Comic-Con Days 2 and 3 (Thursday and Friday) part 2
Jon here: I’ll try to sketch things out… It’s a little blurry in my mind, but I’ll do my best.
Ok, Thursday: Had the Urban Fantasy Panel and it was nice. The singing that followed was also nice. after the signing, we wondered around a little bit then got dinner. We also wondered around before the panel. In all the wondering we found Jennie Breeden of The Devil’s Panties and got to talk to her for a while. Charles talked to her table mate at Stripteese. Talked breifly with Howard Tayler (Schlock Mercenary), Brad Guigar (Evil Inc.), Kristopher Straub (Starslip Crisis), Paul Taylor (Wapsi Square), Dave Kellett (Sheldon) and David Willis (Shortpacked!) at the Blank Label Comics Booth. Also saw Phil and Kaja Foglio (Girl Genius), and a nifty male (beefy) fairy calender at the Grim Visions booth, Thanks to Jennie for pointing us that way.
Firday was a busy day. We had a Two signings one for Marvel and one for Ballantine. Then we had a couple of private functions we got invited to and were up way to late.
Today we only have the one panel and then the signing. There is a business meeting also, but its more of a “Hi, how are you?” meeting. You can stop speculating about what it is about, right now. We’ll tell you when something happens. ‘K?
For those of you who haven’t heard yet, there are still Comic-Con Exclusive T-Shirts available, so go and get them while they last.