Feeling better

Mar 09, 2007

Okay, Jon and I both managed to catch a bug. Better today. We continued to do work, but it was hard. And yes, I am aware that by not resting completely you make your recovery time longer. But we got deadlines, thanks. Time, tide and deadlines wait for no man, or woman. The first day, I was too sick to work. Day two I took two one hour naps, but worked. Hell the day I first got six I did seventeen pages. Apparently my muse doesn’t get sick at the same time that I do. Lucky.

Then, of course, Jon caught the bug from me. Luckily he doesn’t usually get as sick as I do. I am by far the punier of the two of us. We both laid down for a nap yesterday, and we actually slept. Which says just how sick we were.

Today is better yet. Yea! Still not completely over it, though. I’m hungry but a lot of things sound awful still. I’ve been eating a lot of toast, and green jasmine tea has been my friend.

I did four pages yesterday on A LICK OF FROST, but I had to throw them out today. They just did not work. So I did six pages today, the total redo of yesterday’s pages and two more new. I know it was the right direction for the chapter because the pages didn’t fight me like they did yesterday. I guess I was feeling worse than I knew, because those four pages were a whole lot of telling and not showing. A rookie mistake, and I am by no means a rookie.

I got the last few notes from the copy edits of THE HARLEQUIN yesterday. I had several people look over the notes for me, because when I’m sick I’m not always thinking clearly. The first step to wisdom is knowing that there is a problem.