Dawn and silence
Up at dawn again, not sure why. No crows or hawks to wake me today. I woke up thinking about the many possibilities of the current scene in the Jason book, but that’s not usually enough to wake me just as the sun is cresting. Maybe it’s because on the weekends if I get up early enough there’s no one up but me. On week days we have employees here pretty early. It means they get to go home early, too. I let them set their hours, so if they want to work seven to fourish, instead of eight to five, it’s okay with us. As long as they get their work done. But it does mean that there are other people in the house from almost the moment my feet hit the floor.
Maybe it is as simple as that. This is my only chance to be alone in my house, just me. Well, me, and the dogs. When you own four dogs you are never truly alone. Most of the time I think this is a great thing, but not always. I find that when I come off of tour I am over socialized for awhile. I need more privacy, more quiet. The convention schedule that we just finished was very like tour in the amount of energy and toil it took on us. Again, great seeing everyone, and some wonderful things happened, but still it was pretty exhausting, and it hits a lot of areas that are not my strong suit. I do a lot of things well that I’m not very comfortable with, which is good, but it does mean it takes more energy to do it.
I’m sitting here, blogging, drinking the first cup of tea of the day. The dogs are lying or standing, impatiently, about my chair. Impatient because I haven’t fed them yet. When I get up at dawn, I get one cup of tea before I feed them. Seems fair to me. Jimmy is giving me the LOOK. You know the one, most dogs have a version of it. It’s that begging look. I am immune to Jimmy’s begging look, something about the lake I cleaned up in the living room this morning I think.
Dogs are eating. I’m having a second cup of tea. The house is amazingly quiet. Silence; an underrated pleasure.