Comic-Con Part Q

Jul 31, 2007

First, twelve pages today on the Jason book. I’m pretty happy with that considering that we’re still fried from comicon.
I realized that we haven’t even touched on all the movie stuff that was at comicon. There were premieres, and special viewings for all sorts of things. Why have we not touched upon it? Because the movie stuff was something to wade through to get to the art part of the con for us. It’s not that movies aren’t cool, they are. We love movies, but they are going to come to a theatre near us sometime soon. Seeing original artwork and talking to the actual artist is not something that we could do after comicon ended. The three that I’m aware of are: Stardust, Beowulf, and Coreline. They are not so accidentally all Neil Gaiman projects. Two based on his books and one he co-wrote the screenplay for. Why are we aware of those movies more than others? We’ve actually spoken with Neil, and he and I share an agent. You keep an eye out for projects that are by, or for, people you know.
Jon here: Laurell wanted me to mention other movie things. The big one that wasn’t a Neil Gaiman project was: Iron Man. I thought it looked cool from the third hand bits I saw. Charles wasn’t as impressed. Except for the car. He was definatly impressed with the car.
Speed Racer looked cool but disappointing to both of us. Charles and I spent a small amount of time on figuring out how to make a working Mach 5. Saw blades and hydraulic jacks and all.
Other than those two, all the movie stuff we saw was DVD releases of stuff we’ve already seen. Pirates 3 and 300.
There may have been more… But I didn’t notice.
Jon Out.
Jon’s right. We were swamped. We’ll try to talk about the Q&A and the other things we did tomorrow.