DragonCon Parade Info
This year’s parade will be our largest ever, with the potential to top 2000 costumed participants marching on Peachtree Street. Getting every one staged and ready to step off at 10:00AM is, as you can imagine, a major production. Walk-ups on parade morning are always discouraged.
Fans planning to march with Laurell K Hamilton however should sign-up for the parade so we can get critical logistical information to them.
We’ll have a parade check-in table in the Hyatt Regency just outside badge pick-up (Grand Hall, Exhibit Level) on Thursday (4-9:30PM) and Friday (9:30AM-9:30PM). Anyone who didn’t sign-up for the parade by August 13 should come by our table once they get to Dragon*Con.
All parade participants must be Dragon*Con members and are required to wear their badges during the event. The parade is a costumed event and as such all participants (exceptions being honored guests like Laurell) must be in costume. Vampires and vampire hunters are welcome in the parade!
Labels: convention, dragoncon, hamilton, laurell