake novel, sold, my writing group, The Alternate Historians, made me a cake shaped like it’s cover and we had a party.

When I hit the New York Times List for the first time I was alone on tour for A Kiss of Shadows. I thought I was being calm, cool, and collected until the room service waiter brought my hot tea. I had about an hour before I had to get ready for the signing that night, so I’d ordered tea to relax. I was so calm about the news that I accidentally gave the waiter a fifty dollar tip. I caught my mistake and fixed it explaining I’d just learned about the Times List, and then added, “If you came back with a fifty dollar tip they’d think you did more than just deliver tea.” He didn’t think I was funny. My media escort took me out later to a very nice restaurant with a view of the sea.

When I cracked the top five with Narcissus in Chains, my second husband, Jonathon, was on tour with me. It was our first tour together. In fact, it was the first time I’d brought anyone on tour with me. We used up the cell phone batteries in his phone, my phone, and our media escort’s phone calling his family and my writing group to tell them the news. We were in San Fransisco, because we went into China Town there and bought a necklace to commemorate the event.

When I made #2 for the first time with Cerulean Sins, I went to a wonderful local bakery and bought three to five cakes of flavors that they didn’t make cupcakes in, so we could finally taste them. We invited Jonathon’s parents and other friends over and had a cake tasting party. This was before I started exercising again, or watching my nutrition. Though honestly, I have a serious weakness for cake, not sweets, but cake is yummy.

I made #2 with A Lick of Frost for the Meredith Gentry series. There were other times that the Merry books hit the List, but I honestly don’t remember what I did to celebrate for each book. But there was only one Anita Blake novel, Incubus Dreams that hit #2 before Micah brought home the gold medal.

How did I celebrate that first #1 with Micah? Which, incidentally, was my last original paperback novel; like Jason, it was a shorter piece featuring the title character though it was a mystery complete with zombies and mob connections and background on Micah that even Anita didn’t know. Years before this I’d told my friend Joanie that if I ever made #1 I’d take her family and we’d all do a trip to Disney World. When I called to tell her the news, she reminded me of the promise and that’s what we did. Joanie, her husband Jim, and their daughter, Melissa went with Jonathon, our daughter Trinity, and me to Disney. Yep, that’s right, I celebrated my first New York Times #1 book by going to the Mouselands.

I can’t remember precisely what I did to celebrate my first hardback #1 Blood Noir. I know we did dinner somewhere nice, but after going to Disney World for Micah, it was just hard to top that, especially because I was deep into writing the next Meredith Gentry book, so there wasn’t time for a trip.

So how did I celebrate Jason hitting #1? I got the calls from my Agent, Merrilee, and then my editor, Susan, while I was changing for gym. I continued getting dressed, and when I got off the phone the first thing I did was tell Genevieve and Spike. This included much jumping up and down, hugs and kisses. Jonathon wasn’t at home. I debated on texting him, but waited until I could tell him in person, much kissing ensued. Then . . . then I went to gym. I had a great workout, came home, showered, and celebrated with my happy polyamorous foursome. My real life has become special enough that my normal plans are a celebration. Realizing that truth made Jason being #1 a very special milestone.

The flowers in the picture on this blog are from my U.S. publishing team at Penguin Random House, thanks guys!


26 thoughts on “Celebrating being #1 on the New York Times List!”

  1. Congrats! You deserve every success the world has to offer and I’m so proud to say I’m a fan of yours! I’ve been reading your books for years now and it always amazes me when I read one of your books for the first time and I can’t put the book down! Every. Single. Book!

    Congratulations Laurell! I’m so happy for you and I think I speak for everyone when I say, we appreciate you and will be fans for life! 🙂

    1. I read and collect both the Anita Blake series and the Merry Gentry series and as far as I am concerned they all hit #1. Can’t wait to read Jason.

  2. What a beautiful story. It is a wondrous moment when you realize your ordinary, every day life is as fantastic as the fiction that you read/write about. I discovered the same recently, as well. Enjoy your happy, loving poly-4. Love together is always better than love divided.

  3. you have amazing talent . and I am so happy for you. the only problem is I read your books so fast I’m usually dNE in a day to two days and with the shorter no more than a day. I wish you many great successes and #1’s in your life

  4. Congratulations on your latest no 1! Wonderful that your real life is just as special. What a true milestone! I am thrilled for you! Pretty flowers too.

  5. Life is a wild ride and love is the thing that helps us hang on while we are either laughing or screaming. Thank you for allowing us, as your fans, to follow your journey-it feels special to hear about YOUR special moments. You have gotten me through some very rough patches-and I either reread Anita or Merry depending what spirit guide I need. Does that sound weird? Anyway-thank you for sharing-thank you for being you and peace and blessings to you and your special family. CONGRATS to all of you!!! Susan B

  6. !!!Congratulations!!!

    I’m so happy for you 🙂 You deserve it.

    You’re extremely talented and grately loved by your fans… so it’s only natural that you’re #1 on the Charts.

    Of course, you know, you’re always #1 to us, and have been for a very long time. <3

    Joy, happiness, and blessings to you and yours.

  7. just finished reading JASON the other night. it was GREAT!

    but over way too fast–was a bit surprised when i turned the page and there was the excerpt for DEAD ICE!!!

    congratulations of #1 for JASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S.: when, if it is gonna happen, are your 2 ebook titles for ANITA BLAKE series coming out in print? thank you.

  8. Thank-you for this book. Not only is it an awesome story, but believe it or not some of the things Anita is trying to work through are things I am trying to work through. I have enjoyed reading your books for a while now and love that some of her personal problems with Jade are similar to mine. So thanks again for showing us that there is more to her life than killing.

  9. Congrats!!! So excited for you and for Jason!! Can’t wait till the next one!!.. No pressure.. LOL.. I am so glad I found this series. I have fallen in love with the books and have read them all at least 4 to 5 times. This seems like it would be the perfect Christmas gift. So Merry Christmas!!!!

  10. Congratulations & Thank-you for this book. Not only is it an awesome story, but believe it or not some of the things Anita is trying to work through are things I am trying to work through. I have enjoyed reading your books for a while now and love that some of her personal problems with Jade are similar to mine. So thanks again for showing us that there is more to her life than killing.

  11. Congratulations on your well-deserved honor! So happy for all your successes, milestones and having reached a good place in life. Thank you for your stories!

  12. Congratulations are in order, yes. But thanks are as well because this #1 means you will write more, and for that, thank you in advance! You *will* write more, right? Right?!

    Your Greediest Fan

    P.S. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo

  13. When Jason first became available to read I was in the midst of another book and I made myself wait until I had finished the other book. I don’t I have ever read faster. I loved Jason the character and the book. He is a vital character in the Anita Blake series and it was wonderful for him to be featured. You deserve #1. I am a fan forever.

  14. I love your Anita black books and Merry Gentry books. They all made number one to me. Can’t wait for more. Thank you for writing two so different women that I love reading about.

  15. You deserve number 1 in so many areas, but especially in dedication to your craft/ work/ art! Since Obsidean Butterfly, each time a new book comes out, in either series, I re-read all the books in that series over again. You add it up

  16. Congrats Mrs. Hamilton, so very happy for you and yours. The greatest complement I can give is that I’ve read every book (Jason is on it’s way), & that I’m excited to find out what happens next, especially with the promised hunt between Peter, Edward & Anita, as well as knowing the next page in the Olaf story. I hope every wonderful soul in your life lets you know every day how talented & loved you are 🙂

  17. First off congrats on #1. I know that this is a random comment and im sure you get 100000 of them all the time but I felt compelled to ask this question and I’ve been looking for a way to do it.

    I’m currently rereading all of the Anita Blake series because I simply can’t get enough. I’m on my 3rd read through, currently on Bloody Bones. Anita made a comment about demons and has a few other times “if it was actually a demon so and so would know the difference. Demons leave a presence.” Is there any chance that maybe Anita will ever go against a demon?

  18. Congrats. Great book. Next book should be called “Edward” where Anita saves Edward and or Donna in time for the wedding. From the bad guy(s) Olaf?

  19. I’m jus wondering why, oh why, Walmart refuses to place on their shelves or stock any of Ms. Hamiltons books. Any that were on display were pulled about 2years ago, and Jason isn’t on their shelves. when they were first were removed, I, by chance, happened to be @ a store, when some one was restocking the shelves. after inquiring about the changes to the overall supply, she tod me that, Walmart was downsizing it’s books. well, ok , but ALL of Ms. Hamiltons’ type of books are no longer being sold. any ideas? The closest Barns and Nobel is 30mi from me in HighPoint, Nc. and I prefer a page turner, not an E-book, (even tho I have both E-books as well as …..downloaded and saved in a file. thanks again for any info….

  20. Laurell, your books have kept us all filled with magic and fantasies. Your words take us deep inside ourselves and make us realise just what is missing from our lives. I run to the store every time a new book from you is released. I share the older ones with friends and they, in turn pass the love for Anita and Merry forward. You are my inspiration and all the proof I need to see that one person can write a novel and have it bring others much joy. I hope to see a Nathaniel and Richard book in the future. Also Jean Claude should have his very own, one showing the loving side of him to the world. Maybe for the marriage and Oathing ceremony. Keep up your awesome work and bring us all a few minutes respite from the hardships of the real world. I love you and your ability to take me away from reality. Thank you and Congratulations!!!

  21. I have read almost all of your books. I am a little behind on both series just due to having a toddler and life in general. But I reread the ones I have and I love every single one. Soon as I can I will be buying the rest of the ones I need. Next on my list to catch up is Bullet. I know I am so behind. But I know I will love every one of them. It’s very cool to me that you live the lifestyle you do. Not many people have the maturity to do that. I applaud you. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. And many blessings to come. Thank you for being you.

  22. Congrats!!! I have not read Jason yet but do have it in my library holding on to it until my vacation later this month. Thanks for taking us on the journey of the Anita Blake & Merry Gentry worlds. With each book I read I get so caught up in the books that my husband sometimes has to plead with me to put the book down and spend some time with him! Congratulations again on making #1 on The New York Times List, but as one of your many fans you’ve always been #1 with us!!!

  23. Dear mrs. Hamilton,
    I wish to give you a greatfull clap on the back if i could, sadly i dont think that honor will ever happen. But reguradless i am very gald for your book jason. I havent had a change to get it yet because the stores dont have it atm. I really enjoy reading your books and currently own most of both series with several copies. I wish you and you family a belated chirstmas and happy new year.
    With heart felt wishes

  24. I pre-ordered two copies of Jason. one for myself, and one for my local library. It was my first ever time pre-ordering a book. (I tend to prefer immediate gratification to waiting). But getting the package in the mail finally was exciting. I checked the mail on my way out for the day, and then had Jason sitting in the van all day. I was constantly aware he was there, quietly waiting and it made me happy all day. I didn’t however get around to reading Jason for a while. I had all ready re-read the Anita series in preparation for Jason’s arrival, but I misjudged how long I would need and ran out of the series before I had the new book. Which meant I was in the middle of a different series when I finally got Jason in the mail, and had to finish with that before giving my attention back over to Anita’s world. I have now finished Jason and over all I love the book. Thank you for once again, giving me a happy place to go. Congratulations on the #1 spot, you deserve it.


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