Day 22 of the Tour

Apr 23, 2003

Day 22 of the Tour

7:00 PM – Borderlands Books 866 Valencia St. San Francisco, CA 94110!

It’s been a few days since we could post on the log. Jonathon would have to explain the reasons, I do not talk tech. But at last we’re back on line. The event was great. Meeting and greeting and signing books kept us too busy to browse the book store, but plenty of people came through the line with other people’s books in hand, so the people in line were taking advantage of the line snaking through the book shelves. Someone had Lee Killough’s new werewolf book. I haven’t had a chance to read it, yet, but if it’s as good as her vampire series, I can hardly wait. Though I better read it fast, before I finish the next Merry book, since I don’t read books similar to what I’m writing. When I sit down for the long haul with the next Anita book, good-bye to other people’s vampire and werewolf books. It was great seeing so many familiar faces in line. Hi, to everybody, but gotta go for now.