Christmas/Yule Eve

Dec 24, 2008

We’re having a small family get to together tonight, just Jon’s parents, and the three of us.  Trinity will be with her dad on Christmas day, so this was when we can do it.  My ex and I always try to share Christmas, and yes, officially it’s Yule for us, but the holiday is nearly identical so, ho, ho, ho.  We’re were talking what we would each like for a tradition for the evening.  I voted for murder for Christmas.  Hercule Poirot’s Christmas; The Blue Carbuncle (Sherlock Holmes Christmas); Nero Wolfe: The Christmas Party.  Trinity wanted a marathon of one of our favorite shows: Mythbusters; Dirty Jobs; Ghosthunters.  Jon was okay with either, though he voted with me if there was a choice.  But as luck would have it, starting at 6:00 tonight there is a marathon of Ghosthunters.  They are all shows we haven’t seen.  The Tivo is busy, as I type this.  We also thought about picking a favorite holiday movie a piece.  Trinity’s choice was the first "Home Alone" movie.  Mine was "Bell, Book, and Candle" which begins at Christmas and goes through Halloween, which means it’s good for two holidays.  Jon couldn’t come up with a holiday movie, but wanted to watch "Cast a Deadly Spell" which was originally an HBO movie set in an alternate world where H.P. Lovecraft is a private detective in a world where his mythos is real.  How cool is that?  I did point out that it has nothing to do with the holiday.  Jon agreed, but he said, "It’s just too fun."  I agreed with that, and if we were going to do the movie marathon that would be Jon’s pick.  But instead of any of the above we’re going to have dinner with parents, exchange presents, and depending on how late it all goes, maybe catch an episode of "Ghosthunters".  So, except for the paranormal themed show, a very traditional holiday.  We’ll even be doing it all over again late tomorrow with more family and friends. 

I’ll be working on the book early tomorrow.  I always seem to be on a tight deadline this time of year.  Jon and I will try to do our own tradition between the kiddo going to her dad’s and us going to more family, but it depends on how well the writing goes tomorrow.