Day 18 of the Tour

Apr 19, 2003

Day 18 of the Tour

World Horror Convention Day 3 Kansas City, MO!

Saturday at a con. How to describe it. Usually it is the biggest day, filled to the brim with panels and such, rushing from one thing to another and trying to squeeze food in, in between it all.

This was I believe the Laurell and a mike panel, where she does her ‘traveling Laurell Show’. There was a moderate sized crowd and once they got over the shock of having Laurell actually know how to use a mike, some good questions. Afterwards, she was worried that she had gone a bit over the top. I assured her that she hadn’t.

One of the side benefits of the con, was that I got back in touch with someone I had worked with about five years ago, and then had lost all contact with. Then I ran into her here, and it was nice to see her again. Both of us have gone one to do well in our professional lives, and have had some significant changes. But all in all, we are the same people that hung out together at work, and had lunch at the same table in the caffiteria and could talk about almost anything. Now she is in SF and making a fine living writing strategy guides for computer games.