Don’t Feed the Trolls

Sep 06, 2013

I’ve been getting two new questions online, the last few days – One how did people get my brand new Anita Blake novelette, Dancing, early? Two why are they giving it one and two star reviews, and is the novelette worth the money if it’s getting such bad reviews? To answer the first question, none of the people leaving those reviews have read it yet, they can’t have, but yet they’ve “reviewed” it. This happens a lot with books, movies, music, any kind of art. People decide they hate it, before they’ve read, seen, or listened to it, which means their opinion is uninformed, at best. Most of these people will actually buy my novelette, and they will then hate on it with more detail, but remember they have decided to hate it, which makes them trolls. All haters are trolls on the internet, please ignore the trolls. Whatever you do, don’t feed them.

Yes, I know that even writing this blog feeds the trolls, because they seem to thrive off of any attention be it negative, or positive, but I felt that the people that are asking me how these haters got the novelette early, needed to know that the haters don’t have it early. They don’t have it. They don’t get it, the “it” not being the novelette, but more what I do, what all artists do. We create, haters just try to destroy. The world is divided into two main camps, one tries to build things and build people up, the other side tries to tear things and people down. At the end of the day, I am happy to be in the camp that creates, builds, and tries to make the world a better, more positive place. Those that can only hate and try to cause harm, I’ve never understood them, its too alien to who I am.

So, for all you readers out there asking if you should pay attention to the low star reviews out already for Dancing, the answer is, no. Now you may hate the novelette, you may think it’s not worth the money, that I can’t control that. If you hate it, I’m sorry, but I enjoyed writing it, and thought it was very fun to finally get to share Zerbrowski and his family with all of you. I loved watching Nathaniel, Micah, and Anita interact with other police officers and their families. It was fun as hell to have Anita and the men have little Matthew in tow, and Anita have to do the family thing at the cookout. Now, if none of that interests you, by all means skip this one. But I’ll say that you will miss a deepening of their relationship, and revelations about Zerbrowski and his family that will play a part in at least one more novelette, and maybe a novel. I was really trying to keep the Zerbrowski clan out of a novel length piece, because such bad things can happen in my novels, but I’ve written the beginning of the story, so we’ll see.

So, to sum up, no one has Dancing early, the low star reviews are trolls, please ignore the trolls. On the question will you think the novelette is worth the money, I have no idea, I don’t know your criteria for that, but if I didn’t think the story was interesting and added to my character development and world building, I wouldn’t have written it. Maybe you’ll get it and hate it, I hope not, but regardless of how you feel about my story, or anyone else’s art, try not to feed the trolls. I think if you let the trolls drag you down to their level you risk becoming one of them, and no one likes a troll, not even the trolls. Try it sometime if you think you’re friends with a troll, try disagreeing with them about anything and see how fast they turn on you. Haters are gonna hate, its what they do.

73 thoughts on “Don’t Feed the Trolls”

  1. I never listen to the haters! I have loved all your books and I can’t imagine not loving this new one! Anything that has Anita , Micah , and Nathaniel !! How could you go wrong!! I am so excited for it and can’t wait to read!

    1. I love all of Anita Blake’s Books too!!! 🙂 I can NOT wait until the next book is out!!!

  2. Have enjoyed all your book, some more than others. Wish I had the talent to write and create characters like you do. Keep the Anita and Merry books coming do not let the trolls stop you.


  3. Sadly at least one author has decided to not release their first book because it had been given bad ratings and put on “mean named” bookshelves on one book review site. The author was upset that the website allows such bullying.

  4. I think I am capable of deciding what I want to read and by whom, without some idiot telling me how bad it is. I ignore them and hope that they go away. Far away.

  5. Thank you for finally putting into words how some “trolls” respond in reviews. I see these treads but won’t respond to them. I’m so glad you took the time to explain to people how some of these reviews truly don’t fit into a honest review. As I have read all your books for years and bought actual hard copies before online reviews became popular I made up my own mind if I found a book good or not. As you can tell, none of your work I’ve read has ever disappointed! If you put onto page about a character I care about I want to read it. I come to you and have waited long periods for her stories to take me back to her day! Isn’t that why we read?
    Again Ms. Hamilton, you said it best. Have a wonderful day!

  6. I never pay attention to what the reviews say about any of your books. I love them all and I don’t care if others don’t. To me they are just what the characters evolved into and if you don’t like their world don’t go to their world. It’s as simple as that.

  7. I never listen to reviews anymore, especially since you never know the motivation for why people write the things that they do. If I like a particular author I don’t care what anyone says about them, I will still buy their books/novelette and read them before deciding for myself whether I liked it or not.

  8. Well I have liked all your other work so I am sure I will like this. I am planing on getting it. I love ENovella they are a good value and keep you in touch as it can be a long time between books. Thanks and I am waiting for the next Merry book as well. Keep up the good work.

  9. I really don’t look at your reviews because I love your work. I know if your name is on it it’s going to be an awesome read!! Keep up the amazing work you do!!!

  10. Your real fans wouldn’t listen to troll reviews because we love and understand your work. We’ve purchased your novelettes before and will continue to do so. Thank you for letting us know the deal with the so-called early released.

  11. I’ve listen to most of your novels on Sirrus, I later read each of your Anita Blake series. I have to say I’ve enjoyed each of the charcters grow into their parts. I love the books.

  12. I was excited to hear about Dancing at Dragon Con and I’m excited to read it when it comes out. having heard you in person at almost all of your panels, I have discovered that I hear your voice when reading – the cadence is still there.

    Thanks for writing…

    1. I would LOVE to hear Laurells’ voice while I am reading her books!! I have very much enjoyed every one of her books that I have read, and I have even RE-read a couple of them awaiting a new one to come out. I think I would start ALL over and read them in order if I could hear her voice while reading them!! I hope someday I will get the chance to meet Laurell Hamilton in person, come on down to the Houston,Texas area, Pearland would be PERFECT!!! Keep up the AWESOMENESS !!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I just finished reading Hit List in my endeavor to reread the series before reading Affliction. I have to tell you that I have enjoyed my journey with Anita, Jean Claude, Richard, Micah, Nathaniel, Asher, Jason…All of them! lol I look forward to reading Dancing when it comes out. Thank you for such a wonderful escape!

  14. I never listen to others about books I have been reading from the very beginning! I make my own decisions and I have loved your books/short stories. So forget the haters and keep on doing your thing which is awesome.

  15. I am so looking forward to more about Zerbrowski and Co! He’s one of my favourite characters, simply because he reminds me of my husband personality-wise. His car is only slightly messy, not actively dangerous though :p

  16. I don’t pay attention to how the haters rate your books. Some of your novels have been rated low and I read them and didn’t understand why they didn’t like it. Keep on with your creations. They are a highlight in my life. I really enjoy reading about Anita and family; also enjoy Meredith Gentry.

  17. I’m so glad you’ve written about Zerbrowski and family! I know it was one of your plans … I look forward to reading it.

  18. How in blazes can anyone write a review of a book they haven’t read? An author can go an infinite number of ways in any story and unless you live in their head you cannot know anything about the novel/story. In this case Ms Hamilton is the copywrite owner so what she writes goes. Ya wanna know what happens read what she wrote. Otherwise just go away

  19. Waiting with great anticipation for the novelette and the new book as well. Need my “LKH” fix, whether it be Anita or Merry.

  20. I, personally, can’t wait for Dancing. Forget the trolls…they are not worth even my time. I actually never read reviews on any books by you. I love your novels, novelettes, etc. and what other people think in a review will not change my mind. And, yes, all of your works are ‘worth the money’ as anything that entertains me to the degree that your stories do is always worth the money. Keep up the excellent work!

  21. Ms.Hamilton, if I listen to what others say, there would be a chance that i wouldnt of even started reading your books. but, i always make my own mind up. i have read all of your books. i have copy of each of them some i have two of. one paperback one hardback. would love to have hardbacks of all of them. my paperbacks are falling apart. i have read and re-read your books more then 40 times. now, i ask the question, where can i get this book to form my own judgement on?? i am sure i will like the book..and if lucky, it will be re-read also.

    just keep the books coming. wish you could write faster, but, then if you did, the books might not be as good as they are. i love them all.

    a fan for life
    lynn c

  22. I read books based on the author and if I like that author’s storytelling and ANYTHING Anita Blake I read. I don’t even listen to movie critics. They’re nuckin’ futs.

  23. Hi Laurell,
    Sorry you had to defend yourself against trolls. (I see you have a flaming sword to combat them with.) I am looking forward to anything you write furthering character interactions in Anitaverse. I don’t read critics reviews since I have a mind of my own and have been making decisions with it for about 42 years. I also follow you on facebook, so I was sure that nothing new had come out since Affliction bc you are so good about announcements and appearances… Your Dragoncon panel where you were sitting next to Kevin J. Anderson was absolutely hilarious! I agreed with everything you said about kids being at your readings and then I noticed a ten yr. old girl w her parents sitting two rows in front of me. *sigh* Some people.
    Thanks for all the good reads! HJC

  24. One should always support the Artists of The World. I thoroughly enjoy traipsing about in the Universe you’ve created for yourself (and for us), and any chance it has to grow and evolve in meaning and complexity is a good thing. I’ve already determined to buy the new story sight unseen, or, rather, words unread … in any event, I’ve never seen it, and I Love it already. So there.

  25. I have never read a book based on reviews. I always choose mine by what the blurb says and if I like the book I will then read another by that author. Kiss the Shadows was the first book of yours that I read and within a few weeks I had bought every book you had out at that time. Since then I pre-order all your new releases and look forward to them being delivered.
    I can’t wait for the novelette or the next book, I absolutely love both series. Keep up the good work 🙂
    Thank you for writing them <3 🙂

  26. I, for one, have enjoyed your books very much! I like the fact that you’re not afraid to make your lead characters flawed. Too often I find that the characters in books are so “wonderful” that they just loose all appeal. You can’t identify with them in any way. Anitia and her co-characters come out ok in the end, but they struggle just like anyone else. I think that’s why so many people are such avid followers of your work. We don’t listen to the trolls, because we know that in the end, you are a real person who understands that everyone is imperfect and deserves to be loved in spite of those imperfections. Thanks so much for all of the hours of entertaining reading. I look forward to many more.

  27. Personally, I was excited to hear you were giving Zerbrowski some serious page time! I noticed the same trolls starting in on Affliction about a month before it even came out. Giving a book a one star review before it is even out is the worst kind of trollism there is. And judging only because of one aspect of the entire series is ridiculous. I admit, I have skipped over a scene or two in a couple books because I got a little impatient (less sex! more story!) but only a couple, and it did NOT ruin the series for me. Really, people? It wasn’t hard to skim the scenes when they got a little thick. And I bet there were more than a few people who, instead of skimming, read those scenes a few times before moving on. I still love Anita Blake and always will. And even if I myself would not go for the “group relationship,” another of the trollish complaints, (do you know, that’s the one think I couldn’t find an “official” word for? They even have a word for marrying above your station. Sad, no?), it has become Anita’s thing and has made her happy, and I have to admit I’m in book love with more than one of her paramours, so who am I to judge? If you don’t like it, don’t read it. Fine, the rest of us fans will, and will form actual, real opinions. But don’t trash it BECAUSE you’re not reading it. That makes you look stupid, not clever or moral or whatever you’re trying to do, trolls. Personally, nothing will make me adore Anita less. Well, unless she turns into a serial killer or something, that might be a bit hard to swallow. But the way you write, Ms. Hamilton, who knows? You could probably even make me devour THAT book and beg for more. And I do beg for more, every time I finish the latest book. (By the way, I screamed when I read you were doing another Merry book. In a good way.)

  28. I thank you for all you have done. Can we throw the trolls into the pit of hell? I love reading all of your works. Keep
    Up the wonderful work.

    A devoted fan

  29. I have loved all your books and don’t give a dam what anyone else says I have read and reread all your books whIle waiting for a new release to come out, I am reading Merry again from the start. Just keep writing and I’ll keep reading lol 🙂

  30. I for one have never listened to others reviews when it comes to your books Laurell. I for one have loved all of them and sure I have my favorites within the series but live them all. I for one will live being able to read a little about Zerbrowski’ family and see all the characters interact 🙂

  31. I can’t wait to find out more about the Zebrowski family. He has always been one of my favorite characters. Will we finally find out his first name?

    I can’t understand why people have the urge to undermine other peoples’ creations. I was reading how one of your teachers did this to you, way-back-when, and how it hurt you. I’m so glad it didn’t totally kill your “spark”. She must have been your first Troll.

    Can’t wait to go “Dancing” with Anita and her men!

  32. I am only interested in reviews I can trust, i.e. by friends who share my interests, magazines / websites / blogs I regularly read and follow, and the like. And in any case, I don’t choose what to buy and read only according to reviews and opinions. For example, I buy some authors’ works (like yours) regardless. 🙂

  33. It’s ridiculous that people hate on you at all Ms. Hamilton. I am always amazed at how interwoven and detailed your books are and Affliction was no exception. I think there is such a collection of trolls because you are such a landmark in paranormal fiction or urban fantasy whatever you want to call it. I think distinctive artists such as yourself are almost inevitably going to get haters because the artists themselves are the ones who MATTER and never the trolls. I don’t know gifts generate jealousy I guess?

  34. Trolls are dark ugly creatures that swipe at the light in hatred for what they can not have or attain. There will always be trolls, haters, people who hate just to hate. You’re correct to ignore them and move on. I’ve loved your writing since I opened Harlequin and read a page then had to go find the others, obsessively I might add. I love that you’re writing and publishing the side stories, I think the side stories tell much more about the characters than the novels do.

  35. i have loved everything cant wait for this one but wish richard would come back into play i really miss him!!!!

  36. Neither Amazon nor Barnes and Noble has any reviews posted for this novella. Goodreads has no reviews or ratings posted. A Google search pulls up no reviews or ratings whatsoever. A word of advice: when people start contacting you, complaining about the existence of something that doesn’t actually exist (here, negative ratings/reviews of “Dancing”), there are three possibilities for what’s happening: 1) they’re completely deluded, and their words should therefore have been ignored; 2) they’re mistaking reviews of “The Killing Dance” or “Danse Macabre” for “Dancing”, in which case your blog post was misdirected; or 3) they know darn well no reviews exist, and they’re not contacting you out of genuine concern or confusion. They’re doing it TO TROLL YOU. They’re poking you in the hope that you’ll blow up and post some ill-advised missive on “the haters” and “the trolls” so that they can sit and laugh at what they made you do. Please take your own advice and don’t feed the trolls. That you realize this blog did just that in no way mitigates or abrogates the fact that you’ve done just that.

  37. I didn’t even consider whether it was worth it. This is Zerbrowski! I HAD to have it! I preordered this as soon as I seen it advertised. For the trolls – *raspberry* I Love Zerbrowski almost as much as I love Anita. Besides, for me, it wouldn’t have mattered who is featured. If it is an Anita book, I will get it! Keep writing! I love you and your work!

  38. People who CONSTANTLY claim they got haters are really trying make their brain believe that what people are saying to or about them isn’t true. Learn to differentiate when someone is truly hating on you and when someone is trying to keep it real with you.

    I say this because a lot of the “haters” as you put it were the ones who read your books BEFORE it went in a whole new direction(that doesn’t make sense to the development of the characters & story line). We read it because we love the supernatural world you created, which in my opinion was the best ever created. Even Marvel picked it! But they dropped you after seeing what you started doing with your books, since they are a comic book industry and not a porn one, they cut their loses, which is understandable.

    All I’m saying is when you have a bunch of “Yes Men” around you (like the ones on this site), you start to lose sight of what was/is really important. Your latest books have had so many errors of names, events and even grammatical errors, etc…..etc…. that it is really embarrassing and show that even your team cares less about putting out a good book and care more about making money off your bandwagon fans.

    On that note I love your Merry books due to what it was right off the bat. That world is beautiful as well and you pretty much knew what you were getting into in the very first book. Your best out of those was Divine Misdemeanors just because it was well written, and 95% was actually plain old good butt-kicking action.

    Now please tell me if I am a “hater” or someone who actually gave you a well thought out constructive criticism. I would hope that you could see the CLEAR difference. I’m sure a lot of the reviews (aside from the book listed above) are from frustrated fans who can’t seem to put into the right words how they really feel without coming off the wrong way. The fans that are patiently waiting for you to go “Omg, what have I done!” and realize how much these bandwagon fans have pushed you into the wrong direction. Of course Hell might freeze over before that happens but it does show you DO have REAL fans out there that are really trying to stick by your side.

    So before the “claws” come out from your “fans” I hope they actually took the time to read my whole comment and not just the first paragraph. Those type of people are really, really annoying to deal with.

  39. I’m curious, where are all these negative reviews? I can’t find them using google. Amazon has none, Barnes and Noble has none. You felt the need to rant about “haters” but to me it seems that these specific ” haters” don’t exist. I wish you luck with your next book and hope that your next blog may be more informative about things such as your writing progress, book signings, and things that make the fans happy than this ramblings of imagined wrongs

  40. Since I have never hated any of your books, have read all of them so many times that I have worn paper copies out and totally agree that trolls are never worth attention, I am very excited for this new novelette. Yay! Can’t wait!

  41. I have enjoyed all of the Anita books and I understand the hating of a book for what it is. I am a member of a amateur writers site and have had the same happen to one that I and others have written – A person who doesn’t like the subject or the writer will give the story a low score for no other reason than that.

  42. Just wanted to say I have already pre ordered dancing…no reviews needed…I know it will be great!!! 🙂

  43. I love all your books and pre-ordered Dancing the minute I found out about it. Can’t wait to read it!

  44. Does that mean we should also ignore the 5 star reviews being posted? What should we call those people? 🙂

    1. Intelligent, honest, PEOPLE, that is what I would call those that give Laurells books 5 stars! The haters just suck, so TROLLS is a great word for them!

      1. If someone gives a book 5 stars when they haven’t read it, they’re no better than someone who gives a book 1 star when they haven’t read it. And saying that just because someone doesn’t like Laurell’s books is stupid or a liar isn’t rational. Saying stuff like that just makes the fans sound like they lack critical thinking skills, which doesn’t flatter the books for being so well-loved by them.

  45. I have NEVER paid attention to either book or movie reviewers because I was given a brain and the ability to judge things for myself; and you can bet I’ll be reading ANYTHING you write! LOL!

  46. I have been reading Anita for 20yrs. I have NEVER looked at a review…nor have I ever been disappointed.In fact, as celebration for my husband&Is 1st wedding anniversary, after 17yrs, he bought me the traditional gift of paper…Affliction.As always not disappointed.After 20yrs a character can take a life of their own&sometimes the small yet important details are left out, that will give you an even better understanding.I have not yet finished Dancing but so far,completely satisfied.I have every work ever put out for sale…and not just Anita Blake but, ALL her other writings and plan on reading&collecting as long as Laurell K Hamilton keeps writing.Trolls are envious creatures.Thank you LKH for letting us so deeply into your heart and head.Never doubt that you have die hard fans that will always be by your side as long as you allow us there!

  47. Laurell you have helped me be stronger and better within my life by helping me accept that I am ok as I am. Your books have a story that I adore and morals that I agree with. If people want to hate that is their right, however I choose not to listen to them and to make up my own mind on what is important to me. There may have been a scene or two I wasn’t phased on but I can honestly say there is not a single story that could be produced about Anita’s world or Merry’s world that I would not purchase and show support for. Your written world’s inspire and demonstrate that its ok to be different and no matter who you are if you’re decent, your closest friends/family (even if its the family you choose for yourself) will support you no matter what. I could never articulate or create as you do and I will support you whole heartedly while you continue to do so. You are a writer and a person, those haters/trolls are the same as school yard bullies. They are just looking for attention and/or reactions. Your real fans will be here no matter what!!

  48. For years I refused to read anything about vampires, primarily because it seemed everyone wanted to write about them. Then one day I picked and read The Harlequin, and I was hooked. I have finished reading, in order, all the Anita books, and am awaiting your next anxiously. In the meantime I’ll content myself with re-reading the others again. As for the so-called critics, please take comfort in the old adage “Those who can, do. Those who can’t criticize.”

    Here’s looking forward to your next 20 years of Anita. And thanks for the last 20.

  49. When is Richard going to meet the love of his life? A sexy guy like Richard shouldn’t be single….He’s far too…hot….

  50. Hi, really enjoy the books. One question though; is Dancing going to be released in a non-ebook format?

  51. Maybe you could have your revenge on the Trolls by writing a book in which they end up as a snack attack for a Zombie hoard. Now that is a book I would love to buy along with your latest Anita Blake novel.

  52. I am a new reader and listener to your books, and so I find your books fantastic
    and very entertaining. And I do not listen to any persons reviews but my own.

  53. I don’t listen to reviews. I decide for myself. I don’t really like some of the newer books, but I still buy them waiting for a bit of change to the constant sex. Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge fan. I love the worlds of Anita and Merry. But it’s my decision. Not some “troll’s”. I may not like every aspect of the books, but I still do enjoy reading them. Very creative. Ms. Hamilton has a hell of an imagination. I always look forward to reading her work. And I will continue to read her work, because that’s what a fan does.

  54. There is a large group of people out there that really love to hate this series. They have been trolling this series for years now.

    So, LKH actions here aren’t groundless. She is doing what I’ve been doing for years. Just telling people to judge her work by yourself. Don’t let other people do your thinking for you. Don’t be a sheep, be a leader. Use your own brain.

    I’ve read the Anita Blake series 9 times now, and I think it’s one of the best series of books out there. Is it perfect, no, and I could careless about editing issues. My reading comprehension is just fine. I could do without all the sex. I don’t think it’s needed. It was important when Anita became a succubus, and I have liked a lot of the last books sex scenes. Still, I could do without it.

    LKH you have been doing an incredible job with this series, and I know the hate you probably have to deal with out there. Just don’t let the haters get to you. You still have fans that get what you’re writing.

    I read Dancing, I thought it was great. It was a very interesting, thought provoking book. The haters are reading the books for the wrong reasons.

    Can’t wait for the next book.

    1. I totally agree. I use my own judgement on any book I read. I have read all of laurell’s Anita books more then 40 times. I have read the merry books at least 10 times. My books are all falling apart since I re-read them all the time. I love laurell’s books. I do not take what others say about any authors books. I wish that these people that judge others, that we could put a gag in their mouth. Lynn

  55. {Hugs} Flame wars from trolls are, unfortunately, part of the “bad” internet etiquette. Keep up the good work.

  56. The term trolls comes from the fishing term trolling for fish. It latter became a term used to troll for noobs (newbies). Now it became used to refer to people that try to instigate hate about something with no backing of facts. Love your work and while I seen some inconsistency in your work I still enjoy them. Keep it up

  57. Dear Laurell,
    don’t let the haters get you down. You proved your talent, your passion, your brilliancy over and over again. The love of thousands of readers speaks louder than hate of a few individuals.

    We’re all with you. ^^

  58. I’ve read it and I loved it. Getting little peeks Into the background of characters we don’t often see makes me want to learn more about them and all the rest of the characters we don’t know as well as Anita and her loves. I’ve just finished Affliction too. Awesome as well! I always enjoy when Edward is around!

  59. I enjoyed the novelette, “Dancing” I have an interesting perspective. I am a LT in a small dept. I am a lone female in the grand scheme of rank and file officers, and I have 9 grandchildren, 7 of whom are male. I enjoy your books a great deal and wait until I can get the next one. The novelette was a great sidestep of information and I agree with your comments on the formation of a better background of Zebrowski, I enjoy the little comments of the stained clothes or the new tie in your stories. Keep on doing what you do and enjoy your life with all that you are. You have my support and if I ever hear your name being run in my town, I will be there to help..

  60. I can’t wait to read it!!! Please tell us that its coming out soon! And to the Trolls you leave this wonderful woman alone. I have been following her books for years and am always eagerly awaiting the next editions. She brings the characters to life, and I believe learning more about the Anita Blake world helps expand the imaginations in the minds of adults in a reality that is in all truthfulness very dull and monotonous.

  61. Have you ever considered putting out a Merry Gentry novella. It would be a great way to give a little background or even show how Merry interacts with some of the new guards. I for one would buy it.

    1. No matter what any given author might write, no matter how well they write there is always going tobe someone who will say they hate it either because they do and have no taste or just to stir the pot. Yes they are worth writing. They answer questions that there isn’t space for in a full fledged novel I bought Dancing & would buy another if one were written. As to how the trolls get the stuff early… In an electronic environment all it takes is ONE error and there can be many many copies out there. Not nice but a fact. Anyone who has a copy can be the one to make the error….an editor, copywriter office boy etc.

  62. If you’re calling people out for being trolls, I’m sorry but I have to say you’re just another leech sucking the consumer dry. The fact that you refer to yourself as an artist is shameful. You were once that, an enigmatic writer with so much talent it would hemorrhage from the pages, but now you’re just stealing from some of us as well as breaking our hearts for our beloved heroine(s). And just so we’re clear, the FANS you refer to as trolls that are leaving HONEST reviews, are the ones whom monetarily support your drivel. No longer will I be feeding this leech. I’d rather sport the title ‘Troll’ rather than sucker.

  63. Actually a troll isn’t somebody who hates, the definition of a troll is someone who says something whether or not they actually agree with it in order to get a rise out of someone else. You can’t just call anyone who hates your book a troll because a troll is a specific mindset of a specific subset of bully found only in internet culture.

  64. Zerbrowski????? Micah, Jason, Nathanial???? What are r u referring 2? Have not seen any text involving all of them! What gives???
    Plz, plz, plz tell me ur not publishing only in a limited, restricted media????!!!!! Plz plz plz continue 2 publish in ‘pan’media!!!!

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