Day 15 of the Tour

Apr 16, 2003

Day 15 of the Tour

7:00 PM – Borders 3527 Washtenaw Ave. Ann Arbor MI 48104

Was at a low ebb before the signing. Problems with the hotel. A review so vicious that everyone in New York has warned me not to read it. There was another piece of bad news on the business front that had convinced me we were touring for no good reason. That we were missing our daughter, our dogs, our friends, our family, for nothing. Then the signing happened, and the moment I saw everyone there, over three hundred people here to hear me talk, to talk with us, I felt some better. Reviews come and go, right. But as I talked to everyone about the books, my characters; their eagerness helped. One woman who was brought ahead in the line because she was feeling poorly. She said, my books had helped her through get through chemotherapy for her cancer. She’s not the first to say that my books have helped them survive, or endure, something in their lives. But it was that moment that I was reminded why I sat down to write in the first place. I didn’t start writing to be a New York Times bestseller, or to be any best seller. My goal was merely to make a living as a writer. To tell my stories and share them with others. That was the goal. To share my make-believe world with others, and maybe have them enjoy that world as much as I do. That is still why I write, not the rest. Thank you, all, for reminding me of that. The fact that my imaginary friends, as my friend Karen calls them, can mean so much to other people, means a great deal to me.