
Jul 08, 2006

Charles drove up to bodyguard us at this signing. Not only was he his usual charming self, but it was nice to see a familiar face. Of course, we saw a lot of familiar faces. We saw a lot of people we’d seen at Romantic Times convention. It was good to see them. On tour you get a little overwhelmed by all the unfamiliar stuff, so that familiar is good. It’s always nice to put a face to the names on the board. (No, I don’t go out to the board, but people introduce themselves.) I’m writing this now from home several days later. It’s always easier to blog just after the event, but on tour sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. Everyone says they have internet access in the hotel room, but sometimes it’s a little less accessible than they advertise. I remember that the signing went well. That we saw a lot of people. I had two young men tell me they loved me, both of them under five. Apparently, I’m very big in the pre-kindergarten set.