Eight pages
Eight pages done on MISTRAL’S KISS. Yea! The most pages I’ve gotten done since the amazing news about MICAH came. If you’re wondering why Mistral got mentioned in the title before Doyle or Frost, or anyone else, well, some of my other title ideas with the other men’s names in them, were considered too sexy. Don’t ask me, I just work here. Anyway, I’m done for the day before school even lets out, very cool. What will I do with a few minutes of free time? It happens so infrequently I’m not sure if I remember what you’re supposed to do with a few free moments. Jon is still plowing ahead on the copy edits of DANSE MACABRE, so he’s not free to help me blog about the signing in Tulsa. Sorry everyone, maybe tomorrow. We haven’t put anything up about the signing in Texas either. I’m usually faster about this, or we usually have better connectivity on the road so put something up that night. We’ll get to it, promise. I’ve spent the day writing to Tori Amos’s ‘THE BEEKEEPER’ and the soundtrack to the movie HOODWINKED. Somedays you write to something that puts you in the mood. Somedays you play something that helps keep your own spirits up. Today the music was more for me than the book.