Friends and Conversation

Feb 04, 2009

Went out today with my friend Joanie.  We went to the mall and shopped, and talked, and that was enough.  Some of my friends I see so seldom lately with everyone’s schedules, that you feel that it will be awkward, but we’ve been friends too many years for that.  It’s always like we just saw each other yesterday, except we have lot’s more to tell each other.  We catch up, and as I said, here in the blog earlier, I learned with my friend, Pili, why women like to shop.  It’s not about the clothes.  It’s about the conversation.  It doesn’t have to be profound, or witty, or anything, you’re friends, and it just works.  Just as with some friends silence is never awkward, so conversation can be about anything; it’s just about being in the presence of the other person.  I think I forgot how restful that could be.