Down with the sickness
Yep, we’re sick. though it’s a minor sickness. She’s lost her voice, and mine is rough, blasted drainage. All in all, it was a OK, except for the whole allergic to mold in an old city that is in a pleasant location for mold. *sigh*
The business was great, we even got out of London for a day or so, and saw some of the countryside. I’m not really sure at the moment, what Laurell’s mentioned, so I’ll deal in generalities. We met her new British publisher, and did an interview. More meetings with various publishing and publishing related people, then it was research time. That went amazing, and then we had a few days of being tourists. It was during the touristy days that I got sick from my allergies, and then I was a plague monkey, and compromised my wife.
But we’ve been to the doctor, and we have meds, and all things are on track for the rest of the month.