Competitive, but only with myself
It’s always hard to get back on track when I’ve been traveling. I’m trying to get better at it, but it’s a not a strong suit. Not yet.
I spent the morning without much success at Merry and her men. Then broke to work on the comics, because it piles up quick when we’ve been away. To give you some idea of what it’s like, and how many people are involved in the comic, here’s a taste.
We went over more script from Jess. We’re into issue 11 in script.
We looked over revisions of 9 from our artist Ron, from our editorial staff Mark and Jordan.
We looked at covers for 9, or revisions thereof. See names just above for who we got that from, and sent it back to.
We got roughs on issue 10; again see Ron our artist, and Mark and Jordan, our editorial staff.
We also went over some stuff for publicity from various people. Ruwan, Arune, and Jim. Different things from each of them. A very busy day for publicity.
I’ll ask them tomorrow if I can get specific on some of the nifty stuff we saw today. So cool. But it’s Marvel’s ball as well as mine on the pub, so I have to check tomorrow and see if it’s okay. I think it will be, but erring on the side of caution is never bad.
I think that was it for the comic. I went over it all with Jon. He typed up our notes and sent them off, so I could get back to work on Merry. Which I did. Funny, how a break where you work on something completely different can refresh you. I still didn’t make as much progress as I wanted to make, but then I’m a pretty harsh task master, so it takes a lot to impress me. I would say, even from me, but the truth is, especially from me. The only person I feel competitive towards, is me. How far can I push myself? How much more can I accomplish? At the end of the day, and the beginning of the next, those are the question I ask myself. Every damn day.