Choosing Character Names, part 1

Jul 13, 2014

One of the most common questions I’ve been asked is, “Where did I get the Celtic/Gaelic names for the Meredith (Merry) Gentry series? Especially the baby names for, A Shiver of Light?” Below find pictures of the primary books I used.

Another name question I’m getting is, “Why did I use Alastair for the baby boy, since that’s the name of the man who attacks Merry in the first book, A Kiss of Shadows?” Honestly, at first I forgot that I’d used the name before. I tend to have names that I like and I will reuse them, or variations of them multiple times if I’m not careful. Apparently, Bruce was a favorite for a bit male character in the Anita Blake novels for a few years. It seemed my answer to John Smith. I also seem inordinately fond of variations of the name Nicholas. When I realized Alastair was actually a villain name from earlier in the Merry Gentry series I changed the name for her baby boy, but she, and he, wouldn’t let me. Merry wasn’t traumatized by that long ago Alastair, or if she was she wanted to reclaim the name in a positive way. As for baby Alastair, he totally refused to be anything else. I originally spelled it, Alastar, as a double entendre for the star-shaped spot/birthmark on his back, but even that didn’t please this very opinionated new character. It had to be Alastair, and he wouldn’t let everyone call him, Star. That was my original idea that he’d actually go by his nickname to the point where you forgot Alastair/Alastar was his legal name, but Alastair doesn’t like nicknames. I’m a little worried about this brand new character as he seems determined to have his way. I think he’s going to eventually give me a run for my plot-money and totally take over a book, or series, someday. I can’t quite imagine writing books about Merry’s children all grown up, but there are hints that the babies already have ideas that I wasn’t aware of. *laughs*


18 thoughts on “Choosing Character Names, part 1”

  1. would still love to know how to pronounce the name of the baby with the B name…please and thank you. 🙂

  2. I’ll be first in line to buy any books you write about Merry’s children.

  3. I really loved this book. I can see so many different threads and story lines
    Please continue writing more

  4. I would love to know the translations meaning of the babies names. We know Rose is one . Do the other 2 have similar meanings.

  5. Alexis R – it says in the book how to pronounce it. Give it another read – it’s when she goes with Maeve to the nursery.

  6. I loved this last book, particularly because of the babies. I was fascinated by their strong personalities and powers, and I’m so excited to see more from them in the future! I loved the names, too. I would be very happy to read a spin-off series following one or all of the babes!

  7. I always appreciate your unusual and different sounding names, even if I can’t pronounce them. Recently read a book where EVERYONE had a “B” or an “S” name and there were more than twelve characters. I was so confused by the end I had to go back and figure out who did what. This author even had a glossary for the names and there were two pages of “S” names. Ugggg.

  8. Thank you for explaining that. I love his name and can’t wait to watch him and the girls grow up.

  9. I’ve also found that I have names that are precious to me, that I use over and over as I write. One of mine is Sonny, but now I have tied traits to the name that make it belong to one character in particular, so much so that I’m glad I have not published a story with a different Sonny.

    I’m also glad to see you blogging more, Laurell. I think all of us online have missed hearing from you about your life and your writing process.

    Take care, and blessed be.

  10. I LOVE your books and truly admire your writing abilities but I’m getting a bit cranky about the lack of continuity. When a new book comes out I like to reread the entire series. A sort of foreplay if you will. So perhaps that’s why I notice the errors. In A Stroke of Midnight Mistral dropped to his knees and bowed before Merry and said ” if I had dreamt that you would take one look so seriously..” In reference to Merry drawing Queen Andais’ wrath to herself after seeing Mistral’s look of contempt. Then in Swallowing Darkness Merry tells Mistral ” it was your eyes that night ,Mistral, that made me wish death at the queen’s hands” to which he replies ” you barely knew me then” .. ” you nearly died.. because I looked at you?”
    Also in A Stroke of midnight the fact that Essus’ guards did not swear an oath to Cel and Andais said ” all those who did not make an oath to Cel are free to choose to leave his service.” Now, in A Shiver of Light Andais is stating ” they were oathed to my son” and the and the dialogue continues as if this is the first time this situation is being addressed. Is this not an editor’s job to find and correct these mistakes? Heck if you need a continuity person, I’m available 😉

  11. I love the Merry Gentry series! I just finished A Shiver Of Light, and, I loved it! I re-read it twice! Please continue writing about our Merry! 🙂

  12. Thank you Laurell for yet another in the fab Merry Gentry series – I bought it months ago and let it sit in my Kindle, teasing me, for as long as I could stand it!

    Why wait to read #9 you may ask….well, it’s such a loooooong wait between offerings that I try to make it last. To keep the flame alive in rural England, I re-read the latest book then re-read the series and then just wait – and wait – and wait until I’m a jittery, twitching mess.

    So, could you please give a poor, suffering Merry Gentry ‘addict’ a rough idea of how long we’ll have to wait for the next book in the series. By the way – utterly gutted that Sholto was killed and blood thirsty me wants Taranis to die a really horrible death in retribution. Pleeeeease?

  13. Such fun to read such and interesting characters! I keep my iPad handy while reading to look up references. I’ve read the Mambiogion, various Authurian legends, and assorted stuff in the themes but I’ve learned much more about Celtic mythology and Fairie in your books.
    I might quibble that we don’t need major plot points repeated endlessly (“Where is my Darkness” ad infinitum) from book to book, but I understand you’re trying to link new readers into the narrative.

    I was relieved to have Frost back, but…… Sholto! Can’t stop grieving for him, sorry. “So young and so sad…”

    And still hoping to learn more about Rhys…. If you’re casting him, may I suggest Dustin Clare?

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