Day 2 of the Tour

Apr 03, 2003

April 3rd, 2003

Day 2 of the Tour

7:00 PM – Joseph-Beth 13217 Shaker Square Cleveland, OH 44120!

Another good event! And Laurell has asked me to explain why I’ve been doing most of the entry’s of late. Its simply because of the fact that after a signing, her arm is not capable of typing, and is needing to be iced and rested instead.

Joseph-Beth was its usual delight, and their children’s section is just amazing. The crowd was about what we expected. There was a pleasent number of familiar faces, from the last time we were here, though there has been some changes, mostly that some of the fans are getting taller.

I failed to mention last night that we had a lot of people come through the line who have a loved one over-seas in the military. Our hearts really do go out to both them, and their loved ones. I personally have been in their shoes, with my step-father being sent out just after 9/11. I just want everyone to know that we do know how you are feeling, and that out thoughts and prayers go out with yours, to bring everyone home safe as soon a possible.

I’m going to sign off now and try and get some sleep, as we have a very busy day tomorrow.