Dragon Con 2013 Schedule

Aug 27, 2013

Here is Laurell’s Schedule for Dragon Con this year.

Title: An Hour with Laurell K. Hamilton
Time: Fri 02:30 pm
Location: Peachtree Ballroom A-F – Westin (Length: 1)
Description: An audience Q&A session with the bestselling author of the Anita Blake and Merry Gentry series.

Title: Autograph Sessions
Time: Fri 04:00 pm
Location: International Hall South – Marriott (Length: 1)

Title: Autograph Sessions
Time: Fri 05:30 pm
Location: International Hall South – Marriott (Length: 1)

Title: In Booth Signing
Time: Sat 11:00 am
Location: America’s Mart – Level 2 Booth 2135 (Length 1)

Title: Spellbound: The Use of Magic in Urban Fantasy
Time: Sat 04:00 pm
Location: Peachtree Ballroom A-F – Westin (Length: 1)
Description: Authors discuss the magic users and systems that appear in their books.

Title: New York Times Bestselling Authors
Time: Sat 05:30 pm
Location: Centennial I – Hyatt (Length: 1)

Title: First Ladies of Fantasy Fiction
Time: Sun 11:30 am
Location: Regency VI – VII – Hyatt (Length: 1)

Title: Vampires and the Women Who Write Them
Time: Sun 02:30 pm
Location: Peachtree Ballroom A-F – Westin (Length: 1)
Description: Authors writing in the field share their thoughts on their characters

Title: Violence in Urban Fantasy: How Much is Too Much?
Time: Sun 10:00 pm
Location: International BC – Westin (Length: 1)
Description: Is there a limit to how much violence the genre should include before it crosses the line into something else?

Title: Page-turners: Mystery and Suspense in Urban Fantasy
Time: Mon 10:00 am
Location: International BC – Westin (Length: 1)
Description: Authors discuss how and why the elements of mystery and suspense play such a significant role in the genre.

8 thoughts on “Dragon Con 2013 Schedule”

  1. Your panels look terrific! Sure sorry I can’t make it this year. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on these topics. Hey, maybe you could blog about them after D-Con is over?

  2. I only wish that you would have put where Dragon Con was being held, the city. I live in Kansas City, MO., and have been trying to watch for Ms. Hamilton to appear somewhere in the state so I could possibly go.
    I love Anita Blake.

  3. Hi, Laurell. I was recently introduced to your work by the public library in my city, which has audio books available.
    I’m reading “Blood Noir,” and it’s a real disc-turner. LOL
    As a blind person, I wish to compliment you on your sensuous way with describing tactile and erotic situations. Blind from birth, I often read things written with the visual so in mind, you’d think there were no other senses from which to choose. Since my blindness is and always has been total, I furthermore haven’t a clue what the author is trying to say.
    Then I came across “Blood Noir.” I love the absolute, sensuous and sensual tactileness of your work.
    Phrases like “his body flowed with fur”, or “His touchable laughter” and “his laugh felt like a feather gliding down my skin.”
    I can relate as a completely nonvisual person, and as a synesthete, who touches sound. Sentences such as these make me wonder if you have synesthesia, and if it might be related to sound and touch: that is, sounds or words create strong tactile impressions, so that a person’s voice might actually make you feel as if a feather stroked your arm, or fur brushed your forehead.
    Thank you for drawing heavily on my favorite sense both as a blind person, and a touch/hearing synesthete.
    Keep the fur flowing.
    Your new fan,

  4. I just found out about Dragon Con and Laurell’s presence at Dragon Con, and I’m making arrangements to attend Saturday and Sunday — I wish I could made Friday, too! I just wanted to thank Laurell for her participation in things like this, and I look forward to hearing her thoughts in person at the events.

    1. I just wanted to say that Laurell was wonderful in the panels I was able to catch — “Spellbound: The Use of Magic in Urban Fantasy” and “Vampires and the Women Who Write Them.” Thank you for attending and being so well-spoken! Your ideas and beliefs come across so strongly, and I felt lucky to be able to hear you speak in those panels. Also, thank you for powering through the migraine you were fighting off on Saturday. The sunglasses did look cool even if that wasn’t their intended purpose. 🙂 I hope you’ll be back to Dragon*Con doing more events next year!

  5. Hi Laurell!

    I hope you’ll consider uploading more videos of these appearances!

    I live in Outback Australia and can’t make it (at least not this year!)

    Best wishes, and thank you for your amazing and inspiring work

    ~ Pixie

  6. So sad I missed your signings (the booth signing wasn’t on the list in the D*C app or I’d have been there in a big way), but about to head to your 2:30 panel, so … yay!

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