Dead Ice: Rafael

May 16, 2015

Third in the series leading up to Dead Ice, I almost made it Anita, but in the end I decided we’d go with Rafael, the Rat King. 

Raphael, drawn by Bret Booth
Question: When are we going to see Rafael on stage more in the books?

Answer: June 9, 2015 in Dead Ice!
Secrets to Share: Once I decided to have wererats in the first Anita Blake novel, Guilty Pleasures, Rafael just sort of appeared on paper.  I don’t remember making notes, or trying to create him.  He just walked on stage.  He was handsome, Hispanic, a great leader doing his best under difficult circumstances to protect his people.  
Question: When are we going to learn more about how Rafael runs the wererats?

Answer: See above, in Dead Ice.
Secrets to Share:  Rafael told me how he was running his group.  I had to work at figuring out how various other shapeshifter groups were organized, but not the wererats.  Rafael was even a good leader in my subconscious.  The only thing that I had to “invent” was the crown-shaped brand on his arm as the mark of kingship.  That I worked at, but for the rest he’s always been very easy to write.
Question: Are Rafael and Anita a thing/an item?

Answer: If you mean have they had sex together, then yes.
Secrets to Share: No one ever asks if Anita is dating Rafael, they don’t ask if they’re lovers, because that can just imply sex and you all saw them have sex on stage, so that’s a given. But lover can also imply a more emotional involvement, and I don’t think we’re expecting that between them.  So, what are Anita and Rafael to each other? Both have risked their safety, even their lives, to help each other.  They are allies, and have become friends.  He is honored and powerful food for Anita’s arduer.  In Dead Ice we learn more details than ever before about how they work that.  

Sneak Peek from Dead Ice:
His mouth was buried tight against Rafael, his throat working convulsively as he swallowed.  I had a moment to think he was drinking blood from the wound, because that was what it meant when I saw Jean-Claude or Asher swallow like that. 

16 thoughts on “Dead Ice: Rafael”

  1. I crave for Anita Blake books, so please bring more books from her, pleaseeeee. I am waiting for the next book… I do not speak nor write good english but I try. Thanks for all.

  2. I crave for Anita Blake books, so please bring more books from her, pleaseeeee. I am waiting for the next book… I do not speak nor write good English but I try. Thanks for all.

    Yes this is already my comment. Thanks

  3. Love all Laurell K Hamilton books specially the ones from Anita Blake, Thanks

  4. Cannot wait, anytime you publish means a reread fest. Love both the Anita Blake and Merry Gentry verses and will enjoy reading more about Rafael.

  5. Okay so I have been reading your books for as long as I can remember. I do remember how I first found you though. I was cruising the library for a new book since I’ve read the majority of their contents, and anyhoo they had your latest Anita book on the new arrivals shelf. Now it was several books into the series but I was desperate and they didn’t have anything else by you so alas no starting at numero uno. I read about three chapters in and got in my car, drove the hour and twenty minute drive to the nearest book store (I live in the boooooonies) and bought I don’t know like the first five (or maybe seven) books of the series. I read all of them in less than a week. Went back and bought the rest. Then the same with the Gentry series. So I have a question. After reading your series, for years your books have evovled greatly over time and I was wondering if that was because that was where your characters led you to or do you think your own home life and day to day workings over the years have influenced you to where we are now in the series? Thanks for your time and of course your awesomeness and keep ’em coming cause anything you write will be added to my kindle library as soon as pre-ordering is available. 😉

  6. Looking forward to learning more about Raphael. He is not just a strong leader, but a good one who puts the safety of his people first.

  7. I have to start off by saying this has got to be the best series involving vampires that I have ever read I started reading these books back when I was 17 and I am 34 now my friend and I used to pass his paperback copies of the first books back and forth every week waiting for the next book I remember being blown away by the story I am still a huge fan to this very day this book series has also inspired me to write my own vampire book series just a little something from a fan of vampires for the fans of vampires anywho I just wanted to thank you for starting this series and taking it as far as you thank you again laurell k hamilton because you do not know how deeply your writting touches people

  8. I’ve always thought that Rafael was the one who teaches Anita how to accept leadership by his good example. He has always had a kind of nobility about him. There is mutual respect between them that allows a different kind of friendship that is not clouded by the ardeur and Anita really needs his perspective to help her see the challenges in her life clearly.

  9. I love your books. My first book of yours that I ever read was nightseer. After I finished with it I had been been looking for part two when I stumbled onto your first Anita Blake books. I was than hooked for life!

  10. Raphael is so awesome. I showed my mother the picture because I was telling her about the books the other day and she said: “He’s definitely built like a rat.” LOL, my mother is great.

  11. Will be getting a little more Damian in this book. And what’s been going on with Ronnie, Zerbowski and Dolph. How are Larry , Tammy and their daughter been?

  12. Would you consider listing the whole Anita Blake series as a set for Ebooks (kindle)? I have read and periodically re-read my paperbacks (when I first found the series) and now the hardcovers since I cannot wait when they are published for the paperback to come out, but I would love the whole set on my E reader so I can read them when ever the day gets crazy and I need an escape!

  13. I have read and re-read all the Anita Blake and Merry Gentry novels. I love how they evolve and grow. There are times I am envious of their strength and times when I see myself and how I view the world in each of them. Anita has to be my favorite though. Some of the books I’ve purchased had afterwords and others didn’t, though I know there are multiple printings through the years. I really enjoyed those glimpses into the how and why the stories and characters grew the way they did. I am glad this next book will bring more of Damien and Rafael to us. I love most of the characters, but I feel like I’ve been waiting since the beginning for Rafael. He grabbed my heart and held on.

  14. I just fnished reading deadice…what happened to Rafael in the book? he was part of the story line and then nothing… is he healing? there was nothing in the epiloge

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