Finished for the day.
Finished for the day. Yippee. You know how last blog I talked about getting into a rhythm? How I thought I’d finally gotten my rhythm for this book? So I could try for an eight page a day minimum? Well, I think today proves that I’ve found my speed for this book.
Twenty-four pages today. Yea!
You know how I said, if you thought that eight was a lot of pages, that you didn’t even want to know what my maximum page count for most books was? Well, twenty is it. I know, I know, twenty? It is a lot. But most books, once I hit it even for a day, I’ll hit it more often than miss it. The only caveat to that is sometimes I hit for a day, then I’m beat the next day and don’t even make eight pages. I never know if I’ve hit my stride until I try. Today, I wrote until the muse had left me, that was twenty-four pages later, in two sessions. I’m done, and physically beat, even my mind is tired. But the book is alive in my head. I know exactly what I’m writing tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it, instead of dreading it. That is usually a very good sign that I’ve hit my rhythm for a book.
This doesn’t mean there will be no slow days, or days when I’d rather be gardening, or visiting the zoo, or anything but writing. But it means that there will be more days when I’m eager to get to my desk, then days when I dread it. Keep your fingers crossed that I hit eight pages tomorrow. Because if I do, then I’m okay. If I don’t, well, damn.
Exhausted, but happy. Bye for now.