Day 20 of the Tour

Apr 21, 2003

Day 20 of the Tour

6:00 PM – Uncle Hugo’s 2864 Chicago Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55407

Uncle Hugo’s in Minneapolis smells like a bookstore should smell. That dry, pleasant scent of books, some old, some new, all well cared for, well loved. It’s a smell that has made me feel at home since I was a little girl. You don’t find it much in the big new stores. I admit, I love going in and getting a chai, sitting at little tables and browsing books, and socializing, which is what some of the super stores have become. But the turn over for books is so fast that there is no time for the books to settle into their shelves and make a home there. Not time to fill the air with that slight perfume of books. Uncle Hugo’s which is also Uncle Edgar’s is a store where a book, or a book lover can find a home, especially if you’re looking for a book that’s been out of print a while. We found some hard to find Nero Wolfe’s there. If it’s mystery or Science fiction, fantasy,or horror, you’re looking for they’re a great stop. Don’t let me give the wrong impression they have lots and lots of new books, but they also have used as well. Hard to find ones, too.

The signing went well. Around 140. We saw some of the same faces we saw last time at Uncle Hugo’s. Some people have changed their hair, longer or shorter, people with babies now have children, or are starting another kidling in the oven. Brave them. It was good to see everybody, and to make new aquantanices. We’re starting to watch kids grow up, families change, all once a year, or every other year, depending on how often we get to a certain area. It’s interesting meeting people through this brief window. Got to go for now. Bye all.