Day 14 of the Tour

Apr 15, 2003

Day 14 of the Tour

7:00 PM – Borders 830 N. Michigan Chicago, IL 60611!

[Tax Day. Hope you’ve filed! – Jon]

Another fantastic view. This time of Lake Michigan, and the Chicago waterfront. The water is very very blue, green and strangely cerulean, grey and every shade in between. The water stretches out and out to meet the sky in a line of hazy blue, so that at first it seem that the sea and sky just merge, simply become one. Then a tiny white boat breaks the illusion, and you look up and see the sky, and look down and see the water, and know that they are both beautiful but separate things. We are waiting for food and tea and the event is yet to come. Though we did do two stock signings once we got to Chicago before we got to relax in our room.