Cooking with the muse
After Jonathon blogged about the movie THE GURU last night, I realized that I hadn’t blogged for four or five days. So much for my resolution to try for at least four or five days a week on the blog. Sorry. But the reasons I haven’t is good. I did twenty-one pages yesterday on DANSE MACABRE. Twenty-one pages before lunch. That may be a record even for me. I mean twenty-one pages in a day, yes, but that’s usually after six or eight, or more, hours of effort. I think this was two hours or a little less. So, yeah, it is a record, speed-wise anyway. To say the book is cooking is an understatement. God, it feels good.
Usually I do two writing sessions in a given day, but on the days when I’ve hit twelve pages or more in the morning, I find the second session drags. I may get a few pages, but I’m tired. Tired not just physically but creatively. I’ve found on the days when the morning session has been amazingly productive that the afternoon is better spent doing something else. My mind is simply too tired to go back to work with only an hour’s break for lunch or exercise. Need more time to recharge the batteries.
It’d be great if I could actually do a schedule where I only had to work mornings, and got to do other things in the afternoon. Wow, what a concept. It would feel like working only part time, but getting the same amount of work done. But I’m not counting on the next book going like this, or even this book, keeping the pace. I’ll enjoy it while I can,though.
Though I have noticed that the day after I’ve done twenty plus pages, that the next day is sometimes slow, or none existent. I usually try and pace myself so that I do about the same number of pages everyday. I find that keeps the rhythm of a book and actually ends with me being more productive over the long run. But when the muse is coming through this clearly, I’m not going to fight. I’m not going to say, oh, no, too many pages today. Nope, I’m going to write.
But today, it’s after lunch and I am tired. Still tired from that glorious creative rush of yesterday. I don’t regret it, but dragging myself up to work has been something of a chore. Oh, well.